Added API Hub Application Layer Authentication page.
Added https://openfinanceuae.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/APIHubDocsv2/pages/edit-v2/124322189 to track changes to the releases.
Reorganised the structure of the documentation into groups based on implementation themes
Added a section on Infrastructure Integration consisting of pages for Infrastructure Diagram, Reference list of Keys, Certificates & CSRs, Infrastructure Integration - Questionnaire and API Hub Application Layer Authentication
Added specifications for API Hub Ozone Connect API Specification - Health Check APIs and API Hub Ozone Connect API Specification - Consent Event & Action APIs
2. What’s changed?
API Hub Authorisation Server API Specification
Removed ‘Engagement Session Details’ table and replaced with a link to the published agenda area.
Added 2.1 Onboarding Process.
Updated sequence diagrams
3. What's to come?
This is the second of the draft releases. A further release is scheduled for 12 consisting of updates to sequence diagrams.