Test Scenario ID | Test ID | Dynamic Field | Test Name | Expected Response Code | Test Description |
INS_010_001 Ensure the API returns success response for GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId}/customer-payment-details The tests also also cover consent action and even calls related to the insurance payment details | INS_VAL001 | insuranceToTest: event_insurance-AwaitingAuthorization-all-permissions | "POST /validate : Happy Path : Success when consent data is valid, allowing creation of consent in the AwaitingAuthorization state for a insurance data sharing(insuranceToTest: event_insurance-AwaitingAuthorization-all-permissions)" | 200 | The operation must succeed with a status code 200 if the consent data is valid |
INS_AUG002 | insuranceToTest: event_insurance-AwaitingAuthorization-all-permissions | POST /augment: Happy Path - Success when the augment endpoint is invoked for an insurance consent in AwaitingAuthorisation state (insuranceToTest: event_insurance-AwaitingAuthorization-all-permissions) | 200 | TThe operation should succeed with a status code 200 if the response contains the necessary fields to augment the consent |
INS_EV003 | insuranceToTest: event_insurance-AwaitingAuthorization-all-permissions | POST /event/post: Happy Path - Succeed if the event is successfully sent to notify that the consent is created in the AwaitingAuthorisation state with an empty response body for a insurance data sharing(insuranceToTest: event_insurance-AwaitingAuthorization-all-permissions) | 204 | Ozone will successfully send an event to notify that the consent is created in the AwaitingAuthorisation state with an empty response body (status code 204) after hitting the /event/post endpoint. |
INS_EV004 | insuranceToTest: event_insurance-Authorized-all-permissions | POST /event/patch: Happy Path - Succeed if the event is successfully sent to notify that the consent is created in the Authorized state with an empty response body for a insurance data sharing (insuranceToTest: event_insurance-Authorized-all-permissions) | 204 | Ozone will successfully send an event to notify that the consent is created in the Authorized state with an empty response body (status code 204) after hitting the /event/patch endpoint |
INS_005 | insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId}/customer-payment-details : Happy Path : Succeeds if a valid insurance policy ID is provided and returns the correct customer payment details (insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions) | 200 | The endpoints returns a status code of 200 and the correct customer payment details when a valid InsurancePolicyId is provided in the request path |
INS_010_002 Ensure the API returns error response for GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId}/customer-payment-details with an invalid insurancePolicyId | INS_006 | insuranceToTest: Invalid-insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | "GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId}/customer-payment-details: Negative Test - Returns an error response if a invalid InsurancePolicyId, with a length greater than 128 characters, is provided in the path (insuranceToTest: Invalid-insurancePolicyId-all-permissions)" | 400 | Returns a status code of 400 with the appropriate error details for an invalid InsuranceId with a length greater than the maximum specified |
INS_007 | insuranceToTest: no-insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId}/customer-payment-details: Negative Test - Returns an error response if a InsurancePolicyId path parameter is missing (insuranceToTest: no-insurancePolicyId-all-permissions) | 401 | Returns a status code of 401 for a missing insurance policy ID as path parameter |
INS_010_003 Ensure API returns error mandatory fields are missing for consent event patch related to customer payment details | INS_EV008 | insuranceToTest: event_insurance-AwaitingAuthorization-all-permissions | POST event/patch: Negative Test - Verify that the endpoint throws error when mandatory fields are missing for insurance data sharing (insuranceToTest: event_insurance-AwaitingAuthorization-all-permissions) | 400 | The endpoint responds with a 400 status code when mandatory fields are missing from the request payload |
INS_010_004 Ensure the API returns success response for GET /motor-insurance-policies | INS_009 | | GET /motor-insurance-policies: Happy Path - Succeeds if the list of insurance policies for a valid o3-consent-id provided in the header | 200 | "The request returns a status code of 200, and the data object should be an array containing the list of insurance policies corresponding to the provided o3-consent-id in the header" |
INS_010_005 Ensure the API returns error response for GET /motor-insurance-policies when page and page-size are missing | INS_010 | | GET /motor-insurance-policies: Negative Test - Verify the endpoint throws an error if the page and page-size query parameters are missing | 400 | The request returns a status code of 400 with the appropriate error details when the page and page-size query parameters are missing |
INS_010_006 Ensure the API returns success response for GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId} | INS_011 | insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId} : Happy Path : Succeeds if a valid insurance policy ID as path parameter is provided (insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions) | 200 | The endpoints returns a status code of 200 when a valid InsurancePolicyId is provided in the request path |
INS_010_007 Ensure the API returns error response for GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId} for an invalid InsurancePolicyId | INS_012 | insuranceToTest: Invalid-insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | "GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId}: Negative Test - Returns an error response if a invalid InsurancePolicyId, with a length greater than 128 characters, is provided in the path (insuranceToTest: Invalid-insurancePolicyId-all-permissions)" | 400 | Returns a status code of 400 with the appropriate error details for an invalid InsuranceId with a length greater than the maximum specified |
INS_010_008 Ensure the API returns error response for GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId} for a missing InsurancePolicyId | INS_013 | insuranceToTest: no-insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId}: Negative Test - Returns an error response if a InsurancePolicyId path parameter is missing (insuranceToTest: no-insurancePolicyId-all-permissions) | 401 | Returns a status code of 400 for a missing insurance policy ID as path parameter |
INS_010_009 Ensure the API returns error for missing / invalid mandatory field validations | INS_014 | | GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId}/customer-payment-details : Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-ozone-interaction-id header is missing (insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 if the o3-ozone-interaction-id header is missing |
INS_015 | insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId}/customer-payment-details : Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-consent-id header is missing (insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 if the o3-consent-id header is missing |
INS_016 | insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId}/customer-payment-details : Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-caller-interaction-id header is missing (insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions) | 400 | TThe operation must fail with a status code 400 if the o3-caller-interaction-id header is missing |
INS_017 | insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId}/customer-payment-details : Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-caller-software-statement-id header is missing (insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 if the o3-caller-software-statement-id header is missing |
INS_018 | | GET /motor-insurance-policies : Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-ozone-interaction-id header is missing (insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 if the o3-ozone-interaction-id header is missing |
INS_019 | insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | GET /motor-insurance-policies : Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-consent-id header is missing (insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 if the o3-consent-id header is missing |
INS_020 | insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | GET /motor-insurance-policies : Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-caller-interaction-id header is missing (insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions) | 400 | TThe operation must fail with a status code 400 if the o3-caller-interaction-id header is missing |
INS_021 | insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | GET /motor-insurance-policies : Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-caller-software-statement-id header is missing (insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 if the o3-caller-software-statement-id header is missing |
INS_022 | | GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId} : Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-ozone-interaction-id header is missing (insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 if the o3-ozone-interaction-id header is missing |
INS_023 | insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId} : Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-consent-id header is missing (insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 if the o3-consent-id header is missing |
INS_024 | insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId} : Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-caller-interaction-id header is missing (insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions) | 400 | TThe operation must fail with a status code 400 if the o3-caller-interaction-id header is missing |
INS_025 | insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions | GET /motor-insurance-policies/{InsurancePolicyId} : Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-caller-software-statement-id header is missing (insuranceToTest: valid_insurancePolicyId-all-permissions) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 if the o3-caller-software-statement-id header is missing |