The following errata is to be read and implemented in in conjunction with
The Action column indicates the action required by implementers from TPPs and/or LFIs for each errata.
Section | Subsection | Description | Action | |
1 | Bank Service Initiation | A prototype illustrating an example of a Single Instant Payment flow has been created. | TPPs and LFIs should use this prototype in conjunction with the prescribed customer experience screens. | |
2 | Common Components | The standard prior to The Pushed Authorization Request (PAR) OpenAPI description has been updated to include the The open finance framework implementation of this parameter allows a TPP to send the Emirates ID or Trade License Number, as appropriate, using an encrypted JSON Web Token (JSON Web Encryption - JWE). The mechanics of creating the The steps for creating and processing the JWE are as follows:
Please note that the use of | TPPs and LFIs should follow the described mechanism to implement using the | |
3 | Common Components | All Customer Experience sections currently provide branded screens without stipulation of whether these are illustrative or prescriptive. | A new rule is added as follows: “LFIs and TPPs MUST implement their customer experience screens in line with what is provided in each Customer Experience section of the Standard for the relevant functionality. This includes colours, branding, spacing and component design.” | |
4 | Bank Service Initiation | Rule CRG-2.1 states the following:
Further clarification is required to be added about how TPPs will be presenting the LFIs to Users for easier identification. | Rule CRG-2.1 is modified as follows:
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5 | Bank Service Initiation | The rules SIP-7 in do not define the maximum time between the payment Consent being authorized and the Single Instant Payment request being initiated by the TPP. | SIP-7 rule 7.1 is modified to add a new rule as follows: “TPPs MUST: 7.1 Submit to OFP the payment initiation requests with the same parameters as per the Payment Consent authorized by the User.
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6 | Limits and Constants | The Limits table does not include an entry for the Max SIP Payment Initiation Time Interval. | A new entry A15 is added to the table as follows: ID: A15Name: Max SIP Payment Initiation Time IntervalDescription: This is the period of time that TPPs MUST submit the Sinhgle Instant Payment Initiation Request to the OFP. The value defined for this is period is currently 5 sec. The OFP will reject the Payment Initiation Request is submitted outside this time window. | |
7 | Bank Service Initiation |
| Rule 2.9 of MPPI-2 in states the following: “2.9 Increment the cumulative Total Number and the cumulative Total Value of payments under the VRP Consent after the payment successfully executed and received payment status confirmation from the creditor LFI. The initial value of these parameters should be zero for each authorized VRP Consent.” The OFP at this stage is not able to know whether the payment has been successfully executed and the LFI has received payment status confirmation from the creditor LFI. This is because this check is happening before the OFP has forwarded the Payment Initiation request to the LFI and thus the payment has not been initiated yet. | Rule 2.9 of MPPI-2 in is modified as follows: “2.9 Increment the cumulative Total Number and the cumulative Total Value of payments under the VRP Consent after the payment resource has been created and it is in ‘Pending’ status and has not been rejected. This will prevent multiple payments being initated that could exceed the Maximum values of the respective Consent Control papameters. The initial value of the cumulative Total Number and the cumulative Total Value of payments should be zero for each authorized VRP Consent.” |
8 | Bank Service Initiation | Rule 2.10 of MPPI-2 in states the following: “2.10 Increment the cumulative Total Number and the cumulative Total Value of all payment initiations per Control Period after the payment successfully executed and received payment status confirmation from the creditor Bank. These parameters are reset to zero when a new Consent Control Period starts at 00:00:00 of the first day of the Control Period.” The OFP at this stage is not able to know whether the payment has been successfully executed and the LFI has received payment status confirmation from the creditor LFI. This is because this check is happening before the OFP has forwarded the Payment Initiation request to the LFI and thus the payment has not been initiated yet. | Rule 2.10 of MPPI-2 in is modified as follows: “2.10 Increment the cumulative Total Number and the cumulative Total Value of all payment initiations per Control Period after the payment resource has been created and it is in ‘Pending’ status and has not been rejected. This will prevent multiple payments being initated that could exceed the Maximum values of the respective Consent Control papameters. The cumulative Total Number and the cumulative Total Value of all payment initiations per Control Period are reset to zero when a new Consent Control Period starts at 00:00:00 of the first day of the Control Period.” | |
9 | Bank Service Initiation | Rule 2.14 of MPPI-2 in states the following: “2.14 Reject the payment initiation and provide the necessary error message to the TPP if any other checks of the payment initiation request parameters fails against Consent parameters of the authorized long-lived Payment Consent.” The OFP at this stage is able to decrement the relevant VRP cummulative counters, but this rule is missing from this step. | MPPI-2 rule 2.14 is modified to add a new rule as follows: “2.14 Reject the payment initiation and provide the necessary error message to the TPP if any other checks of the payment initiation request parameters fails against Consent parameters of the authorized long-lived Payment Consent.”
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10 | Bank Service Initiation | Rule 2.22 of MPPI-2 in states the following: “2.22 Send an appropriate error response to the TPPs in case the payment is rejected due to violating any of the LFIs BAU payment accounts checks or limits.” The OFP at this stage is able to decrement the relevant VRP cummulative counters, but this rule is missing from this step. | MPPI-2 rule 2.22 is modified to add a new rule as follows: “2.22 Send an appropriate error response to the TPPs in case the payment is rejected due to violating any of the LFIs BAU payment accounts checks or limits.”
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11 | Common Rules and Guidelines | A new rule is required so that when OFP receives updates on the Payment status of a payment, updates the relevant VRP Consent Control Parameters as appropriate. | A new rule is added as follows: “OFP MUST: CRG-15.4.1 Check if the status of the payment has been set to ‘Rejected. In this case:
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12 | Data Sharing OpenAPI Document |
| OpenAPI description has been updated | |
13 | Service Initiation OpenAPI Document |
| OpenAPI description has been updated | |
14 | Pushed Authorization Request OpenAPI Document |
| OpenAPI description has been updated |