User (Debtor) Indicators: Information related to the User including User Name, Geo Location, Device ID, Date/time of last password change, Date/time onboarded by the TPP
Destination Delivery Address: Information for all related e-commerce payments, including recipient name and type, full delivery address, with region, and country
Transaction Indicators: Information in relation to the transaction itself including Customer Present flag, Confirmation of Payee flag, Contract Present flag and initiating Channel
Beneficiary Indicators: Information in relation to the Beneficiary of the initiated payment including Beneficiary Account Type (Retail or Corporate), Beneficiary Prepopulated by TPP flag, Merchant Details (with Name and SIC code), Merchant Trading Name, Beneficiary Verified by TPP flag and additional Beneficiary Account holder Identifiers (such as a national ID or Passport Number for Retail accounts or business registration number for Business and Corporate accounts).
Merchant Details: Include the Merchant Identification. For the UAE IPP Aani Core Scheme, the format has the following:
A three character Emirates CodeĀ
A five character Issuer type code
A Trade License number
A four digit Economic activity code.