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Release Notes
This is a draft of the UAE Open Finance Standards. It is intended for review only, not for implementation.
What's new?
New functionality has been added in relation to the following:
Business rules and API specifications for International Payments. Please be aware that the current API specification does not allow for a TPP to access an FX rate prior to the user authentication. Although this functionality is included in the business rules for now, its implementation is under consideration and subject to further industry engagement.
Business rules and data model for retail motor insurance use cases.
Centralized (Federated) Authentication and Authorization.
What’s changed ?
Since the previous draft, the following elements have been updated:
Business rule changes to support Variable Beneficiaries for Multi-Payments.
Consent States - How consent moves between these states in its lifecycle.
We have redacted Decoupled CIBA as an Authentication/Authorization Model.
API Specification Change Log
Service initiation
Moving to new versioning standard v1.0-draft2
Clarified in Swagger that the ConsentId is generated by the TPP
Added the definition of the OBServiceInitiationAuthorizationDetail object - to document the PAR request object in the authorization_details field
Added MobileNumber into the Account Identification - as it’s required for IPP payments
Renamed PaymentStatus and ConsentStatus to Status - to align with the Account Information standard
Updated the Consent State model
Added a new OBLongLivedPaymentConsent object to replace the different multi-payment consent types - this simplifies the number of ways of constructing a long-lived payment consent; also included are updates to include Currency into the long lived consent control parameters
Added Permissions array into the payment consent object - so that a TPP can perform a balance check against an account
Moved the Initiation details - the account identifiers for a payment - into the PersonalIdentifiableInformation JWE
Moved the Risk object into the PersonalIdentifiableInformation JWE
Removed the AuthorizerName from the MultipleAuthorizers object - so that we can be compliant with not storing PII data
CurrencyRequest object which will allow Users to agree with a TPP a non-local currency FX payment consent
New Charges and ExchangeRate objects in the consent response from the LFI - so that the LFI can communicate back the relevant charges that have been agreed with the User, and the ExchangeRate information that will be applied
Bank Data
Moving to new versioning standard v1.0-draft2
Clarified in Swagger that the ConsentId is generated by the TPP
Added the definition of the OBAccountAccessAuthorizationDetail object - to document the PAR request object in the authorization_details field
A new IsIslamic flag into the Product endpoint
GeoLocation field in the Transactions endpoint
A new Consents endpoint /accounts/{AccountId}/consents - so that a TPP can agree viewing all account access consents with all other TPPs
Enforced TotalPages for Meta
Aligned RevokedBy
Added the BaseConsentId - so that we can track updates to consents via a BaseConsentId (in the same way we do for payment consents)
Added Account Access Consents retrieval endpoint - using the BaseConsentId
What's to come?
Future drafts will include some/all of the following functionality:
Refunds functionality
Fast-track Single Immediate Payments
Request to Pay
Enhanced Product data
Balance Checks
Delegated Authentication
Bulk/Batch Payments
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