Bank Data Sharing API Guide
1. API Flows
1.1 Step 1: Agree Account Access Consent
The flow MUST begin with a User who provides consent to a TPP to access their account information from a LFI that they already have a relationship.
1.2 Step 2: Authorize Account Access Consent
The TPP MUST now request the User to authorize the consent. Please refer to the Authentication and Authorization page to review the supported Authorization Flows.
The TPP MUST construct a Rich Authorization Request ( with the authorization_details
populated with the User’s consent
The TPP MUST include in an account access consent, all REQUIRED data permissions that the User intends to provide to the TPP
The TPP MUST include a UUID v4 as the ConsentId as a unique identifier for the account access consent
A TPP MAY be a broker for data to other parties, so it is valid for a User to have multiple consents for the same resource(s), with different consent or authorization parameters agreed upon.
1.2.1 Security and Access Control
Authorization Code Grant
The TPP MUST use an authorization code grant to obtain a token to access all other API resources.
1.3 Step 3: Access Data
1.3.1 Request Data
The TPP MUST have a valid access token (with scope) from the OFP authorization server.
The TPP MUST use the valid access token to retrieve User data from the OFP resource server.
The LFI MUST return an API response when provided with a valid request from the OFP.
The OFP MUST return an API response when provided with a valid access token request from the TPP.
2. Sequence Diagram
All sequence diagrams relating to Bank Data Sharing are now available in the API Hub Documentation.
3. Examples
The following are non-normative examples of API access and usage of the Account Information API.
3.1 The TPP Redirects the User to Authorize Account Access Consent
3.1.1 Request: TPP Uses RAR (Rich Authorization Request) via a PAR (Pushed Authorization Request) Endpoint with the OFP to Obtain a Request URI
Create a RAR Request JWT with these values:
is a valid signing key ID for the TPP on the Open Finance Directoryiss
is client id (UUID v4)state
is a UUID v4 valueresponse_type
MUST becode
is the TPP’s redirect URI
The authorization_details contain the User’s account access consent details, and a UUID v4 which is a unique identifier for the account access consent.
"typ": "JWT",
"alg": "PS256",
"kid": "e4ce77c498e77000a25aa7b40e4a83f9"
"iss": "s6BhdRkqt3",
"aud": "",
"response_type": "code",
"redirect_uri": "",
"scope": "accounts",
"state": "2616df22-899e-468b-b7af-927145b067cc",
"authorization_details": [
"type": "urn:openfinanceuae:account-access-consent:v1.2",
"consent": {
"ConsentId": "399e0065-9907-42cc-82b9-1ec4f273e3e9",
"Permissions": [
"ExpirationDateTime": "2024-03-28T15:27:13+0300",
"TransactionFromDateTime": "2024-03-25T12:19:24+0300",
"TransactionToDateTime": "2024-03-27T12:19:24+0300",
"AccountType": ["Retail"],
"AccountSubType": ["CurrentAccount"],
"OpenFinanceBilling": {
"UserType": "Retail",
"Purpose": "AccountAggregation"
Create the RAR Request using the signed JWT, and authenticated using private_key_jwt.
The request parameter JWT includes the ConsentId, a UUID v4 that was originally generated by the TPP.
POST /open-finance/auth/v1.2/par HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: application/json
3.1.2 Response: The OFP Provides the Request URI for the TPP
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
"request_uri": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:request_uri:6esc_11ACC5bwc014ltc14eY22c",
"expires_in": 60
3.2 The TPP Redirects the User to Their LFI with the Request URI to Authorize the Consent
GET /auth?client_id=c8422787-1dff-424d-b620-356c0870bed4&request_uri=urn:ietf:params:oauth:request_uri:6esc_11ACC5bwc014ltc14eY22c
3.3 The User Logs into Their LFI, Reviews and Authorizes the Consent Request, and Confirms the Accounts They Want to Share with the TPP
The LFI confirms account access consent in the OFP.
POST /auth/aac-1a672e83-d1e5-42bc-b8e1-60a490ec52fd/aac/doConfirm
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
3.4 The LFI Returns an Authorization Code to the TPP
302 Found
3.5 The TPP Exchanges the Authorization Code for an Account API Access Token with the OFP
POST /token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: application/json
3.6 The OFP Returns an Access Token, Refresh Token, and ID Token to the TPP
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"access_token": "caa1b60d-61ff-4cd8-a4e1-2d18c8696de0",
"expires_in": 432000,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"scope": "openid%20accounts",
"state": "2616df22-899e-468b-b7af-927145b067cc",
"refresh_token": "266f5f15-eb81-4a02-bf05-e25063ca445f",
"id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkM4a3FRRlZoUFVOUnZTN1ljamZBSEVSTEVDZEFfamZENXJjb1NXVkMwY2sifQ.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.AfunjbLyzOMQXtZfAl4563cKxTYbXhzZk5IFrJ864w1aF9_XpIQe1iH5H17xIXL_1XmjbPiPMzx55025NMyDOMwPSRBDu9bIb37EyUlVVtVevxxwVeyOixcOx-NoNMHO4qTKyznhCM_oJmNmq5n8N9xSbmyJSGDIusGiiyXyNt0egnK4xkvPFwri4FJd3IUIdUWOCuUO9RlckBQottUiyo4UazrAaShpn4GIsl_1fj8U2Ga5v4t_6jRG7oEndwQoDruLrftFnwvDWJYD2NSm5LKUb2z4HTb-89aPihcGpCrSrnxqyB6kiAculoJAhZhC8TBY40G3l-6qjc5Ey71JHA"
The TPP can now request account resources using the access token.
3.7 Get a List of Accounts
3.7.1 Request: Accounts Resource
GET /open-finance/account-information/v1.2/accounts HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 942a7ee7-d29a-45aa-93b7-c5f292d86602
Authorization: Bearer caa1b60d-61ff-4cd8-a4e1-2d18c8696de0
3.7.2 Response: Accounts Resource
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 942a7ee7-d29a-45aa-93b7-c5f292d86602
"Data": {
"Account": [
"AccountId": "f91d07d0-6d8f-4e0e-9fb4-0ac61f84d115",
"AccountHolderName": "Hamad Ali",
"AccountHolderShortName": "",
"Status": "Active",
"Currency": "AED",
"AccountType": "Retail",
"AccountSubType": "CurrentAccount",
"Nickname": "CurrentAC",
"OpeningDate": "2021-01-28T15:27:13+0300",
"AccountIdentifiers": [
"SchemeName": "IBAN",
"Identification": "SA4420000001234567891234",
"Name": "Hamad Ali"
"Servicer": {
"SchemeName": "BICFI",
"Identification": "SASAMA"
"AccountId": "g91d07d0-6d8f-4e0e-9fb4-0ac61f84e444",
"AccountHolderName": "Hamad Ali",
"AccountHolderShortName": "",
"Status": "Active",
"Currency": "USD",
"AccountType": "Retail",
"AccountSubType": "Savings",
"Nickname": "SavingsAC",
"OpeningDate": "2021-01-28T15:27:13+0300",
"AccountIdentifiers": [
"SchemeName": "IBAN",
"Identification": "SA4420000001234567890001",
"Name": "Hamad Ali"
"Servicer": {
"SchemeName": "BICFI",
"Identification": "SASAMA"
"Links": {
"Self": ""
"Meta": {}
3.8 Get Balances for an Account
3.8.1 Request: accounts/{AccountId
}/balances resource
GET /open-finance/account-information/v1.2/accounts/f91d07d0-6d8f-4e0e-9fb4-0ac61f84d115/balances HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 942a7ee7-d29a-45aa-93b7-c5f292d86602
Authorization: Bearer caa1b60d-61ff-4cd8-a4e1-2d18c8696de0
3.8.2 Response: accounts/{AccountId
}/balances resource
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 942a7ee7-d29a-45aa-93b7-c5f292d86602
"Data": {
"AccountId": "f91d07d0-6d8f-4e0e-9fb4-0ac61f84d115",
"Balance": [
"CreditDebitIndicator": "Credit",
"Type": "ClosingAvailable",
"DateTime": "2024-06-28T15:27:13+0300",
"Amount": {
"Amount": "10000.00",
"Currency": "AED"
"CreditLine": [
"Included": true,
"Type": "Available",
"Amount": {
"Amount": "45000.00",
"Currency": "AED"
"Links": {
"Self": ""
"Meta": {}
3.9 Get Transactions for an Account
3.9.1 Request: accounts/{AccountId
}/transactions resource
GET /open-finance/account-information/v1.2/accounts/f91d07d0-6d8f-4e0e-9fb4-0ac61f84d115/transactions HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 942a7ee7-d29a-45aa-93b7-c5f292d86602
Authorization: Bearer caa1b60d-61ff-4cd8-a4e1-2d18c8696de0
3.9.2 Response: accounts/{AccountId
}/transactions resource
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 942a7ee7-d29a-45aa-93b7-c5f292d86602
"Data": {
"AccountId": "f91d07d0-6d8f-4e0e-9fb4-0ac61f84d115",
"Transaction": [
"TransactionId": "19ee5b71-e70a-4a97-8cc2-c235c7274beb",
"TransactionDateTime": "2024-06-26T16:18:32+0300",
"LocalTimeZone": "UTC+04:00",
"StatementReference": "502fec1c-ed4f-4524-a477-13b9802c03d",
"TransactionReference": "20230126SAMA1234567812345678123456",
"TransactionType": "POS",
"SubTransactionType": "Purchase",
"TerminalId": "1234567812345678",
"Flags": [
"PaymentModes": "Online",
"CreditDebitIndicator": "Debit",
"Status": "Booked",
"TransactionMutability": "Mutable",
"BookingDateTime": "2024-06-26T16:18:32+0300",
"ValueDateTime": "2024-06-26T16:18:32+0300",
"Amount": {
"Amount": "100.00",
"Currency": "AED"
"ChargeAmount": {
"Amount": "10.00",
"Currency": "AED",
"ChargeIncluded": true
"ChargeAmountVat": {
"Amount": "0.00",
"Currency": "AED"
"CurrencyExchange": {
"SourceCurrency": "AED",
"TargetCurrency": "AED",
"UnitCurrency": "1",
"ExchangeRate": "1.02",
"InstructedAmount": {
"Amount": "102.00",
"Currency": "AED"
"Balance": {
"CreditDebitIndicator": "Credit",
"Type": "ClosingAvailable",
"Amount": {
"Amount": "9900.00",
"Currency": "AED"
"MerchantDetails": {
"MerchantId": "1234567890",
"MerchantName": "Rand's Cafe",
"MerchantCategoryCode": "5812"
"CreditorAccount": {
"SchemeName": "IBAN",
"Identification": "SA4420000001234567899876",
"Name": "Rand's Cafe"
"DebtorAccount": {
"SchemeName": "IBAN",
"Identification": "SA4420000001234567891234",
"Name": "Hamad Ali"
"CardInstrument": {
"CardSchemeName": "mada",
"InstrumentType": "madaPay",
"Name": "Mr. Hamad Ali",
"Identification": "1234********4321"
"BillDetails": {
"BillerId": "0",
"BillNumber": "",
"BillPaymentType": ""
"TransactionId": "c68d98ea-6e91-4a3b-8459-f12a9d7ecba4",
"TransactionDateTime": "2024-06-26T16:18:32+0300",
"LocalTimeZone": "UTC+04:00",
"StatementReference": "502fec1c-ed4f-4524-a477-13b9802c03d",
"TransactionReference": "20230126SASAMASAMA2BMOB11444064073",
"TransactionType": "LocalBankTransfer",
"SubTransactionType": "MoneyTransfer",
"PaymentModes": "Online",
"CreditDebitIndicator": "Credit",
"Status": "Booked",
"TransactionMutability": "Immutable",
"BookingDateTime": "2024-06-26T16:18:32+0300",
"ValueDateTime": "2024-06-26T16:18:32+0300",
"Amount": {
"Amount": "100.00",
"Currency": "AED"
"ChargeAmount": {
"Amount": "0.00",
"Currency": "AED",
"ChargeIncluded": true
"ChargeAmountVat": {
"Amount": "0.00",
"Currency": "AED"
"Balance": {
"CreditDebitIndicator": "Credit",
"Type": "ClosingAvailable",
"Amount": {
"Amount": "10000.00",
"Currency": "AED"
"CreditorAccount": {
"SchemeName": "IBAN",
"Identification": "SA4420000001234567899876",
"Name": "Rand Ali"
"DebtorAccount": {
"SchemeName": "IBAN",
"Identification": "SA4420000001234567891234",
"Name": "Abdulelah Alyahya"
"Links": {
"Self": ""
"Meta": {
"FirstAvailableDateTime": "2024-06-25T12:19:24+0300",
"LastAvailableDateTime": "2024-06-27T12:19:24+0300"
4. Further Examples
4.1 The TPP Queries the Account Access Consent Resource for the Status after a User has Authorized the Consent
4.1.1 Request: account-access-consents/{ConsentId
} resource
GET /open-finance/account-information/v1.2/account-access-consents/aac-1a672e83-d1e5-42bc-b8e1-60a490ec52fd HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 2e974f01-d111-4078-9a19-7a9b385e637c
Authorization: Bearer e6156449-6f27-4c42-aa5b-36602f73eac9
4.1.2 Response: account-access-consents/{ConsentId
} resource
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-fapi-interaction-id: 2e974f01-d111-4078-9a19-7a9b385e637c
"Data": {
"ConsentId": "aac-69255d98-ab0e-4758-92a7-cacbf3073efa",
"CreationDateTime": "2024-06-27T15:27:13+0300",
"Status": "Authorized",
"ConsentFlags": {
"PartlyAuthorized": "2024-06-27T16:27:13+0300"
"StatusUpdateDateTime": "2024-06-27T16:27:13+0300",
"Permissions": [
"ExpirationDateTime": "2024-06-28T15:27:13+0300",
"TransactionFromDateTime": "2024-06-25T12:19:24+0300",
"TransactionToDateTime": "2024-06-27T12:19:24+0300",
"AccountType": [
"AccountSubType": [
"OpenFinanceBilling": {
"UserType": "Retail",
"Purpose": "AccountAggregation"
"Subscription": {
"Webhook": {
"Url": "",
"IsActive": false
"Links": {
"Self": ""
"Meta": {}
4.2 The TPP Requests a List of Accounts Using an Expired Access Token
4.2.1 Request: accounts resource
GET /open-finance/account-information/v1.2/accounts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 9a371b79-4e79-4d7d-a77d-380c528ab8c0
Authorization: Bearer caa1b60d-61ff-4cd8-a4e1-2d18c8696de0
4.2.2 Response: 403 Forbidden
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 9a371b79-4e79-4d7d-a77d-380c528ab8c0
"Errors": [
"Code": "AccessToken.Unauthorized",
"Message": "max_age_exceeded: Token has expired",
"Path": "Authorization",
"Url": ""
4.3 Webhooks
4.3.1 The TPP Creates an Account Access Consent Request with a Webhook Subscription Request: Account Access Consent and Webhook Subscription
"typ": "JWT",
"alg": "PS256",
"kid": "e4ce77c498e77000a25aa7b40e4a83f9"
"iss": "s6BhdRkqt3",
"iat": 1669393154,
"exp": 1669393496,
"nbf": 1669393154,
"aud": "",
"response_type": "code",
"redirect_uri": "",
"scope": "accounts",
"state": "2616df22-899e-468b-b7af-927145b067cc",
"authorization_details": [
"type": "urn:openfinanceuae:account-access-consent:v1.2",
"consent": {
"ConsentId": "399e0065-9907-42cc-82b9-1ec4f273e3e9",
"CreationDateTime": "2024-03-27T15:27:13+0300",
"Status": "Authorized",
"StatusUpdateDateTime": "2024-03-27T16:27:13+0300",
"Permissions": [
"ExpirationDateTime": "2024-03-28T15:27:13+0300",
"TransactionFromDateTime": "2024-03-25T12:19:24+0300",
"TransactionToDateTime": "2024-03-27T12:19:24+0300",
"AccountType": ["Retail"],
"AccountSubType": ["CurrentAccount"],
"OpenFinanceBilling": {
"UserType": "Retail",
"Purpose": "AccountAggregation"
"Subscription": {
"Webhook": {
"Url": "",
"IsActive": false
4.3.2 The TPP updates a Webhook Subscription preference with the OFP Request: Activate Webhook events
PATCH /open-finance/account-information/v1.2/account-access-consents/aac-69255d98-ab0e-4758-92a7-cacbf3073efa HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 3424a379-8274-4686-99bd-f420d08acead
Authorization: Bearer ad297304-1057-4c68-9e76-a96f300a27f1
"Subscription": {
"Webhook": {
"IsActive": true
} Response: Webhook events activated
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
x-fapi-interaction-id: 3424a379-8274-4686-99bd-f420d08acead
4.3.3 The TPP unsubscribes their Webhook Subscription with the OFP Request: De-Activate Webhook events
PATCH /open-finance/account-information/v1.2/account-access-consents/aac-69255d98-ab0e-4758-92a7-cacbf3073efa HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 3424a379-8274-4686-99bd-f420d08acead
Authorization: Bearer ad297304-1057-4c68-9e76-a96f300a27f1
"Subscription": {
"Webhook": {
"IsActive": false
} Response: Webhook events de-activated
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
x-fapi-interaction-id: 3424a379-8274-4686-99bd-f420d08acead
4.3.4 The TPP receives data from the OFP (specific to the consent and permissions) via its Webhook The OFP generates a Self Signed JWT Authorization Token for Client Authentication with the TPP.
This JWT Authorization Token MUST be set in the Authorization Header.
"alg": "PS256",
"typ": "JOSE",
"cty": "json",
"kid": "e1be6bf3-76e6-4e53-92b9-c46423757ab1"
"iss": "",
"sub": "e75c26bf-1682-401a-a227-ec125f6636ab",
"aud": "",
"exp": 1661378066,
"iat": 1661378036,
"nbf": 1661378036,
"jti": "274aa39d-d77a-46a9-b832-b2ced47919dd"
<<signature>> Request: OFP publishes signed/encrypted data to the registered Webhook Url provided by the TPP
The example below shows a signed and encrypted payload with the JWT Authorization Token set in the Authorization Header.
POST /webhook/callbackUrl HTTP/1.1
x-fapi-interaction-id: 77b0e830-b095-4c6c-94e8-20f83eaa799f
Content-Type: application/jwt
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2022 07:28:00 AST
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciO9.eyJzdWImlhdCI6MTUxNjIzOTAyMn0.iOeN9eg
Here, <<jwe>>
is a signed and encrypted payload. The inner JWS has the structure below:
"alg": "PS256",
"kid": "e1be6bf3-76e6-4e53-92b9-c46423757ab1"
"iss": "string",
"exp": 1664950125,
"nbf": 1664950125,
"aud": [
"iat": 1661378036,
"message": {
"Data": {
"AccountId": "f91d07d0-6d8f-4e0e-9fb4-0ac61f84d115",
"Account": [
"Currency": "AED",
"Status": "Active",
"AccountIdentifiers": [
"Name": "Account 1",
"SchemeName": "IBAN",
"Identification": "00003130000001"
"Links": {
"Self": ""
"EventMeta": {
"EventDateTime": "2022-08-24T07:28:00.556Z",
"EventResource": "accounts",
"EventType": "Resource.Created",
"ConsentId": "aac-1a672e83-d1e5-42bc-b8e1-60a490ec52fd"
<<signature>> Response: TPP validates the Self Signed JWT Authorization Token from LFI, stores data, and acknowledges a successful response to the OFP
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
x-fapi-interaction-id: 77b0e830-b095-4c6c-94e8-20f83eaa799f
4.3.5 Webhook Payload for a single resource collection associated with a single event type
The following non-normative example illustrates a OFP webhook payload for a collection of account ID transactions of the same event type: Resource.Created
"alg": "PS256",
"kid": "e1be6bf3-76e6-4e53-92b9-c46423757ab1"
"iss": "string",
"exp": 1664950125,
"nbf": 1664950125,
"aud": [
"iat": 1661378036,
"message": {
"Data": {
"AccountId": "f91d07d0-6d8f-4e0e-9fb4-0ac61f84d115",
"Transaction": [
"TransactionId": "668f2fc8-7aa8-411b-bb9f-7571a90e7512",
"TransactionReference": "1852efce-bedc-4fda-ba51-0f76c9137f91",
"CreditDebitIndicator": "Debit",
"Status": "Booked",
"TransactionMutability": "",
"BookingDateTime": "2022-08-24T07:27:00.556Z",
"ValueDateTime": "2022-08-24T07:27:00.556Z",
"TransactionInformation": "Foo Group ",
"Amount": {
"Amount": "41.10",
"Currency": "AED"
"BankTransactionCode": {
"Code": "CustomerCardTransactions",
"SubCode": "CashWithdrawal"
"ProprietaryBankTransactionCode": {
"Code": ""
"TransactionId": "05b6bfde-ce5a-48e1-a448-66d75518f1e8",
"TransactionReference": "b5a6a869-730f-449d-badf-14ebf3980147",
"CreditDebitIndicator": "Debit",
"Status": "Booked",
"TransactionMutability": "",
"BookingDateTime": "2022-08-24T07:28:00.556Z",
"ValueDateTime": "2022-08-24T07:28:00.556Z",
"TransactionInformation": "Bar Holding",
"Amount": {
"Amount": "32.40",
"Currency": "AED"
"BankTransactionCode": {
"Code": "CustomerCardTransactions",
"SubCode": "CashWithdrawal"
"ProprietaryBankTransactionCode": {
"Code": ""
"Links": {
"Self": ""
"EventMeta": {
"EventDateTime": "2022-08-24T08:28:00.556Z",
"EventResource": "transactions",
"EventType": "Resource.Created",
"ConsentId": "aac-1a672e83-d1e5-42bc-b8e1-60a490ec52fd"
5. OpenAPI Specification
See the Bank Data API - Swagger page
6. Notes
, the Identification field SHOULD contain the full IBAN
Passport, Driving Permit, IDCard, Residence Permit
is set to any one of these enumerated values, then the DocumentNumber field SHOULD contain the actual number of the document type specified.
This code is mandatory when the BenefeciaryCode with code specifying the Domain, Family, and SubFamily as per External Codes ISO20022 is absent. This code is a proprietary code from the LFI and does not have a defined code list.
7. Security
A accounts
scope is used for accessing the account information endpoints.
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