| Test ID | Dynamic Field | Test Name | Expected Response Code | Test Description |
DD_010_001 Ensure that valid accountId returns direct-debits.Various tests, such as retrieving direct debits with different statuses and frequencies, have been incorporated. | AIS_DD001 | accountToTest: AccountIdWithDirectDebitActiveStatus | Happy path - Succeeds if valid accountId in path parameter returns direct-debits with status Active in response body (accountToTest: AccountIdWithDirectDebitActiveStatus) | 200 | Valid accountId provided in the path parameter should return a 200 and the accountId must be present in the response with a details of direct-debits and status Active |
AIS_DD002 | accountToTest: AccountIdWithDirectDebitInActiveStatus | Happy path - Succeeds if valid accountId in path parameter returns direct-debits with status Inactive in response body (accountToTest: AccountIdWithDirectDebitInActiveStatus) | 200 | Valid accountId provided in the path parameter should return a 200 and the accountId must be present in the response with a details of direct-debits and status Inactive |
AIS_DD003 | accountToTest: Valid_DirectDebits_Accounts_List | Happy path - Validate the meta information about the pagination (accountToTest: Valid_DirectDebits_Accounts_List) | 200 | Returns a 200 status code with the specified number of accounts in each page and the meta information about the pagination |
AIS_DD004 | accountToTest: AccountIdWithDirectDebitAnnualFrequency | Happy path - Succeeds if valid accountId in path parameter returns direct-debits with Annual frequency in response body (accountToTest: AccountIdWithDirectDebitAnnualFrequency) | 200 | Valid accountId provided in the path parameter should return a 200 and the accountId must be present in the response with direct-debits of Annual frequencies |
AIS_DD005 | accountToTest: AccountIdWithDirectDebitDailyFrequency | Happy path - Succeeds if valid accountId in path parameter returns direct-debits with Daily frequency in response body (accountToTest: AccountIdWithDirectDebitDailyFrequency) | 200 | Valid accountId provided in the path parameter should return a 200 and the accountId must be present in the response with direct-debits of Daily frequencies |
AIS_DD006 | accountToTest: AccountIdWithDirectDebitFortnightlyFrequency | Happy path - Succeeds if valid accountId in path parameter returns direct-debits with Fortnightly frequency in response body (accountToTest: AccountIdWithDirectDebitFortnightlyFrequency) | 200 | Valid accountId provided in the path parameter should return a 200 and the accountId must be present in the response with direct-debits of Fortnightly frequencies |
AIS_DD007 | accountToTest: AccountIdWithDirectDebitHalfYearlyFrequency | Happy path - Succeeds if valid accountId in path parameter returns direct-debits with HalfYearly frequency in response body (accountToTest: AccountIdWithDirectDebitHalfYearlyFrequency) | 200 | Valid accountId provided in the path parameter should return a 200 and the accountId must be present in the response with direct-debits of HalfYearly frequencies |
AIS_DD008 | accountToTest: AccountIdWithDirectDebitMonthlyFrequency | Happy path - Succeeds if valid accountId in path parameter returns direct-debits with Monthly frequency in response body (accountToTest: AccountIdWithDirectDebitMonthlyFrequency) | 200 | Valid accountId provided in the path parameter should return a 200 and the accountId must be present in the response with direct-debits of Monthly frequencies |
AIS_DD009 | accountToTest: AccountIdWithEmptyDirectDebits | Happy path - Succeeds if valid accountId provided in the path parameter which has a empty direct debits (accountToTest: AccountIdWithEmptyDirectDebits) | 200 | Valid accountId provided in the path parameter should return a 200 with an empty array if there are no direct-debits |
DD_010_002 Ensure that the API correctly handles missing/invalid accountId path parameter. | AIS_DD010 | accountToTest: Missing_AccountId | Negative Test - Fails if accountToTest path parameter is missing (accountToTest: Missing_AccountId) | 401400 | "If accountToTest path parameter is missing, the API must return a 401 400 and an error body" |
AIS_DD011 | accountToTest: Invalid_Single_AccountId | Negative Test - Fails if accountId format is invalid (accountToTest: Invalid_Single_AccountId) | 400 | "If the accountId format is invalid , the API must return a 400 and an error body" |
DD_010_003 Ensure that the API correctly validates mandatory headers. | AIS_DD012 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-psu-identifier header is missing (accountToTest: SampleAccount) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 and error body if the o3-psu-identifier header is missing |
AIS_DD013 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-api-uri header is missing (accountToTest: SampleAccount) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 and error body if the o3-api-uri header is missing |
AIS_DD014 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-api-operation header is missing (accountToTest: SampleAccount) | 400 | TThe operation must fail with a status code 400 and error body if the o3-api-operation header is missing |
AIS_DD015 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-aspsp-id header is missing (accountToTest: SampleAccount) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 and error body if the o3-aspsp-id header is missing |
AIS_DD016 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-ozone-interaction-id header is missing (accountToTest: SampleAccount) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 and error body if the o3-ozone-interaction-id header is missing |
AIS_DD017 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-provider-id header is missing (accountToTest: SampleAccount) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 and error body if the o3-provider-id header has an unexpected value |
AIS_DD018 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-caller-org-id header is missing (accountToTest: SampleAccount) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 and error body if the o3-caller-org-id header is missing |
AIS_DD019 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-caller-client-id header is missing (accountToTest: SampleAccount) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 and error body if the o3-caller-client-id header is missing |
AIS_DD020 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-caller-software-statement-id header is missing (accountToTest: SampleAccount) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 and error body if the o3-caller-software-statement-id header is missing |
AIS_DD021 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-consent-id header is missing (accountToTest: SampleAccount) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 and error body if the o3-consent-id header is missing |
AIS_DD022 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | Negative Test - Fails if o3-aspsp-id has an invalid value (accountToTest: SampleAccount) | 400 | "If o3-aspsp-id has an invalid value, the API must return a 400 and an error body" |
AIS_DD023 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | Negative Test - Fails if o3-psu-identifier is not b64 encoded (accountToTest: SampleAccount) | 400 | "If o3-psu-identifier is not b64 encoded, the API must return a 400 and an error body" |
AIS_DD024 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | Negative Test - Fails if o3-psu-identifier does not evaluate to a json structure (accountToTest: SampleAccount) | 400 | "If o3-psu-identifier does not evaluate to a json structure, the API must return a 400 and an error body" |
AIS_DD025 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | Negative Test - Fails if o3-psu-identifier does not contain userId (accountToTest: SampleAccount) | 400 | "If o3-psu-identifier does not contain userId, the API must return a 400 and an error body" |
AIS_DD026 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | Negative Test - Mandatory header validation - Fail if o3-consent-id header is having invalid value (accountToTest: SampleAccount) | 400 | The operation must fail with a status code 400 and error body if the o3-consent-id header is having invalid value |
AIS_DD027 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | "Negative Test - Fails if o3-psu-identifier header is invalid - the decoded value is valid JSON, but userId is null, empty or undefined (accountToTest: SampleAccount)" | 400 | "If o3-psu-identifier header is invalid - the decoded value is valid JSON, but userId is null, empty or undefined, the API must return a 400 and an error body" |
AIS_DD028 | accountToTest: SampleAccount | "Negative Test - Fails if o3-psu-identifier header is invalid - the decoded value is valid JSON, but userId is not a string (accountToTest: SampleAccount)" | 400 | "If o3-psu-identifier header is invalid - the decoded value is valid JSON, but userId is not a string, the API must return a 400 and an error body" |