This is a draft of the UAE Open Finance Standards. It is intended for review only, not for implementation.
1. What's new?
Added data cluster permissions requirements to Customer Data
Added example user journey of an LFI acting as a TPP and ingesting LFI data to Customer Data
Added data clusters to Motor Insurance Data Sharing
2. What’s changed?
Motor Insurance Data Sharing updated to include new motor insurance properties, structure, data clusters, and permissions.
Insurance API updated to include revised examples and guidance on retrieving customer payment details.
Insurance API - OpenAPI Documentation updated to include new motor insurance properties, structure, data clusters, and permissions.
Availability, Performance and Usage Benchmarks updated to define OFP vs LFI responsibilities.
Updated IdentificationType to SchemeName to align with ISO20022
Removed namespace for enumerations “UAEOF.” as there is no need for name-spacing in the UAE ecosystem
Bank Service Initiation updates including:
Updated Status enumeration for the File Payments endpoint /file-payments/{PaymentId} to only Received and Rejected
Updated PayerReference to CreditorReference, and BeneficiaryReference to DebtorReference to align with ISO20022
Removed the MobileNumber from the DebtorAccount and CreditorAccount - as is not required to initiate a payment
Clarified expectations of the x-idempotency-key behaviour - to be idempotent for 24 hours
Added the JSON Web Signature in the ConfirmationOfPayeeResponse for the BeneficiaryIndicators - so that the LFI can verify the Confirmation Of Payee check
Updated AuthorizationExpirationTimeWindow to AuthorizationExpirationDateTime to simplify implementation
Updated AcceptedAuthorizationType from an enumeration of Single, Multi, or Both to be a flag to represent if a Single Authorization flow is requested (IsSingleAuthorization)
All API description sequence diagrams have been moved to the API Hub Documentation.