Title: | Engagement Round 1 | |
Owner: | Chris Michael | |
Creator: | Chris Michael | 28 Aug 2024 |
Last Changed by: | Chris Michael | 28 Aug 2024 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://openfinanceuae.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AoA-Cg | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Children (67)
Will the content that was shown in the engagement sessions be shared?
What is the Open Finance Hub's status and its release timeline?
What is the timeline for the commencement of testing by participants?
What is the timeline for releasing the mandate for LFIs?
Who is entitled to be recognised as a TPP?
What are the measures against fraudulent transactions?
Is it required for any parties to sign an indemnity form to help in case of disputes?
Does ‘Consent’ assume the TPP has already registered/identified itself?
How long can the consent request be in the 'awaiting authorization' state?
Is there an expiration date for Long-Lived Consent, and who set it?
Will the content that was shown in the engagement sessions be shared?
What is the Open Finance Hub's status and its release timeline?
What is the timeline for the commencement of testing by participants?
What is the timeline for releasing the mandate for LFIs?
Who is entitled to be recognised as a TPP?
What are the measures against fraudulent transactions?
Is it required for any parties to sign an indemnity form to help in case of disputes?
Does ‘Consent’ assume the TPP has already registered/identified itself?
How long can the consent request be in the 'awaiting authorization' state?
Is there an expiration date for Long-Lived Consent, and who set it?
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