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Awesome api app render macro
openapi: 3.0.1

  - url: https://<your-ozone-hh-server>

  title: Headless Heimdall APIs
    name: Ozone Financial Technology Limited
  description: |
    This document provides an API description in [OpenAPI](
     for the Headless Heimdall APIs.

    This document provides the OpenAPI description for the APIs provided by Headless Heimdall.

    These APIs are implemented by Ozone and should be called by the financial institution at the end of their authorization journeys.

    The interface allows an financial institution to develop the user interface for customers without
    having to deal with the complexities of OpenID Connect (OIDC) and the FAPI 2.0 Security Profile and without having to gain a
    thorough understanding of the constraints placed by FAPI.

    The interface consists of three operations, which are called when User authentication is initiated and after it is completed.

    > Please note that where an operation name is used it references the `operationId` value for a given endpoint and HTTP method

    Initiating Authorization is supported by the `getAuth` operation:

    - The `getAuth` operation (`get /auth`) should be called by the financial 
      institution at the beginning of an authorization code grant. This is typically 
      immediately after it receives an authorization request from a TPP.

    Completing Authorization is supported by the  `doConfirm` and `doFail` operations:

    - The `doConfirm` operation (`post /auth/{interactionId}/doConfirm`)  should be
       called by the financial institution to notify Heimdall that an interaction has
       completed successfully.

    - The `doFail` operation (`post /auth/{interactionId}/doFail`) operation should be
       called by the financial institution to notify Heimdall that the interaction has

    ### Changes#### Changes in Version 20242025.4606.0

    * AddedChanged additional`interactionId` properties to theoptional `tpp`for dataerror providedresponses in the `get /auth` response
details on content of `decodedSsa`#### propertyChanges toin provide guidance onRelease 2024.48.0

    * Added health propertiescheck likeendpoint `logo_uri` and `jwks_uri`GET /hello-mtls

    ### #### ChangesChanges in Version 2024.3746.0

    * RefactoredAdded `post`additional operationsproperties to usethe a`tpp` Pathdata parameterprovided in the `get /auth` response
Refined descriptions to add  * Added details on content of `decodedSsa` property to provide guidance on
      properties like `logo_uri` and `jwks_uri`

    #### Changes in Version 2024.37.0

    * Refactored `post` operations to use a Path parameter

    * Refined descriptions to add clarity for readers

    * Removed `additionalProperties: true` as not required and causes tooling issues

    * Added `login_hint` to Authorization Request parameters

    #### Changes in Version 2024.34.1

    * Refactored Security Scheme Objects to use common definitions across all API Hub 

    * Implemented the correct Security Requirements for this API description,
       reflecting security patterns available in API Hub

  version: 20242025.4606.0

  - name: Initiate Authorization
    description: Operations that support initiating the authorization of a User
  - name: Complete Authorization
    description: Operations that support completing the authorization of a User,
      indicating either success or failure
  - name: health-check
    description: Operations that support checking the health of the API Hub

  - {}
  - OzoneConnectJwtAuth: []

        - Initiate Authorization
      summary: Initiate an authorisation interaction
      operationId: getAuth
      description: |
        The `getAuth` operation should be called by the financial institution at the beginning of the
        interaction. The operation validates all the parameters that are passed to it to ensure that the
        authorization request is FAPI compliant and has only the client_id` and `redirect_uri` parameters.

        The operation responds with one of the three outcomes:

        - __Success__: The operation returns a status 200. The body contains a JSON object with the
        interaction and all the query parameters extracted from the OIDC request object.

        - __Non-redirectable failure__: This indicates a failure where validation of the OIDC Client
        failed. The financial institution should render an error page and end the interaction.

        - __Redirectable failure__: This indicates a failure where the OIDC client has been validated 
        but validation of the parameters of the Authorization Request failed. The operation therefore 
        responds with a 303 redirect, which the financial institution must use to redirect the User **without modification**.

        ### Processing a success response

        There are two properties in the success response that financial institutions are likely to be interested in:

        - `interaction.interactionId`: The interaction identifier that should be used with
        subsequent calls to Headless Heimdall when this authorization request is completed by the financial institution.

        - `tpp.directoryRecord`: Where Ozone is integrated with a Directory Service, this contains a record
        of the TPP record as held on the directory. The structure of the record will depend on the directory. Directory record as held by Ozone in base 64 encoded format.

        ### Parameters

        When calling this API, the financial institution must pass on **all the query parameters or hash parameters** received from the TPP
        in the authorization request. The FAPI 2.0 Security Profile states that a Client will **_only_** send the `client_id` and `request_uri` values, as
        specified by the [Profile]( However, Heimdall is
        the authoritative source for making that decision, hence all query parameters must be passed on. No query parameters are therefore
        defined here as a result.

          description: |
            This indicates that the parameters were successfully validated.

            The financial institution should continue with the next stages of the interaction, using the `interactionId`
            as the unique identifier with which to track the interaction with the User

                $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthSuccessResponse'

          description: |
            This indicates that the parameters were not successfully verified.

            However, there were no indications that the request originated from an invalid client.

            The financial institution should respond to the customer with a redirect to the URI returned by the API
            (including the query or hash parameters included in the URL)

          description: |
            This indicates that the parameters were not successfully verified.

            Heimdall could not verify that the request originated from a valid client.

            The financial institution should render an error page and __must not__ redirect back to the TPP.

                $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthErrorResponse'

      operationId: doConfirm
        - Complete Authorization
      summary: End an authorisation interaction with a success response

      description: |
        The `doConfirm` operation should be called by the financial institution once the
         user interaction has been completed and the resource owner has authorized 
        access. This operation updates the interaction state and generates an OIDC 
        Authorization Code value - `code` - and the rest of the response that should be
         returned to the TPP.

        When supported by Security Profile the financial institution can specify the 
        set of claims to be added to the ID Token. Heimdall creates an ID Token with 
        these claims along with any claims required by FAPI and OIDC. Please note that
         under the FAPI 2.0 Security Profile ID Tokens are not supported in the front 
        channel, and therefore will not be returned to the Client as the result of an 
        interaction. Please refer to the [Security Profile](
        for more details.

        Heimdall returns a 303 with a redirect uri. This resource owner should be 
        redirected to this URI.

        ### Parameters

        The request body can contain an arbitrary set of 
        `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` name-value pairs. These are added by
        Heimdall to the ID Token. The claim name is set to the parameter name and the
         claim value to the parameter value.

        Claim names prefixed by `heimdall.` act as control parameters for the tokens
         that are produced. These claims are not added to the ID Token.

              description: Where supported, allows a financial institution to send parameters
                that control the lifetime of Access Tokens and availability of
                Refresh Tokens. These features are not supported for the UAE
                Open Finance Framework. Financial institutions can, however, add claims that will
                be included in an ID Token, which can be requested by a TPP dependent on the OAuth
                scope granted by the User.
              type: object

        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/InteractionId'

          description: |
            A redirect URI that contains an authorization code along with additional
             parameters as required by OIDC.

            If an internal error occurs during processing of the request an `error` and
             `error_description` parameters will be returned.

               The redirect URI must be returned to the User to redirect them back to the TPP.

      operationId: doFail
        - Complete Authorization
      summary: End an authorisation interaction with a failure response

      description: |
        The `doFail` operation should be called by the financial institution once the
         User interaction has been completed and has resulted in a failure to grant
         access to the TPP. Examples failure scenarios include:

        * The User does not authenticate successfully.

        * The User declines the authorisation of consent.

        The `doFail` operation updates the interaction state, generates an OIDC `error`
         and returns the rest of the response that should be returned to the TPP.

        The financial institution can specify the `error` and `error_description` as 
        x-www-form-urlencoded parameters. If `error` and `error_description` omitted 
        then default values will be returned in the redirect URI.

        Heimdall returns a 303 with a redirect URI, which should be sent to the
        User to redirect them to the TPP.

              type: object
                  type: string
                  description: |
                    An OAuth2.0 or OIDC error

                  type: string

        - $ref: '#/components/parameters/InteractionId'

          description: |
            A redirect URI that contains the parameters required to indicate the error to
             the TPP.

                        If an internal error occurs during processing of the request an `error` and
             `error_description` parameters will be returned.

                        The redirect URI must be returned to the User to redirect them back to the TPP.

      descriptionoperationId: UniquehelloMtls
identifier for the interaction with the Usertags:
      type: string - health-check
  AuthSuccessResponse:       typesummary: objectcheck connectivity including mtls and provides information properties:about the client cert that the server received
 interaction:     description:
     description: The properties ofThis ahealth successfullycheck initiatedis interactionused to check that the end-to-end network connectivity is working as type:expected objectincluding mutual tls.
        properties:This health check endpoint assists in debugging mutual tls client issues.
  interactionId:      The health check returns information about the client certificate $ref: '#/components/schemas/InteractionId'
        and the issuer of the client certificate that the server received.

  params:    responses:
          description: Query parameters unbundled from the original authorization request, including'200':
          description: OK
  query parameters, hash parameters, and properties of the JWT-Secured  application/json:
Authorization Request (JAR) sent in the Pushed Authorization Request.         $ref: '#/components/schemas/HealthCheckCertResponse'

object    InteractionId:
      description: Unique identifier for properties:the interaction with the User. Please note 
        that client_id:this identifier may not be returned with errors from the `get /auth`
       description: Theoperation `client_id` value that as the callerinteraction claimsmay tonot have. Atbeen thisinitiated stage,due to an invalid
      type: string
Heimdall has verified that theAuthSuccessResponse:
`client_id` exists.     type: object
     type: string  interaction:
          description: The properties  response_type:
 of a successfully initiated interaction
          type: object
    description: The request grant type. This willproperties:
default to `code` for the CBUAE release      interactionId:
               as per the constraints of the FAPI 2.0 Security Profile$ref: '#/components/schemas/InteractionId'
              typedescription: stringQuery parameters unbundled from the original authorization request, including
          enum:      query parameters, hash parameters, and properties of the JWT-Secured
      - code         Authorization Request (JAR) sent in the Pushed Authorization scope:Request.
                  type: stringobject
 request:               client_id:
   type: string              description: The `client_id` scopes:value that the caller claims to have. At this stage,
         description: The requested scopes in the Authorization Request    Heimdall has verified that the `client_id` exists.
        type: array         type: string
        items:        response_type:
            type: string     description: The request grant type. This will default to `code` for the claims:CBUAE release
                 description: The requested claimsas inper the Authorizationconstraints Request.of the FAPI 2.0 Security Profile
             type: object    type: string
           login_hint:       enum:
           description: The value of the `login_hint` parameter sent in the- Pushedcode
Authorization                scope:
     request. This value is expected to be encrypted as a JWE.   type: string
              type: string request:
           claims:       type: string
      type: object         scopes:
   status:               typedescription: stringThe requested scopes in the Authorization Request
      consentId:            type: array
 type:  string               descriptionitems:
An  identifier for consent               deprecated type: truestring
            consentIdsList:    claims:
          type: array       description: The requested claims in the Authorization Request.
description: |                 Consenttype: Idsobject
associated with the interaction.             login_hint:
   Note that RAR requests may contain multiple consents. However, support for this is not required indescription: theThe CBUAEvalue 2024of standardsthe and`login_hint` LFIsparameter maysent considerin the Pushed Authorization
             that this array may have a single valuerequest. This value is expected to be encrypted as a JWE.
    items:                 type: string
        tpp:    claims:
      $ref: "#/components/schemas/tpp"        AuthErrorResponsetype: object
       description: Provides details of the authorizationstatus:
error. Includes OAuth 2.0         error properties type: string
    type: object       requiredconsentId:
         - interactionId    type: string
   - error         - error_description: An identifier for consent
  properties:         noRedirect:   deprecated: true
      description: An indicator that defines whether theconsentIdsList:
End User should be redirected back to the       type: array
     Client due to the error. Please note that relates todescription: an|
earlier release and Heimdall and            Consent isIds thereforeassociated deprecatedwith for the CBUAE implementationinteraction.
          type: boolean     Note that RAR requests may contain deprecated:multiple trueconsents. However, support for this is not required in error:the CBUAE 2024 standards and LFIs may consider
   description: The error code as defined by [RFC      that this array may have a  6749]( value.
          type: string   items:
     error_description:           descriptiontype: string
The error description as defined by [RFC  tpp:
          6749]($ref: "#/components/schemas/tpp"

    type: string description: Provides details of the authorization error. Includes interactionId:OAuth 2.0
        error $ref: '#/components/schemas/InteractionId'properties
      tpptype: object
     description required:
The TPP record as held by Ozone. If Ozone- TPPerror
Connect has been integrated into a   - error_description
     directory, theproperties:
`directoryRecord` provides the TPP's directory record as held bynoRedirect:
Ozone in         description: baseAn 64indicator encodedthat format.defines whether the End User should be type:redirected objectback to the
    required:        Client -due clientIdto the error. Please note that relates to an -earlier orgIdrelease and Heimdall and
     - softwareStatementId      is therefore deprecated -for tppIdthe CBUAE implementation.
      - tppName   type: boolean
    - decodedSsa     deprecated: true
properties:         clientIderror:
          description: The client identifier for the TPP as issued by the Trust Framework error code as defined by [RFC
          type: string
     pattern: '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-4[0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$'     description: The error description as defined by [RFC
          type: string
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/InteractionId'

      description: The TPP record as held by Ozone. If Ozone TPP Connect has been integrated into a
        directory, the `directoryRecord` provides the TPP's directory record as held by Ozone in
        base 64 encoded format.
      type: object
        - clientId
        - orgId
        - softwareStatementId
        - tppId
        - tppName
        - decodedSsa
          description: The client identifier for the TPP as issued by the Trust Framework
          type: string
          pattern: '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-4[0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$'
          description: The identifier used by the API Hub to uniquely identify the TPP
          type: string
          description: The TPP name recorded in the Trust Framework
          type: string
          description: The UK market TPP identifier. This property is not used for CBUAE and is therefore
            marked as deprecated.
          type: string
          deprecated: true
          description: The software statement identifier for the Client.
          type: string
          description: The UK market software statement identifier. This property is not used for CBUAE
            and is therefore marked as deprecated.
          type: string
          tppIddeprecated: true
description:  The identifier used by the API Hub to uniquelydescription: identifyThe theUK TPPmarket software statement name. This property is not used for CBUAE type:and
string         tppName:   is therefore marked as deprecated.
   description: The TPP name recorded in the Trusttype: Frameworkstring
          typedeprecated: stringtrue
          descriptiontype: string
 The UK market TPP identifier. This property is not useddescription: forThe CBUAElatest andcopy isof thereforethe TPP directory record retrieve from the CBUAE Trust Framework
    marked as deprecated.      directory, encoded as a Base type:64 string
          deprecatedformat: truebase64
          description: The softwareencoded statementSoftware identifier for the ClientStatement Assertion. This property is not used for CBUAE and is
 type: string         obieSoftwareStatementId: therefore marked as deprecated.
      description: The UK market softwaretype: statementstring
identifier. This property is not used for CBUAE   deprecated: true
is therefore marked as deprecated.      $ref: "#/components/schemas/softwareStatementProperties"
   type: string    orgId:
      deprecated: true   description: The organization identifier for the obieSoftwareStatementName:TPP
          descriptiontype: Thestring
UK market software statement name. This property is not used for CBUAE andpattern: '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-4[0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$'

      description: is|
therefore marked as deprecated.     The decoded software statement retrieved from type:the stringTrust Framework that provides
       deprecated: truethe properties of the Client.

   directoryRecord:     Please note:

   type: string      - The JSON payload will description:contain Theother latestproperties copyin ofaddition theto TPPthose directorylisted
record retrieve from the CBUAE Trust Framework      here. The properties listed here are considered most directory,relevant encodedfor asactivities
a Base 64 string         such  format: base64as TPP logo retrieval and JWS verification.
  ssa:        - The content description:reflects Theelements encodedof Softwarediscovery Statementmetadata, Assertion.which Thisin propertygenerally
is not used for CBUAE and is      defined as a file rather than an thereforeAPI. markedProviding asconstraints deprecated.such as
         type: string  `minLength` and `maxLength` is impractical in this context

deprecated: true       The full decodedSsa:software statement record is also available in the Trust Framework.
 $ref: "#/components/schemas/softwareStatementProperties"      Please also refer orgId:the Registration Framework page in the CBUAE standards for
  description: The organization identifier for the TPPadditional guidance on these properties.
      type: stringobject
          pattern: '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-4[0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$'properties:
          description: The |redirect URIs registered by the TPP at the Trust Framework
The   decoded software statement retrieved from the Trust Frameworktype: thatarray
provides          theitems:
properties of the Client.         type: string
       Please note:client_name:
          description:  Name of the Client to be presented to the End- The JSON payload will contain other properties in addition to those listedUser.
          type: string
          description: URL of the home page of the hereClient.
The   properties listed here are considered most relevant fortype: activitiesstring
    such as TPP logo retrieval and JWSdescription: verification.URL of the Client logo.
      - The content reflects elementstype: ofstring
discovery metadata, which in generally    jwks_uri:
        defined as adescription: fileURL ratherof thanthe anClient API.JSON ProvidingWeb constraintsKey suchSet as(JWKS) at the Trust Framework.
        `minLength` and `maxLength`type: isstring
impractical in this context     client_id:
    The full software statement record is alsodescription: availableUnique inClient theIdentifier.
Trust Framework.         type: Pleasestring
also refer the Registration Framework page in the CBUAEroles:
standards for         additionaldescription: guidanceThe onroles theseunder properties.which the organization is registered at the type:Trust objectFramework.
      properties:    type: array
   redirect_uris:       items:
   description: The redirect URIs registered by the TPP at thetype: Truststring
Framework        sector_identifier_uri:
  type: array       description: URL using the items:https scheme to be used in calculating Pseudonymous Identifiers
    type: string       by  client_name:
          description:  Name of the Client to be presented to the End-Userthe OP. Allows redirect URI values to be grouped, easing registration
          type: string
          description: URLClient of the home page of the Clientapplication type.
          type: string
          description: Organization identifier for description:organization URLthat ofowns the Client logo.
          type: string

   jwks_uri:   properties:
URL of the Client JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) at thetype: Trustboolean
 type: string         client_idtype: string
Unique Client Identifier.          - type:established
string         roles:   - not-established

     description: The roles underhostName:
which the organization is registered at the Trust Framework.           type: arraystring


           type: stringobject
        sector_identifier_uri:  properties:
        description: URL using the httpssubject:
scheme to be used in calculating Pseudonymous Identifiers       type: string

    by the OP. Allows redirect URI values to beissuer:
grouped, easing registration            type: management.string
string         application_type:   - subject
       description: Client application type.  - issuer

string        - organisation_id:connectionEstablished
        - mtlsStatus
  description: Organization identifier for organization that owns- thehostName
Client.           type: string- clientCertificate

      name: interactionId
      description: Unique identifier for the interaction with the User
      in: path
      required: true
        $ref: '#/components/schemas/InteractionId'

      description: |
        Communications between the API Hub and the LFI Ozone Connect implementation are 
        secured using the "JWT Auth" mechanism, where the Client presents a signed JSON 
        Web Token as a credential.

        The Server MUST verify the signature in order to authenticate the Client.

        Please note that the value of the `scheme` parameter is not a registered HTTP
         Authentication Scheme, to indicate it is specific to Ozone Connect. Please 
        refer to API Hub documentation for further details.
      type: http
      scheme: Ozone-Connect-JWT-Auth
