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API Hub LFI Implementation Plan
1. Introduction
This page intends to provide a summary of high level milestones and detailed steps for onboarding LFIs onto the Open Finance Platform (OFP).
2. Early Participant Testing (EPT)
2.1 Mercury Execute KYC/KYB Process with LFIs
Mercury will review the onboarding form and execute the KYC/KYB processes with the LFIs Primary Business Contact (PBC).
The KYC/KYB processes are a pre-requisite for LFIs and therefore they must complete this process before being onboarded onto the Open Finance Portal (OFP).
At the end of this process, the PBC will be authorised on the Open Finance Trust Framework (OFTF) to issue the Open Finance Terms & Conditions for the LFI representatives to sign.
Once the LFIs PBC is onboarded on the OFTF, they must appoint the LFI representatives who will sign the Participation Document.
Mercury will then validate signatures and that the appointed representatives have enough powers to represent the Participant.
2.2 OFTF Sandbox Available to Industry
Once the PBC is authorised on the OFTF, they will be sent an e-mail from the OFTF Sandbox asking to register on the platform and proceed with the generation of the T&Cs.
Having undertaken the process in 3.1, the PBC will be promoted on the OFTF Sandbox, allowing them to register additional technical users, who will also be asked to register on the platform.
Technical users will be now able to create/manage technical resources responsible for generation of necessary transport, signing and encryption certificates.
2.3 OFTF Production Available to Industry
The Same PBC promoted on the OFTF Sandbox will be given administrative powers on the OFTF Production allowing them to execute the same steps defined on 3.2.
3. LFI Engagement Sessions
A series of engagement sessions will take place from Jul 2, 2024 to Aug 6, 2024.
The sessions will be held weekly for a duration of 3 hours and held from 10:00am - 1:00pm GST. However the first session on Jul 2, 2024 will be 2 hours in duration.
The sessions will be technically focused and should be attended by the LFI’s technical teams.
The agenda for each session can be found in the expandable section below.
LFI attendance is mandatory for the first 5 sessions.
3.1 Ozone Bilateral Technical Working sessions
A series of technical working sessions will take place from Aug 19, 2024 up until they are required.
These sessions will be held weekly for a duration of 1 hour 30 mins to start with and reduce down in time later on.
These are technical working sessions designed to support implementation activities for each LFI and should be attended by the LFI’s technical teams.
LFIs will be offered a regular weekly slot with a flexible agenda to assist the LFIs with their implementations.
Details of sessions timings can be found in the expandable section below. Once an LFI’s slot is agreed, this will remain the session time week on week.
These working sessions will cover, but are not limited to activities to:
Onboard the LFIs onto the OFP including:
generating the required certificates and keys.
establishing and verifying mutual tls connections.
Providing inputs and guidance to LFIs about Ozone Connect and integration requirements.
Providing inputs and guidance to LFIs about implementation of the Authorisation journeys.
Assistance in setting test tools such as Postman, Ozone Connect Test Suite and CBUAE FCS.
Support UAT and acceptance testing.
During this period of time, Ozone will deploy and test integration to the LFI’s pre-production and production environments as set out in the integration sections within 5.0.
4. T1 LFI Onboarding
4.1 LFI Implementation Activities
4.1.1 Development of Ozone Connect and Modified Authentication Journeys
During this stage, LFIs will develop their Ozone Connect and Modified Authentication Journeys.
LFIs may choose to commence this development work based on draft specifications once Engagement Session 2 on the 9th July has been completed.
LFIs may use the Ozone Connect Test Suite to assist them with validating their development.
4.1.2 LFI Pre-Production Deployment
During this activity, LFIs must deploy their implementation of Ozone Connect and their Modified Authentication Journeys in their pre-production environment.
4.1.2 LFI Production Deployment
During this activity, LFIs must deploy their implementation of Ozone Connect and their Modified Authentication Journeys in their production environment.
4.2 Joint Activities
4.2.1 Pre-Production Readiness
By the end of this milestone, the following items need to be achieved:-
Number of environments identified.
Domain names and well-known endpoints identified.
Authorisation servers onboarded onto OFTF Sandbox.
Certificates generated.
4.2.2 Onboarding Questionnaire
A short questionnaire will be shared via JSD with each LFI.
Ideally, this should be completed for discussion prior to the start of the Ozone bilateral technical working sessions.
4.2.3 LFI-OFP Pre-Production Integration [DC3]
During this period, the following activities need to be achieved:-
Ozone / LFI to establish and test connectivity for the pre-production environment.
Ozone / LFI to test the integration for the pre-production environment.
LFI to perform functional testing in the pre-production environment.
LFI to provide pre-production sign off.
4.2.4 LFI-OFP Pre-Production Integration [DC4]
By the end the DC4 pre-production integration period, the following activities need to be achieved:-
LFI to perform functional testing in the pre-production environment.
LFI to provide pre-production sign off.
4.2.5 Production Readiness
By the end of this milestone, the following items need to be achieved by LFIs:-
Domain names and well-known endpoints identified.
Authorisation servers onboarded onto OFTF Directory.
Certificates generated.
4.2.6 LFI-OFP Production Integration [DC3]
By the end the DC3 production integration period, the following activities need to be achieved:-
Ozone / LFI to establish and test connectivity for the production environment.
Ozone / LFI to test the integration for the production environment.
LFI to perform functional testing in the production environment.
Ozone to perform penetration testing and remediation.
LFI to provide production sign off.
4.2.7 LFI-OFP Production Integration [DC4]
By the end the DC4 production integration period, the following activities need to be achieved:-
LFI to perform functional testing in the pre-production environment.
Ozone to perform penetration testing and remediation.
LFI to provide production sign off.
5. Ozone Deployment Cycles
5.1 DC3 Ozone Sandbox Deployment
By the end of the DC3 Ozone Sandbox deployment, the following activities will be achieved:-
Deploy Release xxx into sandbox environment.
Sandbox environment acceptance testing (internal).
FAPI Certification of Sandbox.
Sandbox go-live.
5.2 DC3 Ozone Pre-Production Deployment
By the end of the DC3 Ozone Pre-production deployment, the following activities will be achieved:-
Generate CSRs for certificates from LFIs.
Receive certificates from LFIs.
Deploy into pre-production environment.
Internal testing in pre-production.
5.3 DC3 Ozone Production Deployment
By the end of the DC3 Ozone production deployment, the following activities will be achieved:-
Generate CSRs for certificates from LFIs.
Receive certificates from LFIs.
Deploy into production environment.
Internal testing in production.
5.4 DC4 Ozone Sandbox Deployment
By the end of the DC4 Ozone Sandbox deployment, the following activities will be achieved:-
Deploy Release xxx into sandbox environment.
Sandbox environment acceptance testing (internal).
FAPI re-certification.
Sandbox go-live.
5.5 DC4 Ozone Pre-Production Deployment
By the end of the DC4 Ozone Pre-Production deployment, the following activities will be achieved:-
Deploy release xxx into pre-production environment.
Internal testing in pre-production.
5.6 DC4 Ozone Production Deployment
By the end of the DC4 Ozone Production deployment, the following activities will be achieved:-
Deploy release xxx into production environment.
Internal testing in production.
6. Implementation Checklist
The following checklist aims to provide high level steps that need to be completed throughout the implementation process.
Item | Owner | Status pending In progress complete | Comments |
Complete KYC/KYB process | Mercury / LFI | pending |
Complete Prerequisites Questionnaire (Via JSD form) | LFI | pending |
LFI Onboard to OFTF Sandbox | LFI | pending |
LFI Onboard to OFTF Production | LFI | pending |
LFI Development | |||
LFI Ozone Connect Development | LFI | pending |
LFI Authorisation Flow Development | LFI | pending |
Pre-Production Readiness | |||
Complete pre-Production Configuration Questionnaire (Via JSD Form) | LFI / Ozone | pending |
Generate Pre-Production certificates on OFTF Sandbox | LFI / Ozone | pending |
Deploy Ozone Connect and Auth Flow Development into Pre-Production | LFI | pending |
Pre-Production Connectivity Verification | LFI / Ozone | pending |
DC3 Pre-Production Integration and Testing | LFI | pending |
DC3 Pre-Production Sign Off | LFI | pending |
DC4 Pre-Production Integration and Testing | LFI | pending |
DC4 Pre-Production Sign Off | LFI | pending |
Production Readiness | |||
Complete Production Configuration Questionnaire (Via JSD Form) | LFI / Ozone | pending |
Generate Production Certificates on OFTF Sandbox | LFI / Ozone | pending |
Deploy Ozone Connect and Auth Flow Development into Production | LFI | pending |
Production Connectivity Verification | LFI / Ozone | pending |
DC3 Production Integration and Testing | LFI | pending |
DC3 Production Penetration Testing and Remediation | Ozone | pending |
DC3 Production Sign Off | LFI | pending |
DC4 Production Integration and Testing | LFI | pending |
DC4 Production Penetration Testing and Remediation | Ozone | pending |
DC4 Production Sign Off | LFI | pending |
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