Bank Service Initiation

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Bank Service Initiation

The UAE Open Finance Standards for the Banking sector support Bank Service Initiation services that enable TPPs to initiate payment orders, with the Users' explicit consent, from their online payment accounts held at their LFIs. TPPs are then further able to retrieve the status of the payment orders using synchronous (i.e. polling) or asynchronous (i.e. webhooks) methods. This section describes how each of the ecosystem participants (TPPs and LFIs) in the delivery of these Bank Services Initiations can optimize the user experience for these services. Furthermore, it provides some clarifications to these participants on the usage of the APIs in alignment with the technical specifications, and some best practice guidelines for implementation of the user journeys.

Please note that LFIs do not need to support the initiation of certain Bank Services described in this section by a TPP, where the LFI does not support such Bank Services through any of their own online channels (such as future dated foreign transactions and bulk payment files).

If Users are able to initiate, for example, international payments, recurring transactions or a batch file of payments online, they should also be able to do so via a TPP, irrespective of the channel the user has used to access the LFI account.


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