This is a draft of the UAE Open Finance Standards. It is intended for review only, not for implementation.
What's new?
New functionality has been added in relation to the following:
Business rules and API specifications for International Payments. Please be aware that the current API specification does not allow for a TPP to access an FX rate prior to the user authentication. Although this functionality is included in the business rules for now, its implementation is under consideration and subject to further industry engagement.
Business rules and data model for retail motor insurance use cases.
Centralized (Federated) Authentication and Authorization.
What’s changed ?
Since the previous draft, the following elements have been updated:
Business rule changes to support Variable Beneficiaries for Multi-Payments.
Consent States - How consent moves between these states in its lifecycle.
We have redacted Decoupled CIBA as an Authentication/Authorization Model.
What's to come?
Future drafts will include some/all of the following functionality:
Refunds functionality
Fast-track Single Immediate Payments
Request to Pay
Enhanced Product data
Balance Checks
Delegated Authentication
Bulk/Batch Payments