Event Notifications
1. Overview
This page provides information on the event notifications that will be delivered to TPPs when they are subscribed to a given event and have registered a Webhook at which to receive the notification.
The event notifications are classified into subject areas for ease of reference.
2. Event Types
Events are classified by event type, which is an enumerated property defined in the Webhook template. The available values are defined as follows:
Please note that these values are provided for information, and do not indicate that a TPP will be notified of each related event. Supported events are detailed below.
3. Events
3.1. Consent State Update
An event notification will be emitted based on consent state change as described in the consent state model: Consent Setup | 4. Consent States.
Changes to the state of an existing consent will be communicated using the following properties:
Data: The new value of the updated consent resource.
Event resource: The URL of the resource that has been updated.
Event type:
value that uniquely identifies the consent that has been updated.
3.2. Payment State Update
An event notification will be emitted based on a payment initiation state change as described in the payments state model: Common Rules and Guidelines | GRC 15.12 Payment Status Model.
Changes to the state of a payment initiation request will be communicated using the following properties:
Data: The new value of the updated payment initiation resource.
Event resource: The URL of the resource that has been updated.
Event type:
value that uniquely identifies the consent to which the payment initiation request relates.
4. Webhook Template
The OpenAPI description below provides a template for implementing a Webhook to receive event notifications from the a participant in the UAE Open Finance Programme.
4.1 Attachments
The Webhook Template OpenAPI description is attached for reference.
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