This is a draft of the UAE Open Finance Standards. It is intended for review only, not for implementation.
What's new?
New functionality and specifications have been added in relation to the following:
FAPI Certification page added, detailing the initial guidelines around the Ecosystem certification policy and process.
What’s changed ?
Security Profile and Client Registration Framework enhanced with the inclusion of tables and sequence diagrams to further exemplify the Registration and Authorisation Journey should be executed
All Excel spreadsheets exported from OpenAPI description updated to include unreferenced objects.
Changed Bank Data API - OpenAPI Documentation to include additional properties in Party responses.
Updated Business Rules for COP in to align BRs with the new COP API Design
Updated the Common Rules and Guidelines page to include addtional information in relation to the usage of the Risk Information Block in
What's to come?
Future drafts will include some/all of the following functionality and specifications:
Request to Pay ⚠️ (NOTE: This page has been reducted from this draft as further work is being done on this topic)