Item | Description | Issuer | Private Key Held By | CSR Generated by | Certificate Generated by | Action required by LFI | JWKS |
Enc1 | Used by the TPP to encrypt PII sent to the OFP that can only be read by the LFI The PII payloads are encrypted using the LFI’s public key in the JWKS The LFI decrypts them using their private key | OFTF | LFI | LFI | LFI | Yes | LFI’s JWKS identified by the Hosted in LFI’s JWKS on OFTF Ozone can provide scripts to generate the CSR if requested by the LFI |
3. Creating certificates
These steps are repeated for S1
- where the private keys is held by the API Hub
to generate private keys for the certificatesOzone
to generate CSRs and hand over toLFI
to generate certificates on OFTF Sandbox directoryLFI
to provide JWKS URL and KID
These steps are repeated for C3
- where the private key is held by the LFI
to generate private key for the certificateLFI
to generate CSRLFI
to generate the certificate from OFTF Sandbox directoryLFI
to provide JWKS URL and KID