Awesome api app render macro | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: UAE Product API description: UAE Open Finance Product API Specification version: v1.2-draft1 contact: email: tags: - name: Products description: Product resource - name: Leads description: ProductLead resourcesresource paths: /products: get: tags: - ProductProducts operationId: GetProducts summary: Retrieve Products description: Retrieve all Products parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Authorization' - name: ProductCategory in: query description: Filter by product category required: false schema: type: string enum: [SavingsSavingsAccount, CurrentAccount, CreditCard, Loan, Mortgage] - name: ShariaCompliantIsShariaCompliant in: query description: Filter by Sharia compliance required: false schema: type: boolean - name: LastUpdatedDateTime in: query description: Filter by last updated date time required: false schema: type: string format: date-time - name: PageNumber in: query description: Page number to retrieve (starts from 1) required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 1 default: 1 - name: PageSize in: query description: Number of records per page required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 100 default: 25100 - name: SortOrder in: query description: Order of sorting the results required: false schema: type: string enum: [ASCasc, DESCdesc] default: ASCasc - name: SortField in: query description: Field to sort the results by required: false schema: type: string enum: [LastUpdatedDateTime, ProductId] default: LastUpdatedDateTime responses: '200': description: The request has succeeded. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductResponse' "400": $ref: "#/components/responses/400Error" "401": $ref: "#/components/responses/401Error" "403": $ref: "#/components/responses/403Error" "405": $ref: "#/components/responses/405Error" "406": $ref: "#/components/responses/406Error" "415": $ref: "#/components/responses/415Error" "429": $ref: "#/components/responses/429Error" "500": $ref: "#/components/responses/500Error" security: - TPPOAuth2Security: - products /leads: post: tags: - Leads summary: "Create a Lead" description: | Create a Lead operationId: "CreateLead" parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Authorization' requestBody: description: | Request Body content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LeadRequest" responses: "201": $ref: "#/components/responses/201LeadResponse" "400": $ref: "#/components/responses/400Error" "401": $ref: "#/components/responses/401Error" "403": $ref: "#/components/responses/403Error" "405": $ref: "#/components/responses/405Error" "406": $ref: "#/components/responses/406Error" "415": $ref: "#/components/responses/415Error" "429": $ref: "#/components/responses/429Error" "500": $ref: "#/components/responses/500Error" security: - TPPOAuth2Security: - products components: schemas: AEError: type: object required: - Code - Message properties: Code: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEErrorCode' description: Low level textual error code, e.g., Field.Missing Message: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 500 description: >- A description of the error that occurred. e.g., 'A mandatory field isn't supplied' or 'RequestedExecutionDateTime must be in future' UAEOF doesn't standardise this field Path: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 500 description: >- Recommended but optional reference to the JSON Path of the field with error, e.g., Data.Initiation.InstructedAmount.Currency Url: type: string description: >- URL to help remediate the problem, or provide more information, or to API Reference, or help etc description: Error additionalProperties: false AEErrorCode: type: string enum: - GenericError AEErrorResponse: type: object required: - Errors properties: Errors: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEError' minItems: 1 description: >- An array of detail error codes, and messages, and URLs to documentation to help remediation. additionalProperties: false ProductResponse: type: object requireddescription: | - Product DataResponse propertiesrequired: - Data: properties: type: object Data: required: description: | - LFIId Products response - LFIBrandIdtype: array items: - Product propertiestype: object LFIIdrequired: type: string- LFIId - LFIBrandId: type:- stringProduct Productsproperties: typeLFIId: array itemstype: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/Product' Product:description: The unique identifier for the LFI within the CBUAE ecosystem type: object requiredLFIBrandId: - ProductId type: string - ProductName - ProductCategory description: The properties:unique identifier for the LFI Brand within the CBUAE ProductId:ecosystem type: string Products: ProductName: type: stringarray example: "Savings Account" description: The Product array ProductCategory: can contain one or more products associated to a single LFI type: string enumitems: [Savings, CurrentAccount, CreditCard, Loan, Mortgage] Description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Product' typeProduct: string type: object EffectiveFromDateTime: description: The Product information type: string required: format: date-time ProductId EffectiveToDateTime: - ProductName type:- stringProductCategory format: date-timeproperties: LastUpdatedDateTimeProductId: type: string formatdescription: date-time ShariaCompliant: type: booleanA data holder specific unique identifier for this product. This identifier must be unique to a product but does not otherwise need to adhere to ID permanence guidelines. ShariaInformationProductName: type: "array"string itemsdescription: The display name of the product. type: object example: "Savings Account" properties ProductCategory: type: string Type: description: The type of Banking product type: string enum: [SavingsAccount, CurrentAccount, CreditCard, Loan, Mortgage] Description: description: A human-readable description of the product type: string IsSalaryTransferRequired:that can be displayed to the User for marketing and information purposes. type: booleanstring LinksEffectiveFromDateTime: $refdescription: '#/components/schemas/Links' Eligibility: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Eligibility' Documentation: The date and time from which this product is effective (i.e. is available for origination). Used to enable the articulation of products to the regime before they are available for customers to originate. type: arraystring itemsformat: date-time EffectiveToDateTime: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Document' description: The Channels:date and time at which this product will be retired and type:will arrayno longer be offered. Used to enable the managed deprecation of items:products. type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/Channel' Featuresformat: date-time typeLastUpdatedDateTime: array itemsdescription: The last date and time that the information for this product $ref: '#/components/schemas/Feature' Limits:was changed (or the creation date for the product if it has never been altered). type: arraystring itemsformat: date-time IsShariaCompliant: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Limit' type: boolean Fees: description: Indicates whether the product is Sharia-compliant. typeShariaInformation: array type: string items: description: The description of the Sharia $ref: '#/components/schemas/Fee'compliance information. BenefitsIsSalaryTransferRequired: type: arrayboolean items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Benefit'description: Does the Consumer need to pay their salary into a current account provided by the LFI to be able to open this product. ProductLinks: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductDetailsLinks' Links: Eligibility: type: object properties$ref: '#/components/schemas/Eligibility' ApplicationUri Channels: type: stringarray formatitems: uri KfsUri$ref: '#/components/schemas/Channel' Product: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductDetails' format: uri Links: OverviewUridescription: Links to the Product details type: stringobject properties: format: uri ApplicationUri: TermsUri: description: A link to apply for type:the stringproduct. formattype: string uri FeesAndPricingUriformat: uri typeKfsUri: string formatdescription: uriA link to the Key Facts Statement for the ScheduleOfChargesUri:product type: string format: uri EligibilityUriOverviewUri: typedescription: stringA link to a general overview of the product. format: uri CardImageUri: type: string format: uri Eligibility: TermsUri: type: object propertiesdescription: A link to the Terms and conditions ResidenceStatus:for the product. type: arraystring itemsformat: uri FeesAndPricingUri: type: object description: A link to the Fees properties:and Pricing for the product. Typetype: string format: uri type: string ScheduleOfChargesUri: enumdescription: [UaeResident, ExpatriatesResident, NonUaeResident] A link to the Schedule of Charges for the product. Description: type: string typeformat: stringuri EmploymentStatusEligibilityUri: typedescription: arrayA link to the Eligibility for the product. items: type: string type: object format: uri propertiesCardImageUri: description: A link to Type:the Card Image for the product. type: string format: uri enumEligibility: [Salaried, NonSalaried, EligibleEmployer, SelfEmployed, Unemployed, MinimumSalary] type: object description: | Description: The eligibility criteria for the product. typeproperties: string ResidenceStatus: CustomerType: typedescription: array| items: The residence statuses of the User - that are eligible for type:the objectproduct. propertiestype: "array" Typeitems: type: stringobject properties: enum: [Retail, SME, Corporate] Type: Description: type: string type: string AccountOwnershipdescription: | type: array The type of items:residence status eligible for the product. type: object enum: [UaeResident, ExpatriatesResident, properties:GCCNational, NonUaeResident] TypeDescription: type: string enumdescription: [Individual, Joint, Multi]| Description: The description of the residence status eligible for the product. type: string example: [ Age: { type: array itemsType: "UaeResident", type Description: object"A person who is a resident of the United Arab Emirates." properties: } Type: ] typeEmploymentStatus: string description: | enum: [MinimumAge, MaximumAge] The employment statuses of the User Description:- that are eligible for the product. type: stringarray items: Value: type: object type: number properties: AdditionalEligibility: typeType: array items: type: string type: object description: | properties: Type: The type of employment status eligible for the product. type: string enum: [Salaried, NonSalaried, EligibleEmployer, SelfEmployed, Unemployed, MinimumSalary] Description: Description: type: string Document: type: string object properties: Typedescription: | type: string The description of the enum: [Passport, IDCard, UtilityBill, BankStatement, Other]employment status eligible for the product. DescriptionCustomerType: typedescription: string| Channel: type: objectThe customer types of the User - properties:that are eligible for the product. Type: type: stringarray enumitems: [Phone, Internet, Mobile, Branch, ATM, RelationshipManager] Descriptiontype: object type: string properties: Feature: type: object Type: properties: Type: type: string type: string enumdescription: [Feature1, Feature2, Feature3]| Description: The type of customer type: stringeligible for the product. Limit: type: object propertiesenum: [Retail, SME, Corporate, New, Existing] Type: typeDescription: string enum: [Limit1, Limit2, Limit3] type: string Description: typedescription: string| Value: The type:description numberof the customer type eligible Fee:for the product. type: object AccountOwnership: properties: Typedescription: | type: string The account ownership types of the User - that enum: [Monetary, Percentage]are eligible for the product. Nametype: array typeitems: string Description: type: object type: string properties: Unit: typeType: string enum: [Amount, Percentage] type: string Amount: typedescription: number| Percentage: The type: number of account ownership eligible for the product. nullable: true UnitValueenum: [Individual, Joint, Multi] type: number Description: nullable: true MaximumUnitValuetype: string type: number description: | nullable: true Currency: The description of the account ownership eligible for type:the stringproduct. Benefit: Age: type: object propertiesdescription: | Type: The age of the User - type:that stringare eligible for the product. enum: [Cashback, RewardPoints, TravelBenefits, LifeStyleBenefits, WelcomeGifts, Discounts, Protection]type: array Nameitems: type: object string Descriptionproperties: type: string Type: Value: type: numberstring ProductDetails: type: object description: The type properties:of age eligibility criteria. CurrentAccount: $refenum: '#/components/schemas/CurrentAccountDetails' [MinimumAge, MaximumAge] Savings: Description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SavingsDetails' CreditCard: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/CreditCardDetails' PersonalLoandescription: The description of the age eligibility criteria. $ref: '#/components/schemas/PersonalLoanDetails' MortgageValue: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MortgageDetails' type: number ProfitSharingRate: $refdescription: '#/components/schemas/ProfitSharingRateDetails' The value of the age eligibility criteria. FinanceProfitRate: AdditionalEligibility: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FinanceProfitRateDetails' description: | CurrentAccountDetails: type: objectAdditional eligibility criteria for the product. properties: Typetype: array type items: string enumtype: [Basic, Premium, Advanced]object OverdraftAvailableproperties: type: boolean Type: AdditionalInformation: type: arraystring items: enum: [Student, UaeArmedForces, TimeInCountry, Other] type: object propertiesdescription: The type of eligibility criteria. Type Description: type: string enumdescription: [Additional1, Additional2] The description of the eligibility criteria. Channel: Decriptiontype: object description: | type: stringThe channels through which the SavingsDetails:User can use the product. type: object properties: Type: type: string enumdescription: | [Savings1, Savings2] Description: The type of channel through which the User can type:use stringthe product. MinimumBalance: enum: [Phone, Internet, MobileApp, Branch, $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0'RelationshipManager, Other] AnnualReturnDescription: type: string number Featuresdescription: | type: array The description of the channel through which the User items:can use the product. ProductDetails: type: object description: | properties: The product type specific details for the product. Description: properties: CurrentAccount: type: string CreditCardDetails$ref: '#/components/schemas/CurrentAccountDetails' type: object SavingsAccount: properties: Type$ref: '#/components/schemas/SavingsDetails' typeCreditCard: string enum: [Credit1, Credit2]$ref: '#/components/schemas/CreditCardDetails' DescriptionPersonalLoan: type$ref: string'#/components/schemas/PersonalLoanDetails' RateMortgage: type$ref: number '#/components/schemas/MortgageDetails' Features ProfitSharingRate: type$ref: array'#/components/schemas/ProfitSharingRateDetails' itemsFinanceProfitRate: type$ref: object'#/components/schemas/FinanceProfitRateDetails' CurrentAccountDetails: propertiestype: object Typedescription: | The details specific to a current account type:product. stringWhen ProductCategory is "CurrentAccount" the CurrentAccount object must also be returned enumproperties: [Insurance, FlexiblePaymentTerm, BalanceTransfer, CashBack] Type: Descriptiondescription: | The type: stringof current account product. Valuetype: string enum: [Basic, Premium, type: numberAdvanced, Other] FeesDescription: type: arraystring itemsdescription: | type: objectThe description of the current account product. properties: OverdraftAvailable: Typetype: boolean description: | type: string Indicates whether the current account product has Name:an overdraft facility. Documentation: type: stringarray description: | Description: A list of documents that are required type:by stringthe LFI when applying for the current account product. Value: items: type: numberobject Benefits: description: | type: array A document that items:is required by the LFI when applying for the current type: objectaccount product. properties: Type: type: string enumdescription: [Cashback, RewardPoints, TravelBenefits, LifeStyleBenefits, WelcomeGifts, Discounts, Protection]| The type of Name:document required by the LFI when applying for the current account product. type: string enum: [ApplicationForm,IDCard, Passport, ResidenceVisa, ProofofAddress, UtilityBill, Description:SalaryCertificate, SalarySlip, TradeLicence, BusinessOwnership, Other] type: string Description: Value: type: string type: number PersonalLoanDetailsdescription: | type: object properties: The description of the Type:document required by the LFI when applying for the current account type:product. string DescriptionFeatures: type: stringarray MaximumLoanAmountdescription: | $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' Tenure: A list of features of the current account product. typeitems: object propertiestype: object MinimumLoanTenure description: | type: stringA feature of the current account product. MaximumLoanTenure: properties: type: string Type: CalculationMethod: typedescription: string| Rate: The type: objectof additional current account feature. properties: type: string Type: typeenum: string Description: [IslamicBanking, IslamicFinance, DebitCard, MultipleCurrencies, DigitalWallet, ChequeBook, Cashback, ATMTransfers, FreeCashWithdrawal, FreeInternationalPayments, Contactless, CardlessATMWithdrawal, TellerTransactions, SMSNotifications, BillPayments, FundsTransfer, SalaryAdvance, WorldWideSupport, Other] type Description: string ReviewFrequencydescription: | type: string The description of the additional current account feature. IndicativeRate: type: objectstring Fees: properties: type: array Fromdescription: | A list of fees associated type:with stringthe current account product. Toitems: type: object type: string description: | ProfitRate: A fee associated with the type:current objectaccount product. properties: FromType: type: string Todescription: | The type: stringof fee. AnnualPercentageRateRange: enum: type: object properties:[MonthlyFees, AnnualFees, BalanceFallBelow, Overdraft, DomesticTransaction, ForeignTransaction, ATMWithdrawal, ChequeBook, ReplacementChequeBook, ReturnCheque, CardReplacement, AccountStatement, LetterIssued, Other] FromPeriod: type: string To: description: | type: string The FixedRatePeriod:period of the fee. type: string DebtBurdenRatioenum: [Daily, Monthly, Yearly, OneOff, Other] type: string Name: Features: type: string array items: description: | type: object The name of the properties:fee. TypeDescription: type: string Description description: | type: string The description of the fee. AdditionalInformation: typeUnit: array itemstype: string type: object description: | properties: The unit of the Type:fee. typeenum: string[Amount, Percentage] DescriptionAmount: type$ref: string'#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' MortgageDetails: typePercentage: object properties: Typetype: number type: string description: | Description: type: string The percentage of the PlanName:fee. type: string UnitValue: CalculationMethod: type: number string Structure: description: | type: string Rate: The value of the fee type:in objectthe unit of the fee. properties: MaximumUnitValue: Type: type: number type: string enumdescription: [Fixed,| Variable, Hybrid] Description: The maximum value of the fee in the unit of the type:fee. string Limits: ReviewFrequency: type: array type: string description: | IndicativeRate: A list of limits associated with the current account product. type: object items: properties: type: object From: description: | A type:limit stringof the current account product. Toproperties: Type: type: string ProfitRatetype: string type: object description: | properties: The type of limit. From: enum: [MinimumDeposit, MinimumBalance, MaximiumWithdrawal, MaximumCashATMWithdrawal, MaximumInternationalATMWithdrawal, type: string RetailDomesticPurchase, RetailInternationalPurchase, TellerTransactions, Other] ToDescription: type: string IndicativeAPR: description: | type: object properties: The description of the limit. From: Value: type: string Totype: number type: string description: | FixedRatePeriod: type: string The value of the limit. MaximumLoanAmount: Benefits: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' type: array MaximumLTV: description: | type: string DownPayment:A list of benefits associated with the current account product. $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' items: Tenure: type: object properties: description: | MinimumLoanTenure: A benefit associated with the current account product. type: string properties: MaximumLoanTenure: Type: type: string ProfitSharingRateDetails: type: objectstring properties: Typedescription: | type: string The Description:type of benefit. type: string Nameenum: [Cashback, RewardPoints, AirMiles, AirportLounge, RoadSideAssistance, Parking, WelcomeGifts, Discounts, InsuranceProtection, PurchaseProtection, Dining, type: string Cinema, Golf, Other] MinimumDepositAmount: Name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' AnnualReturn: type: string type: number AnnualReturnOptionsdescription: | type: array The name of items:the benefit. type: object Description: properties: type: string Type: description: | type: string The description of the Description:benefit. Value: type: string InvestmentPeriod: type: number type: object propertiesdescription: | Type: The value of the benefit. typeSavingsDetails: string type: object Descriptiondescription: | The details specific to a type:savings stringaccount product. When ProductCategory is "SavingsAccount" the SavingsAccount object AdditionalInformation:must also be returned typeproperties: array itemsType: typedescription: object| properties:The type of savings account product. Type type: string typeenum: string[Savings, OnlineSaver, TermDeposit, Notice, Other] Description: description: | type: string FinanceProfitRateDetails: The description of the savings type:account objectproduct. properties: Typetype: string typeMinimumBalance: string enum: [ProfitSharingRate, FinanceProfitRate]$ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' DescriptionAnnualReturn: typedescription: string| CalculationMethod: The annual return of the savings account type:product stringexpressed as a percentage. enum: [FlatRate, ReducingRate, Profit, Lease]type: number RateDocumentation: type: numberarray Frequency: description: | type: string A list of documents that Tiers:are required by the LFI when applying for the savings account type:product. array items: $reftype: '#/components/schemas/RateTier'object AdditionalInformation: description: | type: array A document that items:is required by the LFI when applying for the savings account product. type: object properties: Type: type: string Description: description: | type: string The RateTier:type of document required by the LFI type:when objectapplying for the savings account product. properties: Type: enum: [ApplicationForm,IDCard, Passport, ResidenceVisa, ProofofAddress, type: string UtilityBill, SalaryCertificate, SalarySlip, TradeLicence, BusinessOwnership, Other] Description: typeDescription: string Name: type: string Unit: description: | type: string enum: [Balance, LTV, TimePeriod] The description of the document required by MinimumTierValue:the LFI when applying for the product. $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' Features: MaximumTierValue: type: array $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' description: | MinimumTierRate: A type:list stringof features of the savings account product. MaximumTierRate: items: type: string Conditiontype: object type: string AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0description: | type: object required: A feature of the savings account product. - Amount - Currencyproperties: description: >- Type: This is the value of the amount in the currency propertiestype: string Amount: $refdescription: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType'| Currency: The $ref: '#/components/schemas/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode_0' type of feature. additionalProperties: false AEActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType: descriptionenum: >- A number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the[IslamicBanking, IslamicFinance, DebitCard, MultipleCurrencies, ATMCard, FreeATMAccess, ChequeBook, CardlessChequeDeposit, CounterTransactions, MoneyTransfer, NoLockIn, SMSNotifications, Other] Description: unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217. type: string pattern: ^\d{1,13}$|^\d{1,13}\.\d{1,5}$ ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode_0: description: >-| Identification of the currency in which the account is held. AThe codedescription of the feature. allocated to a currencyFees: under an international currency identification type: array scheme, as described in the latest edition of the internationaldescription: standard| ISO 4217 'Codes for theA representationlist of currenciesfees andassociated funds'.with the savings account product. type: string patternitems: ^[A-Z]{3,3}$ example: AED LeadRequest:type: object typedescription: "object" | additionalProperties: false A fee associated required:with the savings account product. - "Data" properties: Data: Type: type: "object" additionalPropertiestype: falsestring required: description: | - Name The type -of Emailfee. properties: enum: [MonthlyFees, AnnualFees, BalanceFallBelow, DomesticTransaction, ForeignTransaction, ATMWithdrawal, Email:ChequeBook, ReplacementChequeBook, ReturnCheque, CardReplacement, AccountStatement, LetterIssued, AccountClosure, Other] type: string Period: format: email type: string description: Email address of the account holder description: | PhoneNumber: The period of the fee. type: string patternenum: ^\+[1-9]\d{1,14}$ [Daily, Monthly, Yearly, OneOff, Other] description: Phone number in E.164Name: format Name: type: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEUserName' description: | EmiratesId: The name of type:the stringfee. descriptionDescription: Emirates ID number of the Party type: string Nationality: typedescription: string| ResidentialAddress: The description of the fee. $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityAddressClaim' Unit: LeadInformation: type: string ProductCategories: description: | type: array The unit of the fee. items: enum: [Amount, Percentage] type: object Amount: properties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' Type: Percentage: type: string type: number enumdescription: [Savings,| CurrentAccount, CreditCard, Loan, Mortgage] description: Properties to request aThe thepercentage Confirmation of Payeethe fee. LeadResponse: type UnitValue: "object" additionalProperties: false requiredtype: number - "Data" propertiesdescription: | Data: type: "object" additionalProperties: falseThe value of the fee in the unit of the fee. requiredMaximumUnitValue: - LeadId type: number - Name description: | - Email properties: The maximum value of the fee in the unit of the fee. LeadId: Limits: type: string type: array description: Unique| identifier for the lead A list of limits Email:associated with the savings account product. type: string items: type: object formatdescription: email| description:A Emaillimit address of the savings account holderproduct. PhoneNumberproperties: typeType: string patterntype: ^\+[1-9]\d{1,14}$string description: Phone number in E.164 format | The type of limit. Name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEUserName'enum: [MinimumOpeningBalance, MaximumBalance, MaximiumWithdrawal, MaximumCashATMWithdrawal, MaximumInternationalATMWithdrawal, MaximumTellerTransactions, Other] EmiratesIdDescription: type: string description: Emirates| ID number of the Party Nationality: The description of the limit. type: string Value: ResidentialAddress: type: number $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityAddressClaim' LeadInformationdescription: | type: string The value of the limit. ProductCategories: Benefits: type: array description: | items: A list of benefits associated with the savings account product. type: object items: properties: type: object Typedescription: | A benefit associated with the type:savings stringaccount product. properties: enum: [Savings, CurrentAccount, CreditCard, Loan, Mortgage] Type: description: Properties to request a the Confirmation of Payee type: string AEUserName: oneOf: description: | - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPersonalAccountName' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEBusinessAccountName' AEPersonalAccountName:The type of benefit. type: object required: enum: [Cashback, DiscountOffers, RewardPoints, -InsuranceProtection, GivenNameLoyaltyMembership, ComplementaryServices, Other] - LastName propertiesName: GivenName: type: string minLength: 1 description: | maxLength: 70 description: >- The name of the benefit. The given or first name of the accountDescription: holder, as understood by the type: Debtorstring LastName: description: | type: string minLength: 1 The description of the benefit. maxLength: 70 descriptionValue: >- The family or surnametype: ofnumber the account holder, as understood by the description: | Debtor description: The properties required to verify a personal account The value of additionalProperties:the falsebenefit. AEBusinessAccountNameCreditCardDetails: type: object requireddescription: | - BusinessNameThe details specific to a credit card properties:product. When ProductCategory is "CreditCard" the CreditCard object must BusinessName:also be returned typeproperties: string minLengthType: 1 description: maxLength:| 140 description: The businesstype name of the accountcredit holder,card asproduct. understood by the Debtor descriptionenum: The properties required to verify a business account [Visa, Mastercard, AmericanExpress, Diners, Other] additionalPropertiestype: falsestring AEPartyIdentityAddressClaim: Description: type: object requireddescription: | - Formatted The description of the credit -card StreetAddressproduct. - Locality type: string - Region Rate: - PostalCode description: | - Country The properties:Annual Percentage Rate (APR) that is displayed as the main Formatted:rate. type: stringnumber Documentation: description: | type: array The address number and street claim that hasdescription: been| verified. StreetAddress: A list of documents that are required by type:the stringLFI when applying for the credit card product. description: | items: The address street claim that has beentype: verified.object Locality: description: | type: string A document that description:is >required by the LFI when applying for the credit card product. The address locality (village, town, city etc) claim that has been properties: verified. Type: Region: type: string description: | description: | The address region claim that has been verified. The type of document PostalCode:required by the LFI when applying for the product. enum: [ApplicationForm, IDCard, Passport, ResidenceVisa, ProofofAddress, UtilityBill, BankStatement, SalaryCertificate, SalarySlip, TradeLicence, UndatedSecurityCheque, BusinessOwnership, Other] Description: type: string description: | The description of the document required by the LFI when applying for the product. Features: type: array description: | A list of features of the credit card product. items: type: object description: | A feature of the credit card product. properties: Type: type: string description: | The type of feature. enum: [IslamicBanking, IslamicFinance, AdditionalCards, CoBrandedCard, BalanceTransfer, CashWithdrawal, InternationalPayments, FlexiblePaymentTerm, InstalmentPaymentPlans, InsuranceProtection, CreditShield, CardControl, PersonalisedCardDesign, Other] Description: type: string description: | The description of the feature. Fees: type: array description: | A list of fees associated with the credit card product. items: type: object description: | A fee associated with the credit card product. properties: Type: type: string description: | The type of fee. enum: [AnnualFee, CashAdvance, LatePayment, BalanceTransfer, ForeignTransaction, OverLimit, CardReplacement, CardStatement, SalesVoucherCopy, LetterIssued, Other] Period: type: string description: | The period of the fee. enum: [Daily, Monthly, Yearly, OneOff, Other] Name: type: string description: | The name of the fee. Description: type: string description: | The description of the fee. Unit: type: string description: | The unit of the fee. enum: [Amount, Percentage] Amount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' Percentage: type: number description: | The percentage of the fee. UnitValue: type: number description: | The value of the fee in the unit of the fee. MaximumUnitValue: type: number description: | The maximum value of the fee in the unit of the fee. Limits: type: array description: | A list of limits associated with the credit card product. items: type: object description: | A limit of the credit card product. properties: Type: type: string description: | The type of limit. enum: [MinimumCreditLimit, MaximumCreditLimit, MinimumRequiredCreditScore, MinimumSpend, MaximumCashATMWithdrawal, MaximumInternationalATMWithdrawal, Other] Description: type: string description: | The description of the limit. Value: type: number description: | The value of the limit. Benefits: type: array description: | A list of benefits associated with the credit card product. items: type: object description: | A benefit associated with the credit card product. properties: Type: type: string description: | The type of benefit. enum: [Cashback, RewardPoints, AirMiles, AirportLounge, AirportPickUps, RoadSideAssistance, WelcomeGifts, ShoppingDiscounts, DiningDiscounts, LoyaltyMembership, InsuranceProtection, PurchaseProtection, ConciergeServices, ValetParking, Cinema, Golf, Gym, Spa, BeachPoolAccess, Other] Name: type: string description: | The name of the benefit. Description: type: string description: | The description of the benefit. Value: type: number description: | The value of the benefit. PersonalLoanDetails: type: object properties: Type: description: | The type of the personal loan product. When ProductCategory is "PersonalLoan" the PersonalLoan object must also be returned type: string enum: [PersonalFinance, DebtSettlement, EducationFinance, TravelFinance, BoatFinance, Other] Description: description: | The description of the personal loan product. type: string MinimumLoanAmount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' MaximumLoanAmount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' Tenure: type: object description: | The tenure of the personal loan product. properties: MinimumLoanTenure: description: | The minimum loan tenure in months. type: number MaximumLoanTenure: description: | The maximum loan tenure in months. type: number CalculationMethod: type: string enum: [FlatRate, ReducingRate, Profit, Lease] description: | For conventional home loans confirmation of the method to calculate payments and how interest is charged. The options are: FlatRate - Interest is calculated on the full principal amount for the entire loan tenure. ReducingRate - Interest is calculated only on the outstanding principal balance after each repayment. For Shariah compliant home loans confirmation of the method to calculate payments. The options are: Profit Lease Rate: type: object description: | Confirmation of the rates range that will be applied to the home finance. properties: Type: type: string enum: [Fixed, Variable, Hybrid] description: | Confirmation whether the rate is a Fixed rate, Variable rate or a Hybrid rate that is fixed for initial years and variable thereafter. Description: type: string description: | The description of the rate. ReviewFrequency: type: string description: | When the rate is Variable the frequency the rate is reviewed against base index. IndicativeRate: type: object description: | For conventional personal loans confirmation of the indicative rate covering the minimum (From) and maximum (To) rate range. properties: From: type: number description: | The minimum rate. To: type: number description: | The maximum rate. ProfitRate: type: object description: | the Profit Rate covering the starting rate from up to the maximum Profit Rate that could apply depending upon the Product type, the type of the property and the amount of Finance availed in relation to the market price of the property. properties: From: type: number description: | The minimum rate. To: type: number description: | The maximum rate. AnnualPercentageRateRange: type: object description: | Annual Percentage Rate (APR) covering the minimum and maximum APR range. The indicative APR range includes applicable interest, fees and charges of the product, expressed as an annualised rate. properties: From: type: number description: | The minimum APR. To: type: number description: | The maximum APR. FixedRatePeriod: description: Must be populated when the Rate Type is Fixed to confirm the period the rate will be fixed for. type: string DebtBurdenRatio: type: string description: | If applicable, the maximum percentage DBR value based on the total debt / total income calculation. DBR is the ratio of the Customer’s total monthly outgoing payments (including instalments towards their loans and credit cards), to their total income. Documentation: type: array description: | A list of documents that are required by the LFI when applying for the personal loan product. items: type: object description: | A document that is required by the LFI when applying for the personal loan product. properties: Type: type: string description: | The type of document required by the LFI when applying for the product. enum: [ApplicationForm, IDCard, Passport, ResidenceVisa, ProofofAddress, UtilityBill, BankStatement, SalaryCertificate, SalarySlip, UndatedSecurityCheque, ProofofBusinessOwnership, TradeLicence, MemorandumofAssociation, BusinessOwnership, Other] Description: type: string description: | The description of the document required by the LFI when applying for the product. Features: type: array description: | A list of features of the personal loan product. items: type: object description: | A feature of the personal loan product. properties: Type: type: string description: | The type of feature. enum: [IslamicBanking, IslamicFinance, QuickApproval, FreeDebitCard, FreeCreditCard, FlexibleRepaymentPeriods, BuyOut, TransferPersonalLoan, LoanConsolidation, LoanTopUp, RevolvingOverdraft, DefermentFacility, LifeInsurance, Guarantor, Other] Description: type: string description: | The description of the feature. Limits: type: array description: | A list of limits associated with the personal loan product. items: type: object description: | A limit of the personal loan product. properties: Type: type: string description: | The type of limit. enum: [MinimumRequiredCreditScore, MaximumOverpayment, Other] Description: type: string description: | The description of the limit. Value: type: number description: | The value of the limit. Fees: type: array description: | A list of fees associated with the personal loan product. items: type: object description: | A fee associated with the personal loan product. properties: Type: type: string description: | The type of fee. enum: [Processing, LoanCancellation, PartialPayment, LatePayment, EarlySettlement, FinalSettlement, Other] Period: type: string description: | The period of the fee. enum: [Daily, Monthly, Yearly, OneOff, Other] Name: type: string description: | The name of the fee. Description: type: string description: | The description of the fee. Unit: type: string description: | The unit of the fee. enum: [Amount, Percentage] Amount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' Percentage: type: number description: | The percentage of the fee. UnitValue: type: number description: | The value of the fee in the unit of the fee. MaximumUnitValue: type: number description: | The maximum value of the fee in the unit of the fee. Benefits: type: array description: | A list of benefits associated with the personal loan product. items: type: object description: | A benefit associated with the personal loan product. properties: Type: type: string description: | The type of benefit. enum: [Other] Name: type: string description: | The name of the benefit. Description: type: string description: | The description of the benefit. Value: type: number description: | The value of the benefit. AdditionalInformation: type: array description: | A list of additional information about the personal loan product. items: type: object properties: Type: type: string enum: [Other] description: | The type of personal loan additional information. Description: type: string description: | The description of the personal loan additional information. MortgageDetails: type: object description: | The details specific to a mortgage product. When ProductCategory is "Mortgage" the Mortgage object must also be returned properties: Type: type: string enum: [FixedRate, VariableRate, HybridRate, IslamicHomeLoan, Offset, Other] description: | The type of mortgage product. Description: type: string description: | The description of the mortgage product. CalculationMethod: type: string enum: [FlatRate, ReducingRate, Profit, Lease] description: | For conventional home loans confirmation of the method to calculate payments and how interest is charged. The options are: FlatRate - Interest is calculated on the full principal amount for the entire loan tenure. ReducingRate - Interest is calculated only on the outstanding principal balance after each repayment. For Shariah compliant home loans confirmation of the method to calculate payments. The options are: Profit Lease Structure: type: string description: | When the home loan is Shariah compliant, confirmation of the Islamic finance model that is used for the housing finance. Rate: type: object description: | Rate information for the mortgage product. properties: Type: type: string enum: [Fixed, Variable, Hybrid] description: | Confirmation whether the rate is a Fixed rate, Variable rate or a Hybrid rate that is fixed for initial years and variable thereafter. Description: type: string description: | The description of the rate. ReviewFrequency: description: When the rate is Variable the frequency the rate is reviewed against base index. type: string IndicativeRate: type: object description: The indicative rate covering the minimum (From) and maximum (To) rate range. properties: From: description: The minimum rate. type: number To: description: The maximum rate. type: number ProfitRate: type: object description: | the Profit Rate covering the starting rate from up to the maximum Profit Rate that could apply depending upon the Product type, the type of the property and the amount of Finance availed in relation to the market price of the property. properties: From: type: number description: | The minimum rate. To: type: number description: | The maximum rate. IndicativeAPR: type: object description: | The indicative APR covering the minimum (From) and maximum (To) rate range. properties: From: type: number description: | The minimum rate. To: type: number description: | The maximum rate. FixedRatePeriod: type: string description: | Must be populated when the Rate Type is Fixed to confirm the period the rate will be fixed for. MinimumLoanAmount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' MaximumLoanAmount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' MaximumLTV: type: number description: The maximum Loan-to-Value (LTV) allowed. Where a different LTV applies for each residency type the individual value must be provided. DownPayment: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' RepaymentTenure: type: object description: | The maximum repayment tenure for the mortgage product. properties: MinimumLoanTenure: type: number description: | The minimum loan tenure in months. MaximumLoanTenure: type: number description: | The maximum loan tenure in months. Documentation: type: array description: | A list of documents that are required by the LFI when applying for the mortgage product. items: type: object description: | A document that is required by the LFI when applying for the mortgage product. properties: Type: type: string description: | The type of document required by the LFI when applying for the product. enum: [ApplicationForm, IDCard, Passport, ResidenceVisa, EmploymentProof, ProofofAddress, UtilityBill, BankStatement, SalaryCertificate, SalarySlip, TradeLicence, BusinessOwnership, PropertyOwnership, SalesandPurchaseAgreement, DeveloperLicense, TitleDeed, NoObjectionCertificate, ValuationReport, MortgageStatement, Other] Description: type: string description: | The description of the document required by the LFI when applying for the product. Features: type: array description: | A list of features of the mortgage product. items: type: object description: | A feature of the mortgage product. properties: Type: type: string description: | The type of feature. enum: [IslamicBanking, IslamicFinance, OnlineApplication, PreApproval, LifeInsurance, PropertyInsurance, GracePeriod, Overpayments, Redraw, FreeCreditCard, FreePropertyValuation, BuyOut, TopUp, InstalmentDeferment, EquityRelease, NoDeveloperRestriction, Guarantor, Other] Description: type: string description: | The description of the feature. Fees: type: array description: | A list of fees associated with the mortgage product. items: type: object description: | A fee associated with the mortgage product. properties: Type: type: string description: | The type of fee. enum: [Processing, LatePayment, EarlySettlement, FinalSettlement, LetterIssued, Other] Period: type: string description: | The period of the fee. enum: [Daily, Monthly, Yearly, OneOff, Other] Name: type: string description: | The name of the fee. Description: type: string description: | The description of the fee. Unit: type: string description: | The unit of the fee. enum: [Amount, Percentage] Amount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' Percentage: type: number description: | The percentage of the fee. UnitValue: type: number description: | The value of the fee in the unit of the fee. MaximumUnitValue: type: number description: | The maximum value of the fee in the unit of the fee. Limits: type: array description: | A list of limits associated with the mortgage product. items: type: object description: | A limit associated with the mortgage product. properties: Type: type: string description: | The type of limit. enum: [MinimumRequiredCreditScore, MaximumOverpayment, Other] Description: type: string description: | The description of the limit. Value: type: number description: | The value of the limit. Benefits: type: array description: | A list of benefits associated with the mortgage product. items: type: object description: | A benefit associated with the mortgage product. properties: Type: type: string description: | The type of benefit. enum: [Other] Name: type: string description: | The name of the benefit. Description: type: string description: | The description of the benefit. Value: type: number description: | The value of the benefit. ProfitSharingRateDetails: type: object properties: Name: type: string description: | The name of the profit sharing rate. Description: type: string description: | The description of the profit sharing rate. MinimumDepositAmount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' AnnualReturn: type: number description: | The annual return of the profit sharing rate. AnnualReturnOptions: type: array description: | The annual return options of the profit sharing rate. items: type: object properties: Name: type: string description: | The name of the annual return option. Description: type: string description: | The description of the annual return option. InvestmentPeriod: type: object description: | The investment period of the profit sharing rate. properties: Name: type: string description: | The type of investment period. Description: type: string description: | The description of the investment period. AdditionalInformation: type: array description: | The additional information of the profit sharing rate. items: type: object properties: Type: type: string enum: [Other] description: | The type of additional information. Description: type: string description: | The description of the additional information. FinanceProfitRateDetails: type: object description: | The details specific to a finance profit rate. properties: Name: type: string description: | The name of the finance profit rate. Description: type: string description: | The description of the finance profit rate. CalculationMethod: type: string enum: [FlatRate, ReducingRate, Profit, Lease] description: | For conventional home loans confirmation of the method to calculate payments and how interest is charged. The options are: FlatRate - Interest is calculated on the full principal amount for the entire loan tenure. ReducingRate - Interest is calculated only on the outstanding principal balance after each repayment. For Shariah compliant home loans confirmation of the method to calculate payments. The options are: Profit Lease Rate: type: number description: | The rate of the finance profit rate product. Frequency: type: string description: | The frequency of the finance profit rate product. Tiers: type: array description: | The tiers of the finance profit rate product. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RateTier' AdditionalInformation: type: array description: | The additional information of the finance profit rate product. items: type: object properties: Type: type: string enum: [Other] description: | The type of additional information. Description: type: string description: | The description of the additional information. RateTier: type: object description: | The tier of the finance profit rate product. properties: Type: description: | The type of the tier. type: string Description: type: string description: | The description of the tier. Name: type: string description: | The name of the tier. Unit: type: string enum: [Balance, LTV, TimePeriod] description: | The unit of the tier. MinimumTierValue: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' MaximumTierValue: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' MinimumTierRate: type: number description: | The minimum rate of the tier. MaximumTierRate: type: number description: | The maximum rate of the tier. Condition: type: string description: | The conditions of the tier. AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0: type: object required: - Amount - Currency description: >- This is the value of the amount in the currency properties: Amount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType' Currency: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode_0' additionalProperties: false AEActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType: description: >- A number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217. type: string pattern: ^\d{1,13}$|^\d{1,13}\.\d{1,5}$ ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode_0: description: >- Identification of the currency in which the account is held. A code allocated to a currency under an international currency identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 'Codes for the representation of currencies and funds'. type: string pattern: ^[A-Z]{3,3}$ example: AED LeadRequest: type: "object" additionalProperties: false description: | The request to create a lead. required: - "Data" properties: Data: type: "object" additionalProperties: false description: | The data for the lead request. required: - Name - Email properties: Email: type: string format: email description: Email address of the account holder PhoneNumber: type: string pattern: ^\+[1-9]\d{1,14}$ description: Phone number in E.164 format Name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEUserName' EmiratesId: type: string description: Emirates ID number of the Party Nationality: type: string description: Nationality of the Party ResidentialAddress: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityAddressClaim' LeadInformation: type: string ProductCategories: type: array items: type: object properties: Type: type: string enum: [SavingsAccount, CurrentAccount, CreditCard, Loan, Mortgage] LeadResponse: type: "object" additionalProperties: false required: - "Data" properties: Data: type: "object" description: | The data for the lead response. additionalProperties: false required: - LeadId - Name - Email properties: LeadId: type: string description: Unique identifier for the lead Email: type: string format: email description: Email address of the account holder PhoneNumber: type: string pattern: ^\+[1-9]\d{1,14}$ description: Phone number in E.164 format Name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEUserName' EmiratesId: type: string description: Emirates ID number of the Party Nationality: type: string ResidentialAddress: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityAddressClaim' LeadInformation: type: string ProductCategories: type: array items: type: object properties: Type: type: string enum: [SavingsAccount, CurrentAccount, CreditCard, Loan, Mortgage] AEUserName: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPersonalAccountName' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPersonalAccountFullName' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEBusinessAccountName' description: | The name of the account holder. AEPersonalAccountName: type: object required: - GivenName - LastName properties: GivenName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 70 description: >- The given or first name of the lead LastName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 70 description: >- The family or surname of the lead description: The name of a personal account additionalProperties: false AEPersonalAccountFullName: type: object required: - FullName properties: FullName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 140 description: >- The full name of the lead description: The full name of a personal account additionalProperties: false AEBusinessAccountName: type: object required: - BusinessName properties: BusinessName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 140 description: The business name of the lead description: The name of a business account additionalProperties: false AEPartyIdentityAddressClaim: type: object properties: AddressLine: type: array items: description: >- Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. This may be duplicated in other fields in the address object. type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 70 minItems: 0 maxItems: 7 Locality: type: string description: > The address locality (village, town, city etc) claim that has been verified. Region: type: string description: | The address region claim that has been verified. PostalCode: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostalCode' Country: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CountryCode' description: > Address object as per OpenID Connect Core 1.0 Address Claim []( additionalProperties: false CountryCode: type: object required: - CountryCode properties: $refCountryCode: '#/components/schemas/PostalCode' Countrytype: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/CountryCode'pattern: ^[A-Z]{2,2}$ description: >Nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. Address object as per OpenID Connect Core 1.0 Address ClaimadditionalProperties: false PostalCode: []( object required: - PostalCode properties: additionalProperties: false PostalCode: CountryCode: type: objectstring required: minLength: 5 - CountryCode maxLength: 5 properties: CountryCodedescription: >- type: string Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or pattern: ^[A-Z]{2,2}$numbers that is added description:to Nationa withpostal itsaddress ownto government,assist occupyingthe asorting particularof territorymail. responses: additionalProperties201LeadResponse: false PostalCodedescription: "Lead Response" typecontent: object required:application/json: schema: - PostalCode properties:$ref: "#/components/schemas/LeadResponse" 403Error: PostalCode: description: Forbidden typeheaders: string x-fapi-interaction-id: minLength: 5 description: An RFC4122 UID used as a maxLength:correlation 5id. descriptionrequired: >-true schema: Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is type: string content: added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail.application/json; charset=utf-8: responses: 201LeadResponseschema: description: "Lead Response" $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEErrorResponse' content: application/json: schema: $ref: "'#/components/schemas/LeadResponse"AEErrorResponse' 403Error405Error: description: Method ForbiddenNot Allowed headers: x-fapi-interaction-id: description: An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. required: true schema: type: string 406Error: content description: Not Acceptable application/json; charset=utf-8:headers: x-fapi-interaction-id: schema: description: An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEErrorResponse' application/jsonrequired: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEErrorResponse'type: string 405Error415Error: description: MethodUnsupported NotMedia AllowedType headers: x-fapi-interaction-id: description: An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. required: true schema: type: string 406Error429Error: description: Too NotMany AcceptableRequests headers: Retry-After: description: Number in seconds to wait schema: type: integer x-fapi-interaction-id: description: An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. required: true schema: type: string 415Error500Error: description: UnsupportedInternal MediaServer TypeError headers: x-fapi-interaction-id: description: An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. required: true schema: type: string content: 429Error:application/json; charset=utf-8: schema: description: Too Many Requests $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEErrorResponse' headers:application/json: Retry-Afterschema: description: Number in seconds to wait$ref: '#/components/schemas/AEErrorResponse' 401Error: schemadescription: Unauthorized type: integerheaders: x-fapi-interaction-id: description: An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. required: true schema: type: string 500Error400Error: description: InternalBad Server Errorrequest headers: x-fapi-interaction-id: description: An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. required: true schema: type: string content: application/json; charset=utf-8: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEErrorResponse' application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEErrorResponse' 401Error: description: Unauthorized headers: x-fapi-interaction-id: description: An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. required$ref: true'#/components/schemas/AEErrorResponse' parameters: Authorization: schema: name: authorization in: header type: string 400Errorrequired: true description: Bad request An authorization Token as per headersschema: x-fapi-interaction-idtype: string securitySchemes: TPPOAuth2Security: description: An RFC4122 UID used astype: aoauth2 correlation id. description: >- required: true TPP confidential client authorization with the LFI to schema:stage a consent. **Please refer type:to string[OpenID FAPI Security Profile 1.0 -Part 2 content: application/json; charset=utf-8:Advanced]( - schema: 5.2.2 point 14 - shall authenticate the confidential client using one $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEErrorResponse' of the following methods application/json: private_key_jwt and [OpenID Connect Core schema:1.0]( 9. Client Authentication $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEErrorResponse'private_key_jwt** parameters: flows: Authorization: nameclientCredentials: authorization in: header tokenUrl: https://authserver.example/token required: true descriptionscopes: An authorization Token as per schemaproducts: Right to access leads and products type: string resources servers: - url: /open-finance/product/v1.2-draft1 |
The Product Data OpenAPI description is attached, together with a spreadsheet that lists all properties by operation.