How do LFIs identify Shariah-compliant TPPs?

How do LFIs identify Shariah-compliant TPPs?


Nov 14, 2024


The tpp property included in consent objects includes a base64-encoded string, directoryRecord, which is a JSON object. The decoded JSON object will contain a property called Flag which is an array containing the flag data set for a TPP on the Trust Framework.

If the Shariah flag is set, meaning a TPP is Shariah compliant, then the data will appear as follows.

{ "Flags": [ { "Name": "Sharia Compliant", "Type": "Organisation", "Value": "True", "Status": "Active", "Id": "41b84225-1dc9-4c21-b505-474b9291ab25", "CreatedAt": "2024-10-28T22:23:46Z", "UpdatedAt": "2024-10-28T22:23:46Z" } ] }

The API Hub sources the data from the Trust Framework so the structure of directoryRecord should be validated using the Raidiam API description.

The following link provides the API description: https://api.connect.raidiam.io/source.yaml.

Please refer to the 200 response payload for the operation get /organisations/{OrganisationId}, which is the source of the data.


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