3.1. Consent State Update
An event notification will be emitted based on consent state change as described in the consent state model: https://openfinanceuae.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/standardsv1rc1/pages/121372984/Consent+Setup#4.-Consent-States.
Changes to the state of an existing consent will be communicated using the following arguments:
Data: The new value of the updated consent resource.
Event resource: The URL of the resource that has been updated.
Event type:
value that uniquely identifies the consent that has been updated.
3.2. Payment State Update
An event notification will be emitted based on consent a payment initiation state change as described in the consent payments state model: https://openfinanceuae.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/standardsv1rc1/pages/121372984/Consent+Setup#4.-Consent-States
Changes to the state of a payment initiation request will be communicated using the following arguments:
Data: The new value of the updated payment initiation resource.
Event resource: The URL of the resource that has been updated.
Event type:
value that uniquely identifies the consent to which the payment initiation request relates.