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Additionally, it is essential that TPPs make clear to Users any consequences of pausing the Long-Lived consent given their inability to offer functionality dependent on the Long-Lived consent.
Note1: The pause functionality is a tool for Users to temporarily stop and re-enable access to their account, without going through the whole journey of re-authenticating with their LFIs. It is functionality equivalent to freezing one their their LFI cards. Pausing the Consent does not alter the state of the Consent as viewed by the LFI. The Consent stays in the Authorized state and while the Consent appears as Paused in the TPP CMI, the Consent will appear as Active at the LFI CMI.
Note2: Pausing of the Consent must not be confused with the Consent Suspended state, which is a change of Consent state initiated by the LFI in cases of suspected fraudulent activities or other similar reasons. Please refer to https://openfinanceuae.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/standardsv1dot2final/pages/277938484/Consent+Setup#4.-Consent-States for more details.
4.1 Wireframes
The below are example wireframes of the Consent Pause journeys for Data Sharing and Service Initiation.