There are three types of server certificates, each with different use cases. Details about the server certificates are defined in the Certificate Standard document at https://openfinanceuae.atlassian.net/wiki/x/N4ChAQ .
Instructions on how to create server certificates can be found at https://docs.connect.raidiam.io/manage-certificates-for-organisation
The Client Resource enables organizations to register details of their OpenID Relying Parties (Clients), which will interact with OAuth 2.0 Authorization Servers to access protected APIs. The interaction rules between clients and Authorization Server endpoints are outlined in the Security Profile - FAPI document at https:/wiki/spaces/Internal/pages/26869805openfinanceuae.atlassian.net/wiki/x/LQCaAQ
When a client is created in the Trust Framework, the participant can select which regulatory roles the client has. These roles will define what types of APIs the client can access and will be validated during the client authentication process by the server whenever it requests access to an API.