Bank Data Sharing
The UAE Open Finance Standards for the Banking sector support Bank Data Sharing services that enable TPPs, with the Users' explicit consent, to access account information from online payment accounts held at LFIs. This section describes how each of the ecosystem participants (TPPs and LFIs) in the delivery of these Bank Data Sharing can optimize the user experience for these services. Furthermore, it provides some clarifications to these participants on the usage of the APIs in alignment with the technical specifications, and some best practice guidelines for implementation of the user journeys.
The section describes the core journeys that support the set-up and management of Data Sharing. The key components are:
Data Sharing Consent – User giving consent to a TPP to request data access and sharing from their LFI.
Data Access for Users from Corporate Entities – Users acting with delegated user authority on behalf of a corporate entity, may only be able to use TPP services if this is permitted within the parameters of that delegated user authority.
Permissions and Data clusters
Please note that this section does not include guidance around scenarios when more than one TPP is involved in the delivery of a service (i.e. sometimes referred to as “Onward Provisioning”).
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