This page in still WIP and should not be taken under consideration during reviewing this draft version of the Standard
1. Description
This bank service request enables TPPs to initiate a series of Requests to Pay, with the Users' (Payees') consent, from the Users' LFI to a business or a personal Payer. The Request to Pay includes all the information in relation to the payment including the Payee’s payment account which will be used to receive the funds if the RTP is accepted by the Receiver (Payer). The RTP is then fullfiled using the existing LFI channels with the Receiver of the RTP accepting or rejecting the request.
The RTP scope is targeted to domestic payee accounts (i.e. payee accounts offered by LFIs located in UAE) and payments in local currency as used by the local payment systems infrastructure for domestic payments.
This user journey requires a Long-lived Consent of type Request to Pay Payment Consent.
Note: The scope of this service currently includes the RTP initiation, cancelation, and reminders journeys only. RTP fulfilment (accepting, and rejecting) is out of scope.
1.1 Payer and Payee Segments
The scope of the SIP bank service initiation related to the segments of payers and payees is shown below:
Requester (Payee) | Receiver (Payer) |
Payer | Payee | ||||
Consumers | SME | Corporates | Consumers | SME | Corporates |
1.2 Request to Pay (RTP) - Example User Story
User Story
As a User (Consumer, Business or Corporate),
I want to have the ability to send a payment request with all the payment details to a debtor (payer),
so that I can get paid directly to my payment account when the payer accepts the request.
2. User Journey
3. Wireframes
3.1. Consent Setup
3.2 RTP Initiation
3.3 RTP Consent Parameters Update
3.4 RTP Cancelation Process