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This form should be used to gather and share environment specific configuration details for the LFI’s Pre-Production environment.
Pre-Production Domain Names
Section | Question | Answer | Additional Information to be Supplied to Ozone | Provided by |
Domain Names | TPP facing Domain Name Ozone will allocate a domain name for your pre-production environment based on your BIC. | <Link TBC> |
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Domain Names | LFI Facing Domain Name Ozone will allocate a domain name for | <Link TBC> |
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Domain Names | Ozone Connect Base URL LFI to specify the base url on which Ozone Connect is hosted | <Link TBC> |
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Domain Name | Authorisation URL The OIDC There can be only one auth URI for an instance. The auth uri must follow the stipulations placed by FAPI 2.0 (e.g. https only, no query parameters) | <Link TBC> |
Pre-Production Certificates
Ozone Held Transport & Signing Private keys
The table below sets out the steps for each certificate where Ozone holds the Transport & Signing Private keys.