JWT Auth Specification
When using JWT Authentication, the following claims should be included:
Claims in the JOSE Header
Claim Name | Expected Value | Notes |
alg |
| We can support |
typ |
| |
cty |
| |
kid | The key id of keypair used to sign the message. | We recommend that only Other alternatives do not offer similar security and controls and are currently unsupported by Ozone. |
Claims in JWT Body
Claim Name | Expected Value | Example value for JWT issued by Ozone | Example value for JWT issued by ASPSP |
iss | Mandatory Should be set to be equal to the organization |
| Bancorosa Limited |
sub | Mandatory Should be set to be equal to the organization unit | Ozone UK Hub | Openbanking |
aud | Mandatory Identifier for the party receiving the JWT | The |
exp | Mandatory Expiration time for the JWT. We recommend an expiry time of 10-30s and allow for a 10s clock skew | 30 | 30 |
iat | Mandatory Time when the JWT was issued in UTC seconds since epoch The resource server processing the header should reject the JWT if the current time is < iss (after allowing for clock skew) We recommend a 10s allowance for clock skew. | ||
nbf | Optional Time before which the JWT is invalid The resource server processing the header should reject the JWT if the current time < nbf (after allowing for clock skew) We recommend a 10s allowance for clock skew. | NOT SENT | |
jti | Optional A unique identifier for the JWT | Uuid v4 | UUID v4 |