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openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: Ozone Connect - Data Sharing APIs contact: name: Ozone Financial Technology Limited description: | This document provides an API description in [OpenAPI](https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.0.1.html) for Data Sharing APIs for Ozone Connect. These APIs should be implemented by an financial institution so that Ozone can expose these end-points to TPPs. #### Test Case References This description contains a number of references in the form `XXX-999-999`. These are references to test case numbers in the Ozone Connect Test Harness that financial institutions may use to test their Ozone Connect implementations. Please note that these errors are intended for pre-production testing by the financial institution and are therefore not mandated for implementation. #### Implementer Notes Implementers should note that this API prescribes a positive response for correctly executed operations including those where no data is returned. This is consistent with the general principles of REST. For example, if the operation `get /accounts/{accountId}/products` is invoked and no product data is found for the account associated with the value of `accountId` then the correct response is to return a `200` and an empty array: `{ "data": [] }`. ###Please Changesrefer into Version 2024.46.0 * Added definitions to `accountRole`the API Hub documentation for details of test cases that are available *for Changedthis `getAPI /customer`using andthe `get /accounts/{accountId}/customer` response toOzone Connect test suite. ### Changes includein `fullName` optionVersion 2025.06.0 * Removed test case *guidance Changedand `post /customers/action/cop-query` response to include `fullName` optionreferences from the API description as now * Removed `customerType`maintained andon `accountRole`a fromAPI `GetHub /customer`documentation page. #### ### Changes in Version 2024.48.1 * Removed redundant `balanceType` query parameter as this is not supported at API Hub * Changed `finalPaymentDateTime`, `numberOfPayments` and `finalPaymentAmount` to optional in standing order response ### Changes in Version 2024.46.0 * Added definitions to `accountRole` * Changed `get /customer` and `get /accounts/{accountId}/customer` response to include `fullName` option * Changed `post /customers/action/cop-query` response to include `fullName` option * Removed `customerType` and `accountRole` from `Get /customer` #### Changes in Version 2024.43.0 * In Accounts API, NotActive account status has been updated to Inactive * Account status descriptions have been changed to reference CBUAE definitions * For Scheduled Payment, Beneficiary, Standing Order APIs - Additional enums like MaskedPAN, MobileNumber, UtilityName, EWallet have been added. * Added credit line definitions. #### Changes in Version 2024.37.0 * Removed 400 error code for `o3-psu-identifier` from POST /customers/action/cop-query * Added missing `description` properties through the document. * Added `default` response to each operation to aid understanding of error handling requirements. * Changed `trustFramework` value and clarified implementation. * Changed `page-size` parameter to match Operating Guidelines. * Removed `additionalProperties: true` as not required and causes tooling issues #### Changes in Version 2024.34.1 * Removed propagateError field from the Error object. * Marked o3-psu-identifier header mandatory for Get /customer API and marked page and page-size mandatory query parameters. * Refactored Security Scheme Objects to use common definitions across all API Hub APIs * Implemented the correct Security Requirements for this API description, reflecting security patterns available in API Hub #### Changes in Version 2024.34 * Removed the namespace from all enumerations. * Marked mandatory fields. * Renamed proprietoryBankTransactionCodeproprietaryBankTransactionCode as proprietaryBankTransactionCode. * Marked o3-caller-org-id, o3-caller-client-id, o3-caller-software-statement-id, o3-consent-id, o3-caller-interaction-id and o3-psu-identifier headers mandatory. * Added page and page-size query parameters. * Updated enums for accountType, accountSubType, cardSchemeName and instrumentType. version: 20242025.4606.0 servers: - url: https://<your-ozone-connect-server> tags: - name: accounts description: | APIs that should be implemented by Financial Institutions to expose `accounts` information to TPPs. - name: balances description: | APIs that should be implemented by Financial Institutions to expose `balances` information to TPPs. - name: transactions description: | APIs that should be implemented by Financial Institutions to expose `transactions` information to TPPs. - name: customers description: | APIs that should be implemented by Financial Institutions to expose `customer` information to TPPs. - name: beneficiaries description: | APIs that should be implemented by Financial Institutions to expose `beneficiaries` information to TPPs. - name: direct-debits description: | APIs that should be implemented by Financial Institutions to expose `direct debit` information to TPPs. - name: scheduled-payments description: | APIs that should be implemented by Financial Institutions to expose `scheduled payment` information to TPPs. - name: standing-orders description: | APIs that should be implemented by Financial Institutions to expose `standing order` information to TPPs. - name: products description: | APIs that should be implemented by Financial Institutions to expose `product` information to TPPs. security: - {} - OzoneConnectApiKey: [] - OzoneConnectClientCredentials: [ "placeholder" ] - OzoneConnectJwtAuth: [] paths: /accounts: get: tags: - accounts summary: Fetch accounts description: | At ###### ACC-010-010 least one of `/accounts` or `/accounts/:accountId` must be implemented. The API must return all the accounts specified by the `accountIds` query parameter. ###### ACC-010-140 If one or more specified accountIds does not exist or cannot be retrieved the call should continue to return other accounts. ###### ACC-010-150 If no accounts are found, the call must return a success status code `200` with an empty `data` array. ## Optionality At least one of `/accounts` or `/accounts/:accountId` must be implemented. If If not implemented, Ozone will use the `/accounts/:accountId` end-point. However, that is not as performant an alternative and Financial Institutions are encouraged to implement this end-point. operationId: findAccounts parameters: # common header parameters that set context - $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiOperation" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/consentId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/psuIdentifier" # query parameters - name: accountIds in: query description: Comma separated ids of the accounts to be returned schema: type: string minimum: 1 required: true - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page-size" responses: "200": description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountsResponse" "400": description$ref: |"#/components/responses/BadRequestError" "401": The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions:$ref: "#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError" default: - ###### ACC-010-020$ref: "#/components/responses/Error" /accounts/{accountId}: get: Iftags: the `accountsIds` query parameter is not supplied. - accounts summary: Fetch the account -specified ###### ACC-010-040 by the account id description: At least one of `/accounts` The `o3-psu-identifier` header parameter is not specified.or `/accounts/:accountId` must be implemented. operationId: findByAccountId -parameters: ###### ACC-010-050 # common header parameters that set context Both the `accountIds` query parameter and the `o3-psu-identifier` header parameter are not specified.- $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId" - ###### ACC-010-030 $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" The `o3-provider-id` header is missing or has an- unexpected value$ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" The operation __may__ be failed with- a status of `400` under the following error conditions:$ref: "#/components/parameters/apiOperation" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/consentId" - ###### ACC-010-070, ACC-010-080, ACC-010-090$ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionId" One or more of- the mandatory header parameters is not specified or has an unexpected value $ref: "#/components/parameters/psuIdentifier" # Path param definitions - `o3-api-uri`, name: accountId in: path - `o3-api-operation`, description: Id of the account to - `o3-ozone-interaction-id`be queried contentrequired: true application/jsonschema: schematype: string $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" responses: "401200": description: |successful operation content: The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `401` under the following error conditionsapplication/json: - ###### ACC-010-100schema: The API consumer is not authorised.$ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountResponse" content"400": application/json:$ref: "#/components/responses/BadRequestError" schema: "401": $ref: "#/components/schemasresponses/ErrorUnauthorizedError" default: $ref: "#/components/responses/Error" /accounts/{accountId}/balances: get: tags: - accountsbalances summary: Fetch the balances for the account specified by the account id. descriptionoperationId: |findBalancesByAccountId description: ###### ACC-020-010 The API must return the account specified by the `accountId` path parameter. ## OptionalityThe financial institution may return more than one balance record for each account. Each array element represents a balance of a different type, Atmapped leastto onea ofspecific `/accounts`ISO or `/accounts/:accountId` must be implemented. 20022 code. operationId: findByAccountId parameters: # common header parameters that set context - $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiOperation" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/consentId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/psuIdentifier" # Path param definitions - name: accountId in: path description: Id of the account to be queried required: true schema: type: string - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page-size" responses: "200": description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountResponseBalancesResponse" "400": description$ref: |"#/components/responses/BadRequestError" "401": The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions:$ref: "#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError" default: - ###### ACC-020-020 $ref: "#/components/responses/Error" /accounts/{accountId}/transactions: get: tags: The account corresponding to the `accountId` query parameter does- nottransactions exist or is under a bar summary: Fetch transactions for the account specified by the accountId - ###### ACC-020-030 description: Return all transactions for the account, filtered on date range The `o3-provider-id` header is missing or hasparameters an unexpected value The operation __should__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### ACC-020-040 The financial institution should fail the call if the `o3-psu-identifier` header is not specified. - ###### ACC-020-050 If both the `accountId` and `o3-psu-identifier` header are not specified. The operation __may__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### ACC-020-070, ACC-020-080, ACC-020-090 One or more of the mandatory header parameters is not specified or has an unexpected value - `o3-api-uri`, - `o3-api-operation`, - `o3-ozone-interaction-id` content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" "401": description: | The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `401` under the following error conditions: - ###### ACC-020-100 The API consumer is not authorised. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" default: $ref: "#/components/responses/Error" /accounts/{accountId}/balances: get: tags: - balances summary: Fetch the balances for the account specified by the account id. operationId: findBalancesByAccountId description: | ###### BAL-020-010 Retrieves the balance for account specified by the `accountId` parameter. ###### BAL-020-110 If the `balanceType` is specified, the financial institution must return the specified balance type only. ###### BAL-020-120 If the balanceType is not specified, the financial institution may return more than one balance record for each account. Each row would represent a balance of a different type. parameters: # common header parameters that set context - $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiOperation" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/consentId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/psuIdentifier" # Path param definitions - name: accountId in: path description: Id of the account to be queried required: true schema: type: string # query parameters - name: balanceType in: query description: The type of balance to be returned schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeBalanceType" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page-size" responses: "200": description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BalancesResponse" "400": description: | The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### BAL-020-020 The balance for account corresponding to the `accountId` query parameter does not exist or is under a bar - ###### BAL-020-030 The `o3-provider-id` header is missing or has an unexpected value - ###### BAL-020-130 The `balanceType` query parameter has an unexpected value or is not supported by the financial institution. The operation __should__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### BAL-020-040 The financial institution should fail the call if the `o3-psu-identifier` header is not specified. - ###### BAL-020-050 Both the `accountId` query parameter and the `o3-psu-identifier` header parameter are not specified. The operation __may__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### BAL-020-070, BAL-020-080, BAL-020-090 One or more of the mandatory header parameters is not specified or has an unexpected value - `o3-api-uri`, - `o3-api-operation`, - `o3-ozone-interaction-id` content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" "401": description: | The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `401` under the following error conditions: - ###### BAL-020-100 The API consumer is not authorised. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" default: $ref: "#/components/responses/Error" /accounts/{accountId}/transactions: get: tags: - transactions summary: Fetch transactions for the account specified by the accountId description: | ###### TXN-020-010 Retrieves all the transactions for the account specified by the `accountId` in the URL. ###### TXN-020-011 Retrieves the transactions for the account specified, starting from the specified valid `fromBookingDateTime` query parameter, until today. ###### TXN-020-012 Retrieves the transactions for the account specified, starting from the begining, and ending at the specified valid `toBookingDateTime` query parameter. ###### TXN-020-013 Retrieves the transactions for the account specified, starting from the the specified valid `fromBookingDateTime` query parameter, and ending at the specified valid `toBookingDateTime` query parameter. ###### TXN-020-020 If the account does not exist or is under a bar, then the financial institution should return an error with status 400. operationId: findTransactionsByAccountId parameters: # common header parameters that set context - $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiOperation" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/consentId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/psuIdentifier" # Path param definitions - name: accountId in: path description: Id of the account to be queried required: true schema: type: string example: abc-123 - $ref: "#/components/parameters/transaction-fromBookingDateTime" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/transaction-toBookingDateTime" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page-size" responses: "200": description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionsResponse" "400": description: | The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### TXN-020-020 If the account does not exist or is under a bar, then the financial institution should return an error with status 400. - ###### TXN-020-040 If the `o3-psu-identifier` header parameter is not specified. - ###### TXN-020-030 The `o3-provider-id` header is missing or has an unexpected value - ###### TXN-020-050 Both the `accountId` query parameter and the `o3-psu-identifier` header parameter are not specified. - ###### TXN-020-170 The `fromBookingDateTime` is not in ISO Date format - ###### TXN-020-180 The `toBookingDateTime` is not in ISO Date format The operation __may__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### TXN-020-070, TXN-020-080, TXN-020-090 One or more of the mandatory header parameters is not specified or has an unexpected value - `o3-api-uri`, - `o3-api-operation`, - `o3-ozone-interaction-id` content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" "401": description: | The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `401` under the following error conditions: - ###### TXN-020-100 The API consumer is not authorised. default: $ref: "#/components/responses/Error" /accounts/{accountId}/direct-debits: get: tags: - direct-debits summary: Fetch the direct debits specified by the account id description: | ###### DBT-020-010 Retrieves the direct debits specified by the `accountId` parameter. operationId: findDirectDebitByAccountId parameters: # common header parameters that set context - $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiOperation" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/consentId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/psuIdentifier" # Path param definitions - name: accountId in: path description: Id of the account to be queried required: true schema: type: string # query parameters - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page-size" responses: "200": description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DirectDebitsResponse" "400": description: | The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### DBT-020-020 The account corresponding to the `accountId` query parameter does not exist or is under a bar - ###### DBT-020-030 The `o3-provider-id` header is missing or has an unexpected value The operation __should__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### DBT-020-040 The financial institution should fail the call if the `o3-psu-identifier` header is not specified. - ###### DBT-020-050 Both the `accountId` query parameter and the `o3-psu-identifier` header parameter are not specified. The operation __may__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### DBT-020-070, DBT-020-080, DBT-020-090 One or more of the mandatory header parameters is not specified or has an unexpected value - `o3-api-uri`, - `o3-api-operation`, - `o3-ozone-interaction-id` content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" "401": description: | The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `401` under the following error conditions: - ###### DBT-020-100 The API consumer is not authorised. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" default: $ref: "#/components/responses/Error" /accounts/{accountId}/scheduled-payments: get: tags: - scheduled-payments summary: Fetch the scheduled payments specified by the account id description: | ###### FDP-020-010 Retrieves the scheduled payments specified by the `accountId` parameter. operationId: findScheduledPaymentByAccountId parameters: # common header parameters that set context - $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiOperation" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/consentId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/psuIdentifier" # Path param definitions - name: accountId in: path description: Id of the account to be queried required: true schema: type: string # query parameters - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page-size" responses: "200": description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ScheduledPaymentsResponse" "400": description: | The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### FDP-020-020 The account corresponding to the `accountId` query parameter does not exist or is under a bar - ###### FDP-020-030 The `o3-provider-id` header is missing or has an unexpected value The operation __should__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### FDP-020-040 The financial institution should fail the call if the `o3-psu-identifier` header is not specified. - ###### FDP-020-050 Both the `accountId` query parameter and the `o3-psu-identifier` header parameter are not specified. The operation __may__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### FDP-020-070, FDP-020-080, FDP-020-090 One or more of the mandatory header parameters is not specified or has an unexpected value - `o3-api-uri`, - `o3-api-operation`, - `o3-ozone-interaction-id` content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" "401": description: | The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `401` under the following error conditions: - ###### FDP-020-100 The API consumer is not authorised. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" default: $ref: "#/components/responses/Error" /accounts/{accountId}/standing-orders: get: tags: - standing-orders summary: Fetch the standing orders specified by the account id description: | ###### STO-020-010 Retrieves the standing orders specified by the `accountId` parameter. operationId: findStandingOrderByAccountId parameters: # common header parameters that set context - $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiOperation" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/consentId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/psuIdentifier" # Path param definitions - name: accountId in: path description: Id of the account to be queried required: true schema: type: string # query parameters - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page-size" responses: "200": description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StandingOrdersResponse" "400": description: | The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### STO-020-020 The account corresponding to the `accountId` query parameter does not exist or is under a bar - ###### STO-020-030 The `o3-provider-id` header is missing or has an unexpected value The operation __should__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### STO-020-040 The financial institution should fail the call if the `o3-psu-identifier` header is not specified. - ###### STO-020-050 The financial institution should fail the call if the `accountId` does not refer to an account that is accessible by a the PSU identified by the `o3-psu-identifier` header. The operation __may__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### STO-020-060, STO-020-070, STO-020-080 One or more of the mandatory header parameters is not specified or has an unexpected value - `o3-api-uri`, - `o3-api-operation`, - `o3-ozone-interaction-id` content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" "401": description: | The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `401` under the following error conditions: - ###### STO-020-090 The API consumer is not authorised. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" default: $ref: "#/components/responses/Error" /customer: get: tags: - customers summary: Fetch customer description: | ###### CUS-010-040 The API must return the customer for the PSU identified by the `o3-psu-identifier` header. ###### CUS-010-190 If no customer is found, the call must return a success status code `200` with an empty `data` object. operationId: findCustomeras required. operationId: findTransactionsByAccountId parameters: # common header parameters that set context - $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiOperation" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionIdconsentId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionIdcallerInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/psuIdentifierozoneInteractionId" - name$ref: o3-consent-id"#/components/parameters/psuIdentifier" # in:Path headerparam definitions - schemaname: accountId typein: stringpath description: Id Theof consentIdthe foraccount whichto thisbe callqueried is being made responsesrequired: true "200"schema: description type: successfulstring operation contentexample: abc-123 - application/json:$ref: "#/components/parameters/transaction-fromBookingDateTime" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/transaction-toBookingDateTime" schema: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/schemasparameters/CustomerResponsepage-size" responses: "400200": description: |successful operation content: The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: application/json: - ###### CUS-010-040 schema: The `o3-psu-identifier` header parameter are not specified. $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionsResponse" "400": - ###### CUS-010-030 $ref: "#/components/responses/BadRequestError" "401": The `o3-provider-id` header is missing or has an unexpected value$ref: "#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError" default: The operation __may__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions$ref: "#/components/responses/Error" /accounts/{accountId}/direct-debits: get: tags: - ###### CUS-010-070, CUS-010-080, CUS-010-090 direct-debits summary: Fetch the direct debits specified by the account id One or moredescription: ofReturn the mandatorydirect headerdebits parametersfor isthe notaccount specified orby hasthe anaccountId unexpected value operationId: findDirectDebitByAccountId parameters: - `o3-api-uri`, # common header parameters that set context - `o3-api-operation`, - $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" - `o3-ozone-interaction-id` $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId" - content$ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - application/json:$ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementId" schema: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" - $ref: "#/components/schemasparameters/ErrorapiOperation" - "401":$ref: "#/components/parameters/consentId" - description$ref: |"#/components/parameters/callerInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionId" The operation __must__ be failed with a- status of `401` under the following error conditions:$ref: "#/components/parameters/psuIdentifier" # Path param definitions - ###### CUS-010-100 name: accountId in: path The API consumer is not authorised. description: Id of the account to be content:queried application/jsonrequired: true schema: type: string $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" # query parameters default: - $ref: "#/components/responsesparameters/Errorpage" /customers/action/cop-query: post: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page-size" tags: responses: - customers summary"200": Fetches customer data based on a confirmation of payee query description: |successful operation The API is usedcontent: by Ozone to find customer records from the LFI based on a confirmation of payee query. application/json: Ozone will send a query to the LFIschema: that identifies a customer account. The financial institution must return the customer records associated with specified account. $ref: "#/components/schemas/DirectDebitsResponse" Ozone"400": takes on the responsibility of implementing the COP name matching rules. The financial institution must return the customer records that match the COP query.$ref: "#/components/responses/BadRequestError" "401": $ref: The financial institution may return multiple customer records for a single account. (e.g. for joint accounts)"#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError" default: $ref: "#/components/responses/Error" /accounts/{accountId}/scheduled-payments: In situations where theget: customer is not found, the financial institutiontags: must return a success status code `200` with an- emptyscheduled-payments `data` object. e.g. summary: Fetch the scheduled payments specified by -the account isid not found description: Return the scheduled payments for -the account isspecified by underthe a bar accountId - customer has opted out ofoperationId: COPfindScheduledPaymentByAccountId parameters: Note that this operation is not carried# outcommon underheader aparameters consentthat andset thecontext call will not have a `o3-consent-id` header - $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" operationId: findCustomerForCop - parameters:$ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerIdcallerOrgId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspIdcallerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgIdcallerSoftwareStatementId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientIdapiUri" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementIdapiOperation" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUriconsentId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiOperationcallerInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionIdozoneInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionId" psuIdentifier" # Path param definitions - name: accountId in: path description: Id of the account to be queried required: true schema: type: string # query parameters - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page-size" requestBodyresponses: "200": required description: successful trueoperation content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConfirmationRequestScheduledPaymentsResponse" responses:"400": $ref: "200":#/components/responses/BadRequestError" "401": description: successful operation $ref: "#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError" content: default: application/json: $ref: "#/components/responses/Error" /accounts/{accountId}/standing-orders: get: schema: tags: - standing-orders $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConfirmationResponse" summary: Fetch the standing orders specified "400":by the account id description: |Return the standing orders for the account specified by the The operation __must__ be failed with aaccountId status of `400` under the following error conditionsoperationId: findStandingOrderByAccountId parameters: - ###### CUS-010-030 # common header parameters that set context The `o3-provider-id` header is missing or has an unexpected value$ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId" - The operation __may__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions:$ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementId" - ###### CUS-010-070, CUS-010-080, CUS-010-090 $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiOperation" One or more of the mandatory header parameters- is not specified or has an unexpected value$ref: "#/components/parameters/consentId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionId" - `o3-api-uri`,$ref: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/psuIdentifier" - `o3-api-operation`, # Path param definitions - `o3-ozone-interaction-id` name: accountId contentin: path application/jsondescription: Id of the account to be queried schema: required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" "401"type: string description:# |query parameters - The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `401` under the following error conditions: $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page-size" responses: - ###### CUS-010-100 "200": Thedescription: APIsuccessful consumeroperation is not authorised. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ErrorStandingOrdersResponse" default"400": $ref: "#/components/responses/ErrorBadRequestError" /accounts/{accountId}/customer: get: tags: "401": - customers summary: Fetch the customers specified by the account id description: |$ref: "#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError" default: ###### CUS-020-040$ref: "#/components/responses/Error" /customer: get: The API must return the customer for the PSU identified by the `o3-psu-identifier` header. tags: - customers ###### CUS-020-190 summary: Fetch customer description: IfReturn nothe customer isdetails found,for the User identified callby mustthe return a success status code `200` with an empty `data` object`o3-psu-identifier` header. operationId: findCustomerByAccountIdfindCustomer parameters: # common header parameters that set context - $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiOperation" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/consentIdcallerInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionIdozoneInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionIdpsuIdentifier" - name: o3-psuconsent-identifierid in: header schema: type: string required: true description: A Base64 encoded representation of the psuIdentifier JSON object. # Path param definitions - name: accountId in: path description: Id of the account to be queried required: true schema: type: string example: abc-123 schema: # query parameters type: string - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" description: The consentId for which this call -is $ref: "#/components/parameters/page-size"being made responses: "200": description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CustomersResponseCustomerResponse" "400": description$ref: |"#/components/responses/BadRequestError" "401": The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: $ref: "#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError" default: - ###### CUS-020-040 $ref: "#/components/responses/Error" /customers/action/cop-query: post: The `o3-psu-identifier` header parameter are not specified.tags: - customers - ###### CUS-020-030 summary: Fetches customer data based on a confirmation of payee query The `o3-provider-id` header isdescription: missing| or has an unexpected value The API is used by Ozone to find customer records from Thethe operation __may__ be failed with a statusLFI based on a confirmation of `400`payee underquery. the following error conditions: Ozone will send a query to the LFI -that ###### CUS-020-070, CUS-020-080, CUS-020-090 One or more of the mandatory header parameters is not specified or has an unexpected value - `o3-api-uri`, identifies a customer account. The financial institution must return the customer records associated with specified account. Ozone takes on the responsibility of implementing the COP name matching rules. The financial institution must return the customer records that match the COP query. The - `o3-api-operation`, - `o3-ozone-interaction-id`financial institution may return multiple customer records for a single account. (e.g. for joint accounts) In situations where the customer content:is not found, the financial institution must return a success status code `200` application/json:with an empty `data` object. e.g. schema: - account is not found - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" account is under a bar "401": - customer has opted out of COP description: | Note that this operation is Thenot operation __must__ be failed with a status of `401` under the following error conditions:carried out under a consent and the call will not have a `o3-consent-id` header operationId: findCustomerForCop - ###### CUS-020-100 parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" The API consumer is not authorised.- $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId" - content:$ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - application/json:$ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementId" schema: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" - $ref: "#/components/schemasparameters/ErrorapiOperation" - default$ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/responsesparameters/ErrorozoneInteractionId" /accounts/{accountId}/beneficiaries: get: # query parameters tags: - beneficiaries $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" summary: Fetch the beneficiaries specified by the- account id$ref: "#/components/parameters/page-size" descriptionrequestBody: | ###### BEN-020-010required: true content: Retrieves the beneficiaries specified by the `accountId` parameter. application/json: ###### BEN-020-020 schema: The account corresponding to the `accountId` query parameter does not exist or is under a bar$ref: "#/components/schemas/ConfirmationRequest" operationId: findBeneficiariesByAccountIdresponses: parameters"200": # common headerdescription: parameterssuccessful thatoperation set context -content: $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId"application/json: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" schema: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/parametersschemas/callerSoftwareStatementIdConfirmationResponse" - $ref"400": "#/components/parameters/apiUri" - $ref: "#/components/parametersresponses/apiOperationBadRequestError" - $ref"401": "#/components/parameters/consentId" - $ref: "#/components/parametersresponses/callerInteractionIdUnauthorizedError" - $refdefault: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parametersresponses/psuIdentifierError" /accounts/{accountId}/customer: get: # Path param definitions tags: - name: accountId- customers summary: Fetch the in:customers pathspecified by the account id description: Id ofReturn the accountcustomer todetails befor queriedthe account specified by the required: true accountId schemaoperationId: findCustomerByAccountId parameters: type: string # common header parameters that set context # query parameters - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageproviderId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page-sizeaspspId" responses: - "200":$ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - description$ref: successful operation"#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - content$ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementId" - application/json:$ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" schema: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiOperation" - $ref: "#/components/schemasparameters/BeneficiariesResponseconsentId" "400":- $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionId" - description$ref: | "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionId" - The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: name: o3-psu-identifier in: header schema: - ###### BEN-020-020 type: string If the `accountsId` query parameter is notrequired: specified.true description: A Base64 -encoded ###### BEN-020-030 representation of the psuIdentifier JSON object. # The `o3-provider-id` header is missing or has an unexpected value Path param definitions - name: accountId The operation __should__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: - ###### BEN-020-040in: path description: Id of the account to be queried required: true The financial institution shouldschema: fail the call if the `o3-psu-identifier` header is not specified. type: string - ######example: BENabc-020-050123 # query parameters Both the `accountId` query parameter and the `o3-psu-identifier` header parameter are not specified.$ref: "#/components/parameters/page" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page-size" The operation __may__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions responses: "200": description: successful operation - ###### BEN-020-060, BEN-020-070, BEN-020-080 content: One or more of theapplication/json: mandatory header parameters is not specified or has an unexpected value schema: - `o3-api-uri`, $ref: "#/components/schemas/CustomersResponse" - `o3-api-operation`,"400": $ref: "#/components/responses/BadRequestError" - `o3-ozone-interaction-id` "401": content: $ref: "#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError" application/jsondefault: $ref: "#/components/responses/Error" schema:/accounts/{accountId}/beneficiaries: get: tags: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" - beneficiaries "401"summary: Fetch the beneficiaries specified by the account id description: | Return the beneficiaries for the account specified by the accountId The operationId: operationfindBeneficiariesByAccountId __must__ be failed with a status ofparameters: `401` under the following error conditions: # common header parameters that set context - ###### BEN-020-100$ref: "#/components/parameters/providerId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId" The API consumer is not authorised.- $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - content:$ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - application/json:$ref: "#/components/parameters/callerSoftwareStatementId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" schema: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/apiOperation" - $ref: "#/components/schemasparameters/ErrorconsentId" - default$ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/responsesparameters/ErrorozoneInteractionId" /accounts/{accountId}/products: - get$ref: "#/components/parameters/psuIdentifier" tags: # Path param definitions - products - summaryname: FetchaccountId products. description: | in: path The API must return alldescription: theId productsof thatthe areaccount providedto bybe the financialqueried institution. Ifrequired: notrue products are found, the call must return a success status code `200`schema: with an empty `data` array. operationIdtype: findProductsstring parameters: # commonquery header parameters that set context - $ref: "#/components/parameters/providerIdpage" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/aspspId"page-size" responses: "200": - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId"description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/parametersschemas/callerSoftwareStatementIdBeneficiariesResponse" - $ref"400": "#/components/parameters/apiUri" - $ref: "#/components/parametersresponses/apiOperationBadRequestError" - $ref"401": "#/components/parameters/consentId" - $ref: "#/components/parametersresponses/callerInteractionIdUnauthorizedError" - $refdefault: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parametersresponses/psuIdentifierError" /accounts/{accountId}/products: get: # Path param definitionstags: - products name: accountId summary: Fetch products. in description: | path The API description:must Idreturn ofall the account to be queried products that are provided by the financial institution. If required:no trueproducts are found, the call must return a success status code schema:`200` with an empty `data` array. typeoperationId: string findProducts parameters: # common queryheader parameters that set context - $ref: "#/components/parameters/pageproviderId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page-sizeaspspId" responses: - $ref: "200": description: successful operation content: application/json: "#/components/parameters/callerOrgId" - schema$ref: "#/components/parameters/callerClientId" - $ref: "#/components/schemasparameters/ProductsResponsecallerSoftwareStatementId" - "400":$ref: "#/components/parameters/apiUri" - description: |$ref: "#/components/parameters/apiOperation" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/consentId" The operation __must__ be failed with a- status of `400` under the following error conditions:$ref: "#/components/parameters/callerInteractionId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ozoneInteractionId" - ###### PRD-010-030$ref: "#/components/parameters/psuIdentifier" # Path param definitions The `o3-provider-id` header is missing or has an- unexpectedname: valueaccountId in: path - ###### PRD-010-040 description: Id of the account to be queried The `o3-psu-identifier` header parameter is not specified. required: true The operation __may__ be failed with a status of `400` under the following error conditions: schema: type: string # query parameters - ###### PRD-010-070, PRD-010-080, PRD-010-090 - $ref: "#/components/parameters/page" One or- more of the mandatory header parameters is not specified or has an unexpected value$ref: "#/components/parameters/page-size" responses: "200": - `o3-api-uri`, description: successful operation - `o3-api-operation`, content: - `o3-ozone-interaction-id` application/json: content: schema: application/json: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProductsResponse" schema: "400": $ref: "#/components/schemasresponses/ErrorBadRequestError" "401": description$ref: |"#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError" default: The operation __must__ be failed with a status of `401` under the following error conditions $ref: "#/components/responses/Error" components: responses: BadRequestError: description: Operation failed due to a invalid -request ######parameter PRD-010-100 content: Theapplication/json: API consumer is not authorised. schema: content: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" application/jsonUnauthorizedError: description: Operation failed due to an invalid credential or schema:missing token content: $refapplication/json: "#/components/schemas/Error" defaultschema: $ref: "#/components/responsesschemas/Error" components: responses: Error: description: Default error response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" schemas: # # Schemas for Accounts # AccountsResponse: type: object description: | A descriptor for an account. This is a composite object that may be expanded in the future to support additional account types for new API standards and account types. example: data: - id: string accountType: Retail accountSubType: string currency: GBP status: Active accountHolderName: string servicer: schemeName: BICFI identification: string accountNumbers: - name: string schemeName: IBAN identification: string product: id: string productName: string bundleName: string meta: {} properties: data: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeAccount" description: Primary data for the resource meta: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Meta" AccountResponse: type: object description: | A descriptor for an account. This is a composite object that may be expanded in the future to support additional account types for new API standards and account types. properties: data: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeAccount" meta: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Meta" CbuaeAccount: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Unique identifier for the account resource product: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProductIdentifier" multiAuth: type: boolean description: Indicator that labels the account as requiring multiple authorizers businessCustomer: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CustomerIdentifier" description: Provides the customer identifiers for an account when the account is a business account customers: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CustomerIdentifier" minimumminItems: 1 description: Provides the customer identifiers for an account when the account is a non-business account accountHolderName: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountHolderName" accountHolderShortName: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountHolderShortName" status: description: | Specifies the status of account resource in code form. * Active: The account exist and is in an active state. * Inactive: The account is deemed not active by the LFI. Please refer to the [CBUAE Website](https://rulebook.centralbank.ae/en/rulebook/dormant-accounts-regulation) for qualification of Inactive status. * Dormant: Please refer to the [CBUAE Website](https://rulebook.centralbank.ae/en/rulebook/dormant-accounts-regulation) for the definition of Dormant status. * Unclaimed: Please refer to the [CBUAE Website](https://rulebook.centralbank.ae/en/rulebook/dormant-accounts-regulation) for the definition of Unclaimed status. * Deceased: The account holder has passed away. * Suspended: The account has been temporarily deactivated by the LFI for reasons such as suspicious activities or non-compliance with regulations. The account holder might be unable to access funds or perform transactions until the bank's requirements are met, and the suspension is lifted. * Closed: The account is closed type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - Dormant - Unclaimed - Deceased - Suspended - Closed statusUpdateDateTime: description: "Date and time at which the resource status was updated." type: string format: date-time currency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TCurrency" accountType: description: "Specifies the type of account (Retail, SME or Corporate)." type: string enum: - Retail - SME - Corporate accountSubType: type: string x-namespaced-enum: - CurrentAccount - Savings description: "Specifies the sub type of account (product family group). Values include: CurrentAccount, Savings" description: description: "Specifies the description of the account sub-type." type: string nickName: description: "The nickname of the account, assigned by User 1 to provide an additional and easier means of identification of the account at the financial instituation" type: string openingDate: description: "Date on which the account and its related basic services by financial institution started to be operational for User 1" type: string format: date-time maturityDate: description: > * Fixed Term Savings Account MaturityDate is the date on which the savings mature and the balance can be withdrawn by the User without penalty type: string format: date-time accountNumbers: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountIdentifiers" minimumminItems: 1 description: Provides the account numbers that identity the account. This is separate to the `accountId`, which uniquely identifies the account resource. servicer: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AEBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification5_0" required: - id additionalProperties: false description: The properties of an account AccountIdentifiers: type: object description: Provides the details to identify an account. required: - schemeName - identification properties: schemeName: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEExternalAccountIdentificationCode' identification: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Identification_0' name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Name_0' additionalProperties: false AEExternalAccountIdentificationCode: description: >- Name of the identification scheme for the account. Encoded with allowable values published in an external list. type: string enum: - IBAN - AccountNumber AEExternalAccountIdentificationCode1: description: >- Name of the identification scheme for the account. Encoded with allowable values published in an external list. type: string enum: - IBAN - AccountNumber - MaskedPAN - MobileNumber - UtilityName - EWallet Identification_0: description: > Identification for the account assigned by the financial institution based on the Account Scheme Name. This identification is known by the User 1 account owner. For IBAN, refer to the ISO Standard 13616. type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 400 Name_0: description: >- The account name is the name or names of the User 1 account owner(s) represented at an account level, as displayed by the financial institution's online channels. Note: The account name is not the product name or the nickname of the account. type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 70 AEBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification5_0: type: object required: - schemeName - identification description: >- Party that manages the account on behalf of the account owner, that is manages the registration and booking of entries on the account, calculates balances on the account and provides information about the account. properties: schemeName: $ref: >- #/components/schemas/AEExternalFinancialInstitutionIdentificationCode identification: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Identification_1' additionalProperties: false Identification_1: description: > * /accounts resource Unique and unambiguous identification of the financial institution as the account servicing institution for the Open Finance services. * /beneficiaries resource Unique and unambiguous identification of the Creditor Agency as the servicing institution of the Beneficiary. * /scheduled-payments resource Unique and unambiguous identification of the financial institution as the account servicing institution for the Open Finance services. * /standing-orders resource Unique and unambiguous identification of the financial institution as the account servicing institution for the Open Finance services. * /transactions resource Unique and unambiguous identification of the financial institution as the account servicing institution for the Open Finance services. * Notes: Based on the value of the field **IdentificationType**, this entry may be : * BICFI: The BIC/SWIFT Code * OTHER: The ID; A Country Code followed by a Bank Code (UAEOF 4 character code). type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 AEExternalFinancialInstitutionIdentificationCode: description: > * /accounts resource The name of the identification scheme for the financial institution as the account services provider. Encoded with allowable value as published in an external list. * /beneficiaries resource Refers to the Financial Institution that manages the account on behalf of the Beneficiary party, managing registration, booking of entries on the account, calculating balances on the account and providing information about the account. This is the servicing Financial Institution of the Beneficiary account. * /scheduled-payments resource Refers to the identification scheme for uniquely identifying the Creditor Agent. * /standing-orders resource Refers to the identification scheme for uniquely identifying the Creditor Agent. * /transactions resource Refers to the identification scheme for uniquely identifying the Creditor Agent. type: string enum: - BICFI - OTHER CustomersResponse: type: object properties: data: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeCustomerById" description: Primary data for the resource meta: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Meta" description: The properties of customers associated with a given account ConfirmationResponse: type: object properties: data: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeCopCustomer" description: Primary data for the resource meta: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Meta" description: The properties of a Confirmation of Payee query response CustomerResponse: type: object properties: data: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeCustomer" meta: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Meta" description: The properties of a customer associated with a given account CbuaeCustomerById: type: object required: - id - verifiedClaims - customerType - accountRole properties: id: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 description: >- A unique and immutable identifier used to identify the customer resource. This identifier has no meaning to the account owner. number: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Number assigned by an agent to identify its customer. customerType: type: string enum: - Delegate - Joint - Sole description: > Specifies the party type. Encoded with allowable values: "Delegate" - Used for business accounts when user has delegated authority to access the account , "Joint" - Customer is a joint owner of the account "Sole" - Customer is the sole owner of the account accountRole: description: | Specifies the Party's role with respect to the related account. Allowed values are defined based on ISO 20022 definitions as follows: - Administrator: The party that administers the account and is not the account owner. - Beneficiary: Ultimate party that is entitled to receive the benefits of the ownership of the account. - CustodianForMinor: Entity that holds the account on behalf of a legal minor. Although the account is registered under the name of the minor, the custodian retains control of the account. - Granter: Granter role in the hedge funds industry. - LegalGuardian: Party that has been appointed by a legal authority to act on behalf of a person judged to be incapacitated. - OtherParty: An other type of party. Used when a given account role cannot be mapped to the role defined at the LFI. - PowerOfAttorney: Power of attorney which is held by the party. - Principal: Party acts as principal for the account for trading purposes. - Protector: Person appointed under a trust instrument to direct or restrain the trustees in relation to their administration of an account held in trust. - RegisteredShareholderName: Party for which shares are to be registered, for share holding accounts only. - SecondaryOwner: Entity that is not the primary owner when the ownership of an account is split among several owners. - SeniorManagingOfficial: Party that makes, or participates in the making of, decisions that affect the whole, or a substantial part, of the business of a customer of a reporting entity or that has the capacity to affect significantly the financial standing of a customer of a reporting entity. - Settlor: Entity that creates a trust or contributes assets to the trust. - SuccessorOnDeath: Deceased's estate, or successor, to whom account ownership will be transferred upon the death of one of the owners. type: string enum: - Administrator - Beneficiary - CustodianForMinor - Granter - LegalGuardian - OtherParty - PowerOfAttorney - Principal - Protector - RegisteredShareholderName - SecondaryOwner - SeniorManagingOfficial - Settlor - SuccessorOnDeath verifiedClaims: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CbuaeVerifiedClaim' description: >- Container object containing entries for the trust framework and the evidence used to verify the claims description: > Party Identity Assurance (Response) Schema Based on the [OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 Specification](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-4-identity-assurance-1_0.html) CbuaeCustomer: type: object required: - id - verifiedClaims properties: id: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 description: >- A unique and immutable identifier used to identify the customer resource. This identifier has no meaning to the account owner. number: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Number assigned by an agent to identify its customer. verifiedClaims: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CbuaeVerifiedClaim' description: >- Container object containing entries for the trust framework and the evidence used to verify the claims description: > Party Identity Assurance (Response) Schema Based on the [OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 Specification](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-4-identity-assurance-1_0.html) CbuaeCopCustomer: type: object required: - id - verifiedClaims properties: id: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 description: >- A unique and immutable identifier used to identify the customer resource. This identifier has no meaning to the account owner. number: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 description: Number assigned by an agent to identify its customer. verifiedClaims: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CbuaeVerifiedCopClaim' description: >- Container object containing entries for the trust framework and the evidence used to verify the claims description: > Party Identity Assurance (Response) Schema Based on the [OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 Specification](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-4-identity-assurance-1_0.html) CustomerPersonClaims: type: object properties: fullName: description: The full name of the account holder, as it appears on the account, as a single string. Used where LFIs hold the account name as a single value. type: string givenName: type: string description: >- Given name of the Party. Given name (also called forename) is used to differentiate from the surname or family name. familyName: type: string description: Surname of the Party middleName: type: string description: Middle name of the Party nickname: type: string description: Nickname of the Party emiratesId: type: string description: Emirates ID number of the Party emiratesIdExpiryDate: type: string format: date description: Emirates ID card expiry date birthDate: type: string format: date description: Date of birth of the Party sourceOfIncome: type: string description: The customer source of income salary: type: string description: The customer salary nationality: type: string description: The customer nationality, standardised where possible using a recognised three-character code set such as ISO 3166 residentialAddress: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityAddressClaim' mobileNumber: type: string description: The customer mobile number email: type: string description: The customer email maritalStatus: type: string description: The customer marital status salutation: type: string description: The customer salutation language: type: string description: The primary language of the customer, standardised where possible using a recognised three-character code set such as ISO 639 employerName: type: string description: The employer name of the customer employmentSinceDate: type: string format: date description: The date from which the customer was employed by their employer powerofAttorney: type: boolean description: Indicator that labels whether the customer is subject to a power of attorney arrangement salaryTransfer: type: boolean description: Indicator that labels whether the customer receives their salary in the associated account profession: type: string description: The customer profession updatedAt: type: string format: time description: The date at which the customer data was last updated description: > Standard Claims: [https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims) IdentityAssurance Claims: [https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-4-identity-assurance-1_0.html#name-claims](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-4-identity-assurance-1_0.html#name-claims) additionalProperties: false CbuaeVerifiedClaim: description: | Verified Claims :This is Required field for Cbuae Container object containing entries for the trust framework and the evidence used to verify the customer claims type: "object" properties: verification: description: | Verification type: "object" required: - trustFramework properties: trustFramework: type: "string" enum: [ FI ] description: Identifies the trust framework used for customer verification. For UAE the value "FI" is used, to indicate the FI has carried out verification of the customer details based on their processes that adhere to legislation for KYC and AML. assuranceLevel: type: "string" description: | Determines the assurance level associated with the customer in the respective VerifiedClaims. assuranceProcess: type: "object" description: | Determines the assurance process that was followed. This reflects how the evidence meets the requirements of the TrustFramework and AssuranceLevel. required: - policy - procedure - assuranceDetails properties: policy: type: "string" description: "Representing the standard or policy that was followed." procedure: type: "string" description: "Representing a specific procedure from the policy that was followed." assuranceDetails: type: "array" description: "Denoting the details about how the evidence complies with the policy" items: type: "object" required: - assuranceType - assuranceClassification - evidenceRef properties: assuranceType: description: "String denoting which part of the assurance_process the evidence fulfils" type: "string" assuranceClassification: description: "String reflecting how the evidence has been classified or measured as required by the TrustFramework" type: "string" evidenceRef: description: "Evidence being referred to" type: "array" items: type: "object" required: - txn - evidenceMetadata properties: txn: description: "Identifier referring to the txn used in the CheckDetails." type: "string" evidenceMetadata: description: "Object indicating any meta data about the evidence that is required by the AssuranceProcess in order to demonstrate compliance with the TrustFramework. It has the following sub-elements" type: "object" required: - evidenceClassification properties: evidenceClassification: type: "string" description: The classification of the evidence metadata used in verifying a given customer description: The properties of each piece of evidence used in verifying a given customer description: The properties of each assurance process implemented by the LFI to verify the details of a given customer time: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: | Representing the date and time when the identity verification process took place. All dates in the JSON payloads are represented in ISO 8601 date-time format. All date-time fields in responses must include the timezone. An example is below: 2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00 verificationProcess: type: "string" description: | Unique reference to the identity verification process as performed by the OP. evidence: description: The type of evidence allowed for providing verification. anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityEvidenceTypeDocument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityEvidenceTypeElectronicRecord' claims: description: Claims related to an individual. Either `fullName` or `givenName` and `familyName` MUST be provided oneOf: - allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CustomerPersonClaims' - required: - fullName - allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CustomerPersonClaims' - required: - givenName - familyName ConfirmationOfPayeePersonClaims: description: The account holder record, which mirrors the data structure implemented at the `get /customer` operation. In this case `givenName` and `familyName` are mandatory and must be returned. type: object properties: fullName: description: The full name of the account holder, as it appears on the account, as a single string. Used where LFIs hold the account name as a single value. type: string givenName: type: string description: Given name of the Party. Given name (also called forename) is used to differentiate from the surname or family name. Used where LFIs hold `givenName` and `familyName` separately. familyName: type: string description: Surname of the Party. Used where LFIs hold `givenName` and `familyName` separately. middleName: type: string description: Middle name of the Party nickname: type: string description: Nickname of the Party emiratesId: type: string description: Emirates ID number of the Party emiratesIdExpiryDate: type: string format: date description: Emirates ID card expiry date birthDate: type: string format: date description: Date of birth of the Party sourceOfIncome: type: string description: The customer source of income salary: type: string description: The customer salary nationality: type: string description: The customer nationality residentialAddress: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityAddressClaim' mobileNumber: type: string description: The customer mobile number email: type: string description: The customer email maritalStatus: type: string description: The customer marital status salutation: type: string description: The customer salutation language: type: string description: The primary language of the customer employerName: type: string description: The employer name of the customer employmentSinceDate: type: string format: date description: The date from which the customer was employed by their employer powerofAttorney: type: boolean description: Indicator that labels whether the customer is subject to a power of attorney arrangement salaryTransfer: type: boolean description: Indicator that labels whether the customer receives their salary in the associated account profession: type: string description: The customer profession updatedAt: type: string format: time description: The date at which the customer data was last updated additionalProperties: false CbuaeVerifiedCopClaim: description: | Verified Claims :This is Required field for Cbuae Container object containing entries for the trust framework and the evidence used to verify the customer claims type: "object" properties: verification: description: | Verification type: "object" required: - trustFramework properties: trustFramework: type: "string" enum: [ UAE.FI ] description: | Identifies the trust framework used for customer verification. Defaults to the KYC/AML applied as the source of truth for account holder details as applied under UAE law for Financial Institutions. assuranceLevel: type: "string" description: | Determines the assurance level associated with the customer in the respective VerifiedClaims. assuranceProcess: type: "object" description: | Determines the assurance process that was followed. This reflects how the evidence meets the requirements of the TrustFramework and AssuranceLevel. required: - policy - procedure - assuranceDetails properties: policy: type: "string" description: "Representing the standard or policy that was followed." procedure: type: "string" description: "Representing a specific procedure from the policy that was followed." assuranceDetails: type: "array" description: "Denoting the details about how the evidence complies with the policy" items: type: "object" required: - assuranceType - assuranceClassification - evidenceRef properties: assuranceType: description: "String denoting which part of the assurance_process the evidence fulfils" type: "string" assuranceClassification: description: "String reflecting how the evidence has been classified or measured as required by the TrustFramework" type: "string" evidenceRef: description: "Evidence being referred to" type: "array" items: type: "object" required: - txn - evidenceMetadata properties: txn: description: "Identifier referring to the txn used in the CheckDetails." type: "string" evidenceMetadata: description: "Object indicating any meta data about the evidence that is required by the AssuranceProcess in order to demonstrate compliance with the TrustFramework. It has the following sub-elements" type: "object" required: - evidenceClassification properties: evidenceClassification: type: "string" description: The properties of each piece of evidence used in verifying a given customer description: The properties of each assurance process implemented by the LFI to verify the details of a given customer description: The properties of a customer associated with a given account time: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: | Representing the date and time when the identity verification process took place. All dates in the JSON payloads are represented in ISO 8601 date-time format. All date-time fields in responses must include the timezone. An example is below: 2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00 verificationProcess: type: "string" description: | Unique reference to the identity verification process as performed by the OP. evidence: description: The type of evidence allowed for providing verification. anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityEvidenceTypeDocument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityEvidenceTypeElectronicRecord' claims: description: Claims related to an individual. Either `fullName` or `givenName` and `familyName` MUST be provided to support Confirmation of Payee matching. oneOf: - allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConfirmationOfPayeePersonClaims' - required: - fullName - allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConfirmationOfPayeePersonClaims' - required: - givenName - familyName organisationClaims: description: Claims related to a business entity type: object required: - name properties: name: type: string description: >- Business name of the Party. additionalProperties: false additionalProperties: false AEPartyIdentityEvidenceTypeDocument: type: object properties: type: type: string enum: - document description: The type of evidence allowed for providing verification. checkDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityCheckDetail' description: Details of one-or-more methods used to verify a physical document that asserts the identity of the customer verifier: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentEvidenceVerifier' time: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ISODateTime' documentDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentEvidenceDetails' attachments: type: object required: - AEPartyIdentityEvidenceAttachments properties: AEPartyIdentityEvidenceAttachments: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityEvidenceAttachment' description: > Attachment additionalProperties: false description: Attachments that provide evidence of the physical documents used to verify the identity of the customer description: > Document Evidence [https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-4-identity-assurance-1_0.html#name-evidence-type-document](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-4-identity-assurance-1_0.html#name-evidence-type-document) AEPartyIdentityEvidenceTypeElectronicRecord: type: object properties: type: type: string enum: - electronic_record description: The type of evidence allowed for providing verification. checkDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityCheckDetail' description: Details of one-or-more methods used to verify an electronic record that asserts the identity of the customer time: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ISODateTime' record: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ElectronicRecordProperties' attachments: type: object required: - AEPartyIdentityEvidenceAttachments properties: AEPartyIdentityEvidenceAttachments: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityEvidenceAttachment' description: > Attachments description: Attachments that provide evidence of the electronic records used to verify the identity of the customer description: > Electronic Record Evidence additionalProperties: false AEPartyIdentityCheckDetail: type: object properties: checkMethod: type: string description: > Identifes the method used by PASP for checking the evidence for verification String representing the check done, this includes processes such as checking the authenticity of the document, or verifying the user's biometric against an identity document. organization: type: string description: > String denoting the legal entity that performed the check. This SHOULD be included if the OP did not perform the check itself txn: type: string description: > Identifier referring to the identity verification transaction. The OP MUST ensure that this is present when EvidenceRef element is used. The OP MUST ensure that the transaction identifier can be resolved into transaction details during an audit time: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ISODateTime' description: > Identifes the method used by PASP for checking the evidence for verification. Representing the checks done in relation to the evidence additionalProperties: false DocumentEvidenceVerifier: type: object required: - organization properties: organization: type: string description: >- String denoting the organization which performed the verification on behalf of the OP. txn: type: string description: >- Identifier referring to the identity verification transaction. description: >- Denoting the legal entity that performed the identity verification. additionalProperties: false DocumentEvidenceDetails: type: object properties: type: type: string enum: - passport - driving_permit - idcard - residence_permit description: > The type of document used for evidence checking documentNumber: type: string description: The unique id number in the evidence used for verification checking personalNumber: type: string description: > An identifier that is assigned to the End-User and is not limited to being used in one document, for example a national identification number, personal identity number, citizen number, social security number, driver number, account number, customer number, licensee number, etc serialNumber: type: string description: > An identifier/number that identifies the document irrespective of any personalization information (this usually only applies to physical artifacts and is present before personalization). calendarType: type: string enum: - IslamicCalendar - GregorianCalendar description: > The type of calendar used for the date of issuance and date of expiry in the document evidence Allowable values: "Islamic Calendar" "Gregorian Calendar" Both calendars must follow YYYY-MM-DD dateOfIssuance: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ISODateTime' dateOfExpiry: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ISODateTime' issuer: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentEvidenceDetailsIssuer' description: 'Representing the document used to perform the identity verification. ' additionalProperties: false DocumentEvidenceDetailsIssuer: type: object required: - name - address - countryCode - jurisdiction properties: name: type: string description: | Designation of the issuer of the document. address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityAddressClaim' countryCode: type: object required: - CountryCode properties: CountryCode: type: string pattern: ^[A-Z]{2,2}$ description: Nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. additionalProperties: false description: > String containing the name of the region(s)/state(s)/province(s)/municipality(ies) that issuer has jurisdiction over (if this information is not common knowledge or derivable from the address) jurisdiction: type: string description: > String containing the name of the region(s)/state(s)/province(s)/municipality(ies) that issuer has jurisdiction over (if this information is not common knowledge or derivable from the address) description: Containing information about the issuer of this document. additionalProperties: false AEPartyIdentityAddressClaim: type: object required: - formatted - streetAddress - locality - region - postalCode - country properties: formatted: type: string description: | The address number and street claim that has been verified. streetAddress: type: string description: | The address street claim that has been verified. locality: type: string description: > The address locality (village, town, city etc) claim that has been verified. region: type: string description: | The address region claim that has been verified. postalCode: type: object required: - PostalCode properties: PostalCode: type: string minLength: 5 maxLength: 5 description: >- Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. additionalProperties: false description: | The postal code that has been verified. country: type: object required: - CountryCode properties: CountryCode: type: string pattern: ^[A-Z]{2,2}$ description: Nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. additionalProperties: false description: | The country code that has been verified. description: > Address object as per OpenID Connect Core 1.0 Address Claim [https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#AddressClaim](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#AddressClaim) additionalProperties: false AEPartyIdentityEvidenceAttachment: type: object required: - desc - contentType - content - txn properties: desc: type: string description: > Description of the document. This can be the filename or just an explanation of the content. contentType: type: string description: | Content (MIME) type of the document content: type: string description: | Base64 encoded representation of the document content txn: type: string description: | Identifier referring to the transaction additionalProperties: false description: | Identifier referring to the transaction ElectronicRecordProperties: type: object required: - type - personalNumber - calendarType - createdAt - dateOfExpiry - source properties: type: type: string enum: - bank_account - mortgage_account - loan_account description: > String denoting the type of electronic record personalNumber: type: string description: > String representing an identifier that is assigned to the customer and is not limited to being used in one record, for example a national identification number, personal identity number, citizen number, social security number, driver number, account number, customer number, licensee number, etc. calendarType: type: string enum: - IslamicCalendar - GregorianCalendar description: > The type of calendar used for the date of issuance and date of expiry in the document evidence Allowable values: "Islamic Calendar" "Gregorian Calendar" Both calendars must follow YYYY-MM-DD createdAt: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ISODateTime' dateOfExpiry: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ISODateTime' source: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ElectronicRecordSourceProperties' description: | Representing the record used to perform the identity verification. additionalProperties: false ElectronicRecordSourceProperties: type: object required: - name - address - countryCode - jurisdiction properties: name: type: string description: | Designation of the source of the electronic_record address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPartyIdentityAddressClaim' countryCode: type: object properties: CountryCode: type: string pattern: ^[A-Z]{2,2}$ description: Nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. additionalProperties: false description: > String containing the name of the region(s) / state(s) / province(s) / municipality(ies) that source has jurisdiction over (if it's not common knowledge or derivable from the address) jurisdiction: type: string description: > String containing the name of the region(s) / state(s) / province(s) / municipality(ies) that source has jurisdiction over (if it's not common knowledge or derivable from the address) description: | Information about the source of this record additionalProperties: false ISODateTime: title: "ISODateTime" description: "All dates in the JSON payloads are represented in ISO 8601 date-time format.\ All date-time fields in responses must include the timezone. An example is below: 2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00" type: "string" format: "date-time" ProductIdentifier: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Identifier within the LFI for the product. Must be unique in the organisation. productName: type: string description: Descriptive name for the product. bundleName: description: Optional field to indicate if this account is part of a bundle that is providing additional benefit for to the customer type: string description: Provides the details of a given product at the LFI CustomerIdentifier: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Identifier within the LFI for the customer. customerName: type: string description: Name of the customer. required: - id - customerName description: Provides the unique identifier and name for a given customer at the LFI # # Schemas related to Balances # BalancesResponse: type: object properties: data: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeBalance" description: Primary data for the resource meta: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Meta" description: List of Balances for an Account. CbuaeBalanceType: type: string enum: - ClosingAvailable - ClosingBooked - ClosingCleared - Expected - ForwardAvailable - Information - InterimAvailable - InterimBooked - InterimCleared - OpeningAvailable - OpeningBooked - OpeningCleared - PreviouslyClosedBooked description: > The type of balance for the account. Encoded with allowable values of: * 'ClosingAvailable' - end of day balance specifying the amount available to User 1 to withdraw or use. * 'ClosingBooked' - end of day balance including value of payments for cheques or payments which have not been cleared yet. * 'ClosingCleared' - end of day balance including value of payments for cheques or payments which have been cleared. * 'Expected' - intra day balance including value of payments for cheques or payments which have been cleared. * 'ForwardAvailable' - intraday balance specifying the amount available to User 1 to withdraw or use considering forward dated payments or other intraday payments or cheques that will be clearing to the account. * 'Information' - TBC. * 'InterimAvailable' - intraday balance specifying the amount available to User 1 to withdraw or use (most probably real-time.'InterimBooked' - intraday balance including value of payments for cheques or payments which have not been cleared yet. * 'InterimCleared' - intraday balance including value of payments for cheques or payments which have been cleared (probably real-time). * 'OpeningAvailable' - start of day balance specifying the amount available to User 1 to withdraw or use. * 'OpeningBooked' - start of day balance including value of payments for cheques or payments which have not been cleared yet. * 'OpeningCleared' - start of day balance including value of payments for cheques or payments which have been cleared. * 'PreviouslyClosedBooked' -TBC. Note: LFIs support different types for presenting account balance, so this list is used to support different LFI systems in UAE. CbuaeBalance: type: object properties: accountId: description: "A unique and immutable identifier produced by the financial institution to identify the account resource.This identifier has no meaning to the account owner (User 1)." type: string creditDebitIndicator: description: "Indicates whether the balance of the account is a credit or a debit balance." type: string enum: - Credit - Debit balanceType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeBalanceType" timestamp: description: "Indicates the date (and time) that the account balance was checked" type: string format: "date-time" amount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_8" creditLines: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeCreditLine" description: Set of elements used to provide details of credit lines available for the account. required: - accountId - balanceType - amount - creditDebitIndicator - timestamp description: The properties of a given balance. CbuaeCreditLine: description: Set of elements used to provide details on the credit line. required: - included - creditType - amount properties: included: description: "Boolean flag to Indicate whether or not a credit line is included in the balance of the account." type: boolean creditType: description: | Type of credit line provided to the account. The enumerations values are defined as follows. - Available: The amount of credit limit available to the account holder - Credit: The amount of a credit limit that has been agreed with the account holder - Emergency: The amount of an arranged lending limit that can be borrowed on top of pre-agreed lending, that has been agreed with the account holder - Pre-Agreed: The amount of an arranged lending limit that has been agreed with the account holder - Temporary: The amount of a temporary lending limit that has been agreed with the account holder type: string enum: - Available - Credit - Emergency - Pre-Agreed - Temporary amount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_8" # # Schemas related to Transactions # TransactionsResponse: type: object properties: data: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeTransaction" description: Primary data for the resource. meta: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PaginatedMeta" description: List of Transactions for an Account. CbuaeTransaction: type: object required: - accountId - transactionId - transactionDateTime - transactionType - subTransactionType - paymentModes - creditDebitIndicator - status - bookingDateTime - amount properties: accountId: description: "A unique and immutable identifier produced by the financial institution to identify the account resource" type: string transactionId: description: "Unique identifier for the transaction within an servicing institution." type: string transactionDateTime: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionDateTime" localTimeZone: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LocalTimeZone" statementReference: description: "Unique reference for the statement." type: array items: type: string description: Unique reference for the statement. This reference may be optionally populated if available. transactionReference: description: "Unique reference for the transaction." type: string transactionType: description: "The type of transaction" type: string enum: - POS - ECommerce - ATM - BillPayments - LocalBankTransfer - SameBankTransfer - InternationalTransfer - Teller - Cheque - Other subTransactionType: description: "The sub-type of a transaction" type: string enum: - Purchase - Reversal - Refund - Withdrawal - WithdrawalReversal - Deposit - DepositReversal - MoneyTransfer - NotApplicable terminalId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TerminalId" flags: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeFlags" description: One-or-more flags applied to the transaction. paymentModes: description: "The mode of payment" type: string enum: - Online - Offline - Batch creditDebitIndicator: description: "Indicates whether the transaction is a credit or a debit entry." type: "string" enum: - Credit - Debit status: description: "Status of a transaction entry on the books of the account servicer." type: string enum: - Booked - Pending - Rejected transactionMutability: description: "Specifies the Mutability of the Transaction record." type: string enum: - Mutable - Immutable bookingDateTime: description: "Date and time when a transaction entry is posted to an account on the account servicer's books." type: string format: date-time valueDateTime: description: "Date and time at which assets become available to the account owner in case of a credit entry, or cease to be available to the account owner in case of a debit transaction entry." type: string format: date-time transactionInformation: description: "Further details of the transaction." type: string amount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_8" chargeAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_6" chargeAmountVat: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_8" currencyExchange: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CurrencyExchange" bankTransactionCode: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AEBankTransactionCodeStructure" proprietaryBankTransactionCode: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProprietaryBankTransactionCode" balance: type: object required: - creditDebitIndicator - balanceType - amount properties: creditDebitIndicator: description: "Indicates whether the balance of the account is a credit or a debit balance" type: string enum: - Credit - Debit balanceType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeBalanceType" amount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_8" description: The balance of the account at the time of the transaction. The balance amount is qualified by the balance type value. merchantDetails: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MerchantDetails" creditorAgent: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AEBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6_1" creditorAccount: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AECashAccount6_0' description: The creditor account for the transaction, when the transaction is a debit. debtorAgent: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AEBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6_1" debtorAccount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AECashAccount6_0' cardInstrument: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AETransactionCardInstrument" supplementaryData: type: object description: Any additional data stored with the transaction that is displayed to the user or available in the statement. geoLocation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AEGeoLocation" billDetails: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BillDetails" description: Provides further details on an entry in the report. CbuaeFlags: title: "Flags" description: "The flag of a transaction" type: "string" enum: - "Cashback" - "Payroll" - "DirectDebit" - "StandingOrder" - "Loan" - "Dividend" AEBankTransactionCodeStructure: type: object description: > BankTransactionCode is mandatory (with code specifying the Domain, Family and SubFamily as per External Codes ISO20022) when the ProprietaryBankTransactionCode is absent. properties: domain: description: Specifies the Domain type: string domainCode: description: Specifies the Domain Code. type: string family: description: Specifies the Family type: string familyCode: description: Specifies the Family Code type: string subFamily: description: Specifies the Sub-Family type: string subFamilyCode: description: Specifies the Sub-family Code type: string additionalProperties: false AEBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6_1: type: object required: - schemeName - identification description: > Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor in case the transaction is a Debit transaction or Financial institution servicing an account for the Debtor in case the transaction is a Credit transaction. properties: schemeName: $ref: >- #/components/schemas/AEExternalFinancialInstitutionIdentificationCode identification: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Identification_1' name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Name_1' postalAddress: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEPostalAddress6' additionalProperties: false Name_1: description: > * Beneficiary Name by which an agent is known and which is usually used to identify that agent * Creditor agent Name by which the Financial institution(FI) which is the creditor is known and which is usually used to identify that FI. * DebtorAgent Name by which an financial institution of the debtor is known and which is usually used to identify that financial institution. type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 140 AEPostalAddress6: type: object description: >- Postal Address specifies Information that locate and identify a specific address, as defined by postal services. properties: addressType: description: Postal Address type specifies the the nature of the postal address. type: string enum: - Business - Correspondence - DeliveryTo - MailTo - POBox - Postal - Residential - Statement shortAddress: description: 8 character Unique alphanumeric Code. type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 8 buildingNumber: description: Number that identifies the position of a building on a street. type: string minLength: 4 maxLength: 4 unitNumber: description: This is the unit number of the business premises or dwelling type: string streetName: description: Name of a street or thoroughfare. type: string secondaryNumber: description: Secondary Number, if required type: string minLength: 4 maxLength: 4 district: description: Identifies the District of a City type: string postCode: description: >- Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. type: string townName: description: Identifies the City of a Country type: string country: description: Identifies a county either by full name or country code type: string pattern: ^[A-Z]{2,2}$ AECashAccount6_0: type: object description: > Creditor account details available in case the transaction is a Debit transaction. properties: schemeName: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEExternalAccountIdentificationCode' identification: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Identification_0' name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Name_0' additionalProperties: false AETransactionCardInstrument: type: object required: - cardSchemeName - instrumentType description: Set of elements to describe the card instrument used in the transaction. properties: cardSchemeName: description: Name of the card scheme. type: string enum: - AmericanExpress - Diners - Discover - GCC - MasterCard - UPI - VISA instrumentType: description: The card instrument type. type: string enum: - ApplePay - Contactless - MagStripe - Chip - Other name: description: Name of the cardholder using the card instrument. type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 70 identification: description: >- Identification assigned by an institution to identify the card instrument used in the transaction. This identification is known by the account owner, and MUST be masked. type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 16 example: 1234********4321 additionalProperties: false AEGeoLocation: description: >- Estimated latitude and longitude coordinates, in degrees. Contains one latitude and one longitude subfield. type: object required: - latitude - longitude properties: latitude: description: Latitude in degrees type: string longitude: description: Longitude in degrees type: string additionalProperties: false MerchantDetails: type: object properties: merchantId: description: Merchant Id type: string merchantName: description: Name by which the merchant is known. type: string merchantCategoryCode: description: Category code values are used to enable the classification of merchants into specific categories based on the type of business, trade or services supplied. type: string description: > Details of the Merchant involved in the transaction. Merchant Details are specified only for those merchant categories that are generally expected to originate retail financial transactions ProprietaryBankTransactionCode: type: object properties: code: description: "Proprietary bank transaction code to identify the underlying transaction." type: string issuer: description: "Identification of the issuer of the proprietary bank transaction code." type: string required: - code description: > ProprietaryBankTransactionCode is mandatory when the BankTransactionCode (with code specifying the Domain, Family and SubFamily as per External Codes ISO20022) is absent. Set of elements to fully identify a proprietary bank transaction code CurrencyExchange: type: object properties: sourceCurrency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TCurrency" targetCurrency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TCurrency" unitCurrency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TCurrency" exchangeRate: type: string description: >- Factor used to convert an amount from one currency into another. This reflects the price at which one currency was bought with another currency. Usage: ExchangeRate expresses the ratio between UnitCurrency and QuotedCurrency (ExchangeRate = UnitCurrency/QuotedCurrency). contractIdentification: type: string description: Unique identification to unambiguously identify the foreign exchange contract. quotationDate: type: string format: date-time description: >- Date and time at which an exchange rate is quoted.All dates in the JSON payloads are represented in ISO 8601 date-time format. All date-time fields in responses must include the timezone. An example is below: 2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00 instructedAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_8" required: - sourceCurrency - targetCurrency - unitCurrency - exchangeRate - instructedAmount description: Set of elements used to provide details on the currency exchange. OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_6: type: "object" description: "Transaction charges to be paid by the charge bearer." required: - amount - currency properties: amount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OBActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType" currency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode_1" chargeIncluded: description: | If true then the value in the Amount has the ChargeAmount deducted from it type: boolean OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_8: type: "object" required: - "amount" - "currency" properties: amount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OBActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType" currency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode_1" description: The amount and currency code for a given payment or transaction. ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode_1: description: "A 3 character alphabetic code allocated to a currency under an international currency identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 'Codes for the representation of currencies and funds'." type: "string" pattern: "^[A-Z]{3,3}$" example: "SAR" OBActiveCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType: description: "A number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217." type: "string" pattern: "^\\d{1,13}$|^\\d{1,13}\\.\\d{1,5}$" # # Schemas related to Direct Debits # DirectDebitsResponse: type: object properties: data: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeDirectDebit" description: Primary data for the resource. meta: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Meta" description: The properties of a direct debit. DirectDebitStatusEnum: description: "Specifies the status of the direct debit." type: string enum: - Active - Inactive CbuaeDirectDebit: type: object properties: accountId: description: "A unique and immutable identifier produced by the financial institution to identify the account resource.This identifier has no meaning to the account owner (User 1)." type: string directDebitId: description: "A unique and immutable identifier used to identify the direct debit resource. This identifier has no meaning to the account owner." type: string mandateIdentification: description: "This is the unique and immutable reference to the User 1 for the Direct Debit mandate." type: string directDebitStatusCode: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DirectDebitStatusEnum" name: description: "This is the name of the regulated beneficiary entity that initiates the Direct Debit collection." type: string frequency: description: "Specifies the frequency of the Direct Debit collections to the User 1 account." type: string enum: - Annual - Daily - Fortnightly - HalfYearly - Monthly - NotKnown - Quarterly - Weekly previousPaymentDateTime: type: string format: date-time description: >- The date of most recent direct debit collection to the User account. All dates in the JSON payloads are represented in ISO 8601 date-time format. All date-time fields in responses must include the timezone. An example is below: 2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00 previousPaymentAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_8" required: - accountId - directDebitId - directDebitStatusCode - mandateIdentification - name - frequency description: Account to or from which a cash entry is made. # # Schemas related to Scheduled Payments # ScheduledPaymentsResponse: type: object description: | A descriptor for scheduled payments. This is a composite object that may be expanded in the future to support additional scheduled payment types for new API standards and account types. properties: data: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeScheduledPayment" description: Primary data for the resource meta: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Meta" CbuaeScheduledPayment: type: object required: - accountId - scheduledPaymentId - scheduledType - scheduledPaymentDateTime - instructedAmount properties: accountId: type: string description: The account identifer for the account from which the scheduled payment is made. scheduledPaymentId: type: string description: Unique identifier for the scheduled payment. accountHolderShortName: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountHolderShortName" scheduledType: description: > Specifies the type of scheduled payment date provided under ScheduledPaymentDateTime. Encoded with allowable values of: "Arrival" - User1 specifies the date for the arrival of funds in the beneficiary (Creditor) account "Execution" - User1 specifies the date which the payment needs to be executed from the User 1 (Debtor) account. type: string enum: - Arrival - Execution scheduledPaymentDateTime: type: string format: date-time description: >- The date and time of the scheduled payment. All dates in the JSON payloads are represented in ISO 8601 date-time format. All date-time fields in responses must include the timezone. An example is below: 2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00 creditorReference: type: string description: The creditor reference for the scheduled payment. debtorReference: type: string description: The debitor reference for the scheduled payment. instructedAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_8" creditorAgent: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AEBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification5_1" creditorAccount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AECashAccount4_0' creditorAccountList: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AECashAccount5_0' description: Provides the list of details to identify the beneficiary account. description: Scheduled Payments for a specific AccountId AEBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification5_1: type: object required: - schemeName - identification description: > Creditor Agent refers to the Financial Institution that manages the account on behalf of the scheduled payment beneficiary party, managing registration, booking of entries on the account, calculating balances on the account and providing information about the account. This is the servicing Financial Institution of the Beneficiary account. properties: schemeName: $ref: >- #/components/schemas/AEExternalFinancialInstitutionIdentificationCode identification: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Identification_1' additionalProperties: false AECashAccount5_0: type: object required: - schemeName - identification description: Provides the details to identify the beneficiary account. properties: schemeName: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEExternalAccountIdentificationCode1' identification: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Identification_0' additionalProperties: false AECashAccount4_0: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of the account. accountHolderShortName: type: string description: The short name for the account as defined by the User. additionalProperties: false description: Provides the details to identify the beneficiary account. # # Schemas related to Standing Orders # StandingOrdersResponse: type: object description: | A descriptor for StandingOrder. properties: data: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeStandingOrder" description: Primary data for the resource. meta: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Meta" CbuaeStandingOrder: type: object required: - accountId - standingOrderId - frequency - firstPaymentDateTime - finalPaymentDateTime - numberOfPayments - standingOrderStatusCode - firstPaymentAmount - finalPaymentAmount properties: accountId: type: string description: The account identifer for the account from which the standing order is instructed. standingOrderId: type: string description: Unique identifier for the standing order. standingOrderType: description: The type of Standing Order. type: string enum: - BetweenMyAccounts - SameBankTransfer - LocalBankTransfer - InternationalTransfer - Charity frequency: type: string description: > The frequency that the Standing Order payments are executed from the account. Encoded with allowable values as follows: #### Individual Definitions: * NotKnown - SO frequency is not known (i.e. not provided) * EveryDay - SO frequency is Every day * EveryWorkingDay - SO frequency is every working day * IntervalDay - SO frequency is an interval specified in number of calendar days (2 to 31) * IntervalWeekDay - SO frequency is an interval specified in weeks (1 to 51), and the day within the week (1 to 7) * WeekInMonthDay - SO frequency is a monthly interval, specifying the week of the month (1 to 5) and day within the week (1 to 7) * IntervalMonthDay - SO frequency is an interval specified in months (between 1 to 6, 12, 24), specifying the day within the month (-5 to -1, 1 to 31) * QuarterDay - SO frequency is quarterly RECEIVED * BiAnnual - SO frequency is every 6 months * Annual - SO frequency is every year * RECEIVED = Paid on the 20th March, 19th June, 24th September and 20th December. #### Individual Patterns: * NotKnown (ScheduleCode) * EveryDay (ScheduleCode) * EveryWorkingDay (ScheduleCode) * IntervalDay:NoOfDay (ScheduleCode + NoOfDay) * IntervalWeekDay:IntervalInWeeks:DayInWeek (ScheduleCode + IntervalInWeeks + DayInWeek) * WeekInMonthDay:WeekInMonth:DayInWeek (ScheduleCode + WeekInMonth + DayInWeek) * IntervalMonthDay:IntervalInMonths:DayInMonth (ScheduleCode + IntervalInMonths + DayInMonth) * QuarterDay: + either (RECEIVED) ScheduleCode + QuarterDay The regular expression for this element combines five smaller versions for each permitted pattern. To aid legibility - the components are presented individually here: * NotKnown * EveryDay * EveryWorkingDay * IntervalDay:(([2-9])|([1-2][0-9])|3[0-1]) * IntervalWeekDay:[1-51]:[1-7] * WeekInMonthDay:[1-5]:[1-7] * IntervalMonthDay:([1-6]|12|24):(-[1-5]|[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) * QuarterDay:(RECEIVED) #### Full Regular Expression: * ^(NotKnown)$|^(EveryDay)$|^(EveryWorkingDay)$|^(IntervalDay:(([2-9])|([1-2][0-9])|3[0-1]))$|^(IntervalWeekDay:[1-51]:[1-7])$|^(WeekInMonthDay:[1-5]:[1-7])$|^(IntervalMonthDay:([1-6]|12|24):(-[1-5]|[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]))$|^(QuarterDay:(RECEIVED))$" creditorReference: type: string description: "Unique reference in the context of the creditor, provided by the creditor to the User (Debtor), to unambiguously refer to the payment transaction. Usage: If available, the initiating party (i.e. Debtor) provides this reference in the structured remittance information, to enable reconciliation by the Creditor upon receipt of the amount of money. This field is populated by the User 1 (who is the initiating party of the payment e.g. the Debtor). Field is free format text." purpose: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PurposeSO" firstPaymentDateTime: type: string format: date-time description: The date on which the first payment for a Standing Order schedule will be made. nextPaymentDateTime: type: string format: date-time description: The date on which the next payment for a Standing Order schedule will be made. lastPaymentDateTime: type: string format: date-time description: The date on which the last (most recent) payment for a Standing Order schedule was made. finalPaymentDateTime: type: string format: date-time description: The date on which the final payment for a Standing Order schedule will be made. numberOfPayments: type: string description: Number of the payments that will be made in completing this frequency sequence including any executed since the sequence start date. standingOrderStatusCode: description: Specifies the status of the standing order in code form. type: string enum: - Active - Inactive firstPaymentAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_8" nextPaymentAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_8" lastPaymentAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_8" finalPaymentAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_8" creditorAgent: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AEBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification5_1" creditorAccount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AECashAccount4_0' creditorAccountList: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AECashAccount5_0' description: List of Creditor Accounts for the standing order instruction. supplementaryData: type: object description: Any additional data stored with the standing order that is displayed to the user or available in the statement. description: Standing Orders for a specific AccountId # # Schemas related to Products # ProductsResponse: type: object properties: data: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeProduct" description: Primary data for the resource meta: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Meta" description: Product data for a given account CbuaeProduct: type: object description: | A descriptor for an product. This is a composite object that may be expanded in the future to support additional account types for new API standards and product types. required: - AccountId - ProductId - ProductType properties: AccountId: description: "A unique and immutable identifier produced by the financial institution to identify the account resource.This identifier has no meaning to the account owner (User 1)." type: string ProductId: description: "Identifier within the financial institution for the product. Must be unique in the organisation." type: string ProductType: description: "Descriptive code for the product." type: string ProductName: description: "Descriptive name for the product." type: string IsIslamic: description: | A flag to denote if the Product is an Islamic product type: boolean default: false Charges: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AECharge' LendingRates: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AELendingRate' DepositRates: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEDepositRate' AECharge: description: Fees and charges applicable to the account or product type: array items: description: Properties of the charges applied type: object required: - Name - ChargeType - Amount properties: Name: type: string description: Name of the charge minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 ChargeType: type: string description: Type of the charge minLength: 1 maxLength: 10 Amount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' Frequency: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEDuration' Notes: type: string description: Notes providing more information on the charge. minLength: 1 maxLength: 500 additionalProperties: false AELendingRate: description: | Lending rates for this account type: array items: type: object required: - LendingRateType - Rate properties: LendingRateType: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 10 description: | Options in place for repayments Rate: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AERate' Amount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0' CalculationFrequency: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEDuration' ApplicationFrequency: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEDuration' RepaymentType: type: string description: | Options in place for repayments minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 Notes: type: string description: | Notes providing more information on the rate. minLength: 1 maxLength: 500 additionalProperties: false description: | Notes providing more information on the rate. AEActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_0: type: object required: - Amount - Currency description: A given amount value and currency properties: Amount: description: A number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217. type: string Currency: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode_1' additionalProperties: false AEDepositRate: description: | Deposit rates for this account type: array items: type: object required: - DepositRateType - Rate properties: DepositRateType: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 10 description: | Options in place for repayments Rate: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AERate' CalculationFrequency: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEDuration' ApplicationFrequency: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEDuration' RepaymentType: type: string description: | Options in place for repayments minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 Notes: type: string description: | Notes providing more information on the rate. minLength: 1 maxLength: 500 additionalProperties: false description: | Notes providing more information on the rate. AERate: description: > A string representing a percentage (e.g. an interest rate). A rate of 100% would be represented by the value 1.0 and a rate of -100% by -1.0 - At least 1 and up to a total of 16 significant digits before decimal point - Up to 16 digits following the decimal point - No formatting, eg thousand separating commas type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 18 AEDuration: description: A period of time, formatted according to ISO 8601 duration excluding recurrence syntax type: string # # Common types # BeneficiariesResponse: type: object properties: data: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CbuaeBeneficiary" description: Primary data for the resource. meta: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Meta" description: Beneficiaries for a specific AccountId CbuaeBeneficiary: type: object properties: accountId: type: string description: The account identifer for the account that the beneficiary is associated with. beneficiaryId: type: string description: Unique identifier for the beneficiary resource beneficiaryType: description: >- Specifies the Beneficiary Type. Encoded with allowable values of: 'Activated' - Beneficiary has been added to the beneficiary list using SCA. 'NotActivated' - Beneficiary has been added to the beneficiary list without SCA type: string enum: - Activated - NotActivated accountHolderShortName: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountHolderShortName" reference: type: string description: A unique and immutable identifier used to identify the beneficiary resource. This identifier has no meaning to the account owner. supplementaryData: type: object description: Any additional data stored with the beneficiary that is displayed to the User. servicer: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AEBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6_1' creditorAccount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AECashAccount4_0' creditorAccountList: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AECashAccount5_0' description: List of Creditor Accounts for the beneficiary. required: - accountId - beneficiaryId - beneficiaryType description: The properties of a given beneficiary. TCurrency: type: string pattern: "^[A-Z]{3,3}$" description: Currency code for the account. AccountHolderName: type: "string" description: | The Account Holder Name is the name or names of the Beneficiary account owner(s) represented at the account level, as displayed by the Creditor Agent's online channels and as provided by the Beneficiary to the customer when adding the Beneficiary in the Beneficiary list. Note, the Account Holder Name is not the product name or the nickname of the account.d AccountHolderShortName: type: "string" description: | The Beneficiary account holder nick name TransactionDateTime: title: "TransactionDateTime" description: | The Date Time of when the transaction occurred. All dates in the JSON payloads are represented in ISO 8601 date-time format. All date-time fields in responses must include the timezone. An example is below: 2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00 type: "string" format: "date-time" LocalTimeZone: title: "LocalTimeZone" description: | The UTC offset of the local date and time of where the transaction occurred E.g. UTC+03:00 type: "string" format: "date-time" TerminalId: description: "ID of the Terminal if the transaction was initiated from a retail POS" type: "string" minLength: 8 maxLength: 20 BillDetails: description: "Bill Details" type: "object" properties: BillerID: description: | This should be 'BillerCode' as per SP-SADAD specifications. It is a unique biller identifier within SADAD that could be used by the end-user to refer to a specific SADAD biller (e.g. STC biller code is 001, water services biller code is 015, etc.) type: "string" BillNumber: description: "Unique bill identifier within the account." type: "string" BillPaymentType: description: | Indicates whether the bill could be a One-off payment, Recurring payment, Postpaid, Pre-paid, etc type: "string" x-namespaced-enum: - Post-Paid - AdvancePaymentForRoaming - Recharge - Renewal - RoamingDeposit - One-Off - RecurringPayment PurposeSO: description: | The purpose of the Standing Order payment. A free format string in the form of transaction categorisation. Example: "Bills and expenses", "Government payment", "Personal Expenses". type: "string" minLength: 1 maxLength: 50 ConfirmationRequest: type: object properties: data: type: object properties: account: type: object properties: schemeName: type: string enum: - IBAN description: Name of the identification scheme for the account. Encoded with allowable values published in an external list. identification: type: string description: Identification for the account assigned by the LFI based on the Account Scheme Name. This identification is known by the User account owner. For IBAN, refer to the ISO Standard 13616. name: oneOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/PersonName" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/BusinessName" description: Account for which confirmation of payee details is required. description: Primary data for the resource. description: Properties of a Confirmation of Payee request PersonName: type: object required: - firstName - lastName properties: firstName: type: string description: The first name of the person matched in a given Confirmation of Payee request. lastName: type: string description: The last name of the person matched in a given Confirmation of Payee request. additionalProperties: false description: The properties of a person matched in a given Confirmation of Payee request. BusinessName: type: object required: - businessName properties: businessName: type: string description: The name of a business matched in a given Confirmation of Payee request. additionalProperties: false description: The properties of a business matched in a given Confirmation of Payee request. Meta: type: object properties: totalPages: type: number description: | The number of expected pages for the query. totalRecords: type: number description: | The total number of records in the full set. description: Metadata relevant to the resource. PaginatedMeta: type: object properties: paginated: type: boolean description: | `true` if the response is paginated. `false` if the response returns all matching data elements. If not specified, a non-paginated response is assumed. totalPages: type: number description: | The number of expected pages for the query. totalRecords: type: number description: | The total number of records in the full set. description: Pagination metadata relevant to the resource. Error: description: Default error response payload structure for Ozone Connect type: object properties: errorCode: type: string description: Error code identifying the problem that occurred errorMessage: type: string description: Message describing what problem has occurred parameters: aspspId: name: o3-aspsp-id in: header schema: type: string required: true deprecated: true description: Identifier for the financial institution that the request is targetted to. This header is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Ozone Connect. Use `o3-provider-id` instead. providerId: name: o3-provider-id in: header schema: type: string required: true description: Identifier for the financial institution that the request is targetted to callerOrgId: name: o3-caller-org-id in: header schema: type: string required: true description: An identifier for the organization calling the API callerClientId: name: o3-caller-client-id in: header schema: type: string required: true description: An identifier for the OIDC clientId calling the API callerSoftwareStatementId: name: o3-caller-software-statement-id in: header schema: type: string required: true description: An identifier for the software statement calling the API apiUri: name: o3-api-uri in: header schema: type: string required: true description: The parameterised URL of the API being called by the caller apiOperation: name: o3-api-operation in: header schema: type: string required: true description: The API operation carried out by the caller (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH) consentId: name: o3-consent-id in: header schema: type: string required: true description: The consentId for which this call is being made callerInteractionId: name: o3-caller-interaction-id in: header schema: type: string required: true description: The interaction ID passed in by the caller, if any ozoneInteractionId: name: o3-ozone-interaction-id in: header schema: type: string required: true description: An interaction ID generated by Ozone if the caller did not send in one. If the callerInteractionId is specified, this takes the same value. psuIdentifier: name: o3-psu-identifier in: header schema: type: string required: true description: A Base64 encoded representation of the psuIdentifier JSON object. transaction-fromBookingDateTime: name: fromBookingDateTime in: query description: | If specified, the API should only return transactions which have a `bookingDateTime` that occours on or after the specified date-time. schema: type: string format: date transaction-toBookingDateTime: name: toBookingDateTime in: query description: | If specified, the API should only return transactions which have a `bookingDateTime` that occours on or before the specified date-time. schema: type: string format: date page: name: page in: query description: Page of results to request (standard pagination) required: true schema: default: 1 type: integer style: form page-size: name: page-size in: query description: Page size to request. Default is 100 to comply with the Operating Guidelines for the Open Finance Framework. required: true schema: default: 100 type: integer style: form securitySchemes: OzoneConnectApiKey: description: Communications between the API Hub and the LFI Ozone Connect implementation are secured using an API Key, which is a secret shared between the API Hub and the LFI. type: apiKey in: header name: Authorization OzoneConnectClientCredentials: type: oauth2 description: | Communications between the API Hub and the LFI Ozone Connect implementation are secured using a Client Credentials grant type. LFIs must host an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server to utilise this security pattern. Scope values are set during the onboarding process, and represented by a placeholder in this API description. flows: clientCredentials: tokenUrl: "https://example.lfi.ae/token" scopes: placeholder: Placeholder for scopes, which are set by the LFI during onboarding OzoneConnectJwtAuth: description: | Communications between the API Hub and the LFI Ozone Connect implementation are secured using the "JWT Auth" mechanism, where the Client presents a signed JSON Web Token as a credential. The Server MUST verify the signature in order to authenticate the Client. Please note that the value of the `scheme` parameter is not a registered HTTP Authentication Scheme, to indicate it is specific to Ozone Connect. Please refer to API Hub documentation for further details. type: http scheme: Ozone-Connect-JWT-Auth |