Consent Manager API Guide

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Consent Manager API Guide

1. Introduction

This page provides guidance on the Consent Manager API at the API Hub in the context of how the API can invoked at various stages during the consent lifecycle.

The information herein is intended to be informative, but the Consent Manager OpenAPI description remains the source-of-truth for Consent Manager Operations. This page must therefore be read in conjunction with the Consent Manager OpenAPI description page.

For information on the consent and payment state model and the statuses germane to the Consent Manager API please refer to the Open Finance standards.

2. Context

The Consent Manager is a consent management solution created by Ozone and part of the Open Finance Framework.

Consent Manager provides the following features:

  • Lodging of unauthorised consents (“intents”) sent by a TPP through a Pushed Authorisation Request.

  • State management throughout the consent lifecycle, including signalling of consent authorisation.

  • Enrichment of consent with, for example, TPP metadata or metadata provided by the LFI.

  • Payment state management.

The Consent Manager API can be called and at any time when the status of a consent or a payment changes. The most common use of the API is, however, during Authorisation Code flow.

The activity diagram to the right shows a high-level view of these operations.

The following sections provide excerpts of the API Hub Sequence Diagrams that describe the end-to-end flow and show the high-level operations in context to provide clarity on how the Consent Manager API is used.



High-Level Consent Operations - Authorisation Code Flow



2.1. Lodge Intent

An intent is lodged is invoked as a result of a Pushed Authorisation Request and results in a Consent resource being created.

When an intent is authorised by the User it is then termed a consent.

Operation URL and method

post /consents

Initiated When

A TPP submits a Pushed Authorisation Request

Invoked By


Data Enrichment

TPP Metadata

Other Use Cases

No other uses cases are currently supported


Consent Lodging Flow

2.2. Retrieve Intent

An LFI retrieves a given consent during Authorisation Code flow.

Retrieving consent allows the LFI to render an authorisation screen to enable the User to confirm the details of consent.

Operation URL and method

get /consents/{consentId}

Initiated When

An LFI needs to retrieve the consent ready to authenticate the User and for the User to authorise consent

Invoked By


Data Enrichment


Other Use Cases

Consent synchronisation (LFI retrieves current state of consent)

2.3. Update Consent

An LFI updates a given consent after the User has complete the authentication and authorisation journey.

The LFI must update the consent regardless of whether the consent is authorised or rejected.

Operation URL and method

patch /consents/{consentId}

Initiated When

An LFI needs to update the consent with properties of the authenticated party, such as User identifiers, status, or multi-authorisation requirements.

Invoked By


Data Enrichment

As described above and outlined in the OpenAPI description

Other Use Cases

Updating User identifiers for multi-authorisation accounts (for example, corporate accounts with multiple approvers).


3. Error Handling

The Consent Manager API is REST API and implements these semantics, namely:

  • Failures scenarios will be signalled by a HTTP status code outside the 200 range.

  • An appropriate errorCode and errorMessage value will be returned.

The table below shows the possible 400 errors that can be returned. Please note that variables are provided in the message to indicate where the error message text will vary.

Error Code

Error Message


Error Code

Error Message




 default: An error occurred with an indeterminate error code {variable} 

Unexpected validation error encountered when processing consent.



 expected_modification: Could not patch consent 

Could not patch consent as no modification to the consent attributes sent.



 invalid_message_format: json payload does not match schema ${JSON as string(variable)} 

Consent payload does not match expected schema.



 invalid_page_number: ensure {variable.query} query parameter is valid number and greater than zero 

Could not retrieve consents as requested page number is not numeric.



 invalid_page_size: ensure {variable.query} query parameter is valid number and greater than zero 

Could not retrieve consents as requested page size is not numeric.



 consent_status_invalid_patch_request: Consent status must be one of [{variable.allowedConsentStatuses}] 

Invalid consent status submitted in request payload.



 consent_status_invalid: A consent can not be patched if it is already in terminal state 

Consent is already in a state that cannot be modified as the previous state is terminal.



 consent_body_missing_revocation: The consent cannot be revoked without revocation data 

Revocation data must be supplied to revoke a consent.



 ensure_consent_deleted: failed to delete consent 

Consent delete failed due to an unknown error.



 invalid_consentId: Ensure ConsentId is valid 

Consent identified by requested consent identifier not found.



 consent_type_invalid: consent type   {variable.consentType} is not valid 

The consent type value is not valid



 consent_type_not_supported:  consent type  {variable.consentType} is not valid  

The consent type value is not supported



 invalid_date_format: ensure paymentResponse.statusUpdateDateTime is in ISO 8601 format 

Invalid date format submitted in Payment Log operation.



 date_undefined: paymentResponse.statusUpdateDateTime is required 

Invalid date format submitted in Payment Log operation.



 incorrect_payment_patch_status: valid status is needed 

Invalid status submitted in Payment Log operation.



 payment_not_found: payment data not found 

Payment data not found in Payment Log operation.



 status_undefined: paymentResponse.status is required 

Payment status not provided in Payment Log operation.



 payment_id_not_found: paymentId not found in params 

Payment ID not found in Payment Log operation.



 payment_type_not_found:  payment type not found  

Payment type not found in Payment Log operation.



 failed_to_patch_request: failed to patch request 

Generic patch failure



 not_a_number: not a number 

Generic non-numeric validation failure



 consent_type_not_found:  consent type not found  

Consent type not found



 authorization_time_expired: time to authorize the consent status expired {variable.lhs} === {variable.rhs} 

Consent authorisation window has passed and therefore cannot be processed.



 mandatory_field_not_defined : instruction {variable.msg} for object {variable.no} not found. 

Generic error for missing mandatory properties



 payment_status_invalid_patch_request: Consent status must be one of [{variable.allowedConsentStatuses}] 

Invalid payment status submitted in request payload for Payment Log.

Please refer to the OpenAPI description for more details on the structure of the error response payload.

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