Validation and Receiving Production TF Access:
Once the document is signed by all legal representatives sign the document, the AlTareq team will validate it.
Upon confirmation of the signatures, the appointed PBC will also be granted access to the Production Environment, where they can now onboard additional users.
Servers must use valid TLS certificates to protect registered resources in the Trust Framework, with a policy to update these certificates at least once every 12 months.
4.6 Next Steps
For access to the API Hub, reference user guide please refer to https://openfinanceuae.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/APIHubDocsv5/pages/180781122/Integration+Overview#4.3-API-Hub-User-Guide.
5. TPPs Quick Access Guide
To facilitate the onboarding process, three five videos have been created to provide a live demonstration of the steps TPPs need to follow for full onboarding into the Sandbox:
Field Name | Guidance | Example |
Certification Type | Select one of the three potential certification types for TPPs - Functional, Security/FAPI or Customer Experience | TPP FAPI Certification |
Certification Type Variant | Select the Variant Type of this Certification, that is, which track was executed when running the Certification Process - Note that for most certifications only one value is set | FAPI 2.0 UAE RP |
Profile Version | Provide “1” if that’s the first certification of this Variant for this Server and add +1 for each new Certification Requested/Updated | 1 |
Certification Payload | For Nebras Issued Certifications : The URI of the Service Desk ticket used to obtain the Certification Request - Make sure that the Ticket Number is included on the URI Provided For OIDF Issued Certifications : The URI of the Certification Package as presented on https://openid.net/certification/ | |
Start Date of Certification | Data of when the Certification was Granted by either Nebras or the OIDF - For the OIDF this value must match the one presented on their Certification Page | 22/08/2025 |
Note: Clients are not required to undergo an active registration step in the Registration Framework; servers will accept all incoming valid requests from clients.
6 Additional Information
5.8 Next Steps
For access to the API Hub, reference user guide please refer to TPP Onboarding API Guide .
6 Additional Information
This section provides insights into aspects of the Trust Framework that go beyond the data exchange processes between LFIs and TPPs, offering a broader view of the platform’s capabilities.
6.3.1 User Journey - Happy Path
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6.3.2 User Journey - Unhappy Paths
Inc drawio | |||||||