Bulk and Batch Payments

Bulk and Batch Payments

1. Description

This bank service request enables Business Users to initiate through TPPs, bulk/batch payments allowing them to make multiple payments from their payment accounts.

The bulk/batch payments scope is targeted to domestic creditor accounts (i.e. creditor accounts offered by LFIs located in UAE) and payments in local currency as used by the local payment systems infrastructure for domestic payments.

1.1 Additional Information

For the purposes of this paper, the following definitions of bulk and batch payments are used:

  • Bulk = A group of payments (e.g. in a file) to be paid to multiple creditor accounts from the same debtor account, on the same date, with the same currency.

  • Batch = A group of payments (e.g. in a file) to be paid to multiple creditor accounts from multiple debtor accounts with the same currency. These may involve different payment execution dates.

Please also note the following working assumptions:

  • For bulk payments, the User maybe able to select the User payment Account and other parameters of the bulk payment instruction at the LFI, if they are not included in the file submitted by the TPP.

  • For batch payments, the User may not be able to select the User payment Account and other parameters of the bulk payment instruction at the LFI, if they are not included in the file submitted by the TPP.

1.2 Debtor and Creditor Segments

The scope of the Bulk and Batch Payments service initiation related to the segments of debtors and creditors is shown below:











1.3 Bulk or Batch Payment (BBP) - Example User Story

User Story

As a User ( Business or Corporate),

I want to provide my consent to a TPP to use my payment account for initiating a batch of payments to multiple recipients with a domestic account owned by a business or an individual,

so that I can pay all the relevant beneficiaries by a single transaction with the TPP.

2. User Journey

The authentication used in this journey replicates the journey of Single Instant Payments . The journey covers the following scenarios:

a) the payment order submitted by TPPs to LFIs is incomplete, such as where the Users' account selection has not yet occurred. In these scenarios, the UAE Open Finance Standard considers that MFA only needs to be obtained once, as part of the initial interaction between LFIs and the Users. The fact that Users have to then carry out account selection or provide other information does not invalidate the MFA just performed by the LFI. Equally, the display of the account balance by the LFI as part of the account selection process in the payment initiation journey SHOULD not require an additional application of MFA. The application of MFA is a matter for individual LFIs.

b) the payment order submitted by TPPs to LFIs has all the required information for the payment, but, an additional step in the LFIs' journeys may be required to display supplementary information to Users, for example in certain cases where one of the parameters required for the bulk/batch payments may not have been specified or not included in the submitted file, or specific charges may apply.

LFIs MUST determine the situations where this supplementary information is required, under consideration that the principle of maintaining parity between the Open Finance journeys and LFIs' online channel journeys MUST be applied. Thus, if supplementary information is not provided within the LFIs' online channels directly to Users, then it MUST NOT be provided during an Open Finance Service Initiation request journey. LFI’s MUST also ensure that this information does not constitute an obstacle or additional check on the Consent provided by the User to the TPP.

3. Customer Experience


3.1 Rules & Guidelines



Rules & Guidelines



Rules & Guidelines


Bulk or Batch Payment Consent

Requested execution date: The file uploaded for BBP may contain the requested execution date(s) for the bulk/batch of payments. In this case, TPPs should not allow the customer to define the requested execution date. TPPs could read the file and pre-populate the requested execution date in the case of bulk payments and also for the batch payments if the same throughout the file.  If this information is not present in the file then the TPP MUST allow Users to specify the Requested Execution date.

Note: For batch payments this will only hold if these parameters will need to apply to all the transactions within the batch.



User payment Account Selection: 

If TPPs allow Users to import/upload a batch/bulk file of payments, then the file may contain one User payment Account (for bulk) or multiple User payment Accounts (for batch). In this case, TPPs MUST not allow the customer to define a User Payment Account for the bulk or batch. TPPs MUST read the file and pre-populate the User payment Account in the case of bulk payments. Moreover, TPPs could use the User payment Account sort code(s) to identify and pre-populate the User’s LFI that the bulk/batch needs to be submitted for processing.  

If the uploaded file does not have the User payment Account(s) in the file, TPPs should allow Users to enter the User payment Account details.



User Consent to TPP:

TPPs must request for the User’s consent to the payment clearly displaying any of the following information if specified by Users or pre-populated by TPPs:

  • Total amount of all payments in the bulk/batch and currency (subject to item #2 options).

  • Number of payments included in the bulk/batch (subject to item #2 options).

  • Reference for the file (as per best practice) (subject to item #2 options).

  • Requested Execution date (subject to item #1 options).

  • User payment Account or selected LFI (subject to item #3 options).

  • Any supplementary information required that the LFI has published as required and is specific to that LFI.



Additional Consent Parameters


1.2 Set the Accepted Authorization Type (as per Common Rules and Guidelines | 7. Accepted Authorization Type).

1.3 Set the Authorization Time Window (as per Common Rules and Guidelines | 8. Authorization Time Window) if there are specific timing requirements that must be met for the consent authorization. This is also relevant to cases where multiple authorizers are required to authorize the payment consent (Please refer to Common Rules and Guidelines | 18. Multi User Authorization Flow).

1.4 Set the Consent Expiry Date accordingly if the Authorization Time Window is set to more than 1 day. This is to avoid the consent expiring before all necessary authorizations are completed. Otherwise, the default value of the Consent Expiry Date MUST be set to the same day (i.. the current day). The Consent Expiry Time MUST always be set to 23:59:59 of the Consent Expiry Date.

1.5 Set the Risk Information Block (as per Common Rules and Guidelines | 9. Risk Information Block)




1.6 Enable Users to provide explicit consent for the initiation of a BBP payment order from their online payment account held at their LFI as per the payment details specified in the payment Consent.


Consent Staging

As per Common Rules and Guidelines | 10. Consent Staging


Hand-off to LFI

As per Common Rules and Guidelines | 11. Hand off to LFI

Example wording to use: ‘We will securely transfer to YOUR LFI to authenticate and make the payment“.



LFI Authentication Only


4.1 Enable Users to perform authentication with their LFIs, as per the following sections:

4.2 Re-direct Users back to the TPPs, with information that the Consent has not been authorized, if User Authentication has failed or Users opted to cancel the authentication/authorization process.

Centralized Authentication and Authorization (Federated) Only

4.3 As per Centralized Authentication and Authorization




5.1 Enable Users to authenticate using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) in order to review and authorize the Bulk or Batch Payment (BBP) Consent.

5.2 Retrieve from the OFP the BBP Consent details staged by the TPP using the unique Consent Identifier and present to Users all the details included in this.

5.3 Check the authorization status of the selected payment account is in accordance with the TPPs' Accepted Authorization Type as per Common Rules and Guidelines | 13. Check Accepted Authorization Type.

5.4 Display to Users the TPP Trading Name of the TPP that initiated the Bulk or Batch Payment (BBP) Consent.

  • 5.4.1 If there are customer-facing service providers (e.g. Merchants) who are not TPPs but have commercial relationships with TPPs, the LFIs MUST display the customer-facing service provider name along with the TPP trading name.

5.5 Present to Users the following minimum required information for authorizing the Bulk or Batch Payment (SIP) Consent:

  • Total amount of all payments in the bulk/batch and currency 

  • Number of payments included in the bulk/batch 

  • Reference for the file (as per best practice) 

  • Requested Execution date 

Supplementary/ Missing Payment Information

5.6 Although the creditor details and total amount are known to the LFI before the User is authenticated, LFIs must introduce a step after authentication to allow Users to provide additional information associated with the bulk/batch payment in order to complete the payment instructions if the payment order is incomplete. This information may include:

  • User payment Account Identification details (for bulk payments only) 

  • Requested Execution date (for bulk payments and for batch only if it applies to all payments in the batch and if not already part of consent)

  • LFIs should be able to introduce a step after authentication to display additional /supplementary information in relation to the bulk/batch payment instructions such as expected execution date, specific terms related to this payment type, etc.

5.7 Request Users to authorize the BBP Consent, so that a Bulk or Batch Payment can be initiated.

5.8 Provide Users the ability to abort the payment journey, if Users decide to terminate the request. The LFI MUST hand-off the Users back to the TPP, providing the necessary error message to the OFP and reject the Bulk or Batch Payment (BBP) Consent.

5.9 Check the Authorization Time window is valid as per

5.10 Change the state of the BBP Consent from Awaiting Authorization to Authorized, when all Authorizers (one or more) have authorized the payment Consent.

5.11 Update the BBP Consent details stored in the OFP with all the information included in the BBP Consent authorized by the User.


5.12 Confirm back to the LFIs that the Bulk or Batch Payment (BBP) Consent details have been updated successfully.

Multi-Authorization Journey Only

5.13 As per Common Rules and Guidelines | 18. Multi User Authorization Flow


Payment Initiation


6.1 Submit to OFP the Bulk/Batch payment initiation requests with the same parameters as per the Bulk or Batch Payment (BBP) Consent authorized by the User(s).

  • 6.1.1 Submit to OFP the Bulk/Batch payment initiation request immediately after they receive the Bulk/Batch Payment Consent authorization confirmation. The Bulk/Batch payment initiation request MUST be received by the OFP within the Max Bulk/Batch Payment Initiation Time Interval as defined in Limits and Constants | A. Limits.”


6.2 Trigger the payment initiation process for the payment Consent immediately after the Bulk or Batch Payment (BBP) Consent has been fully authorized by all required authorizers (one or more).

6.3 Additionally apply all existing BAU payment account controls and limits such as single transaction value limit, total transaction value limit, AML checking (if applicable) and others, as if the payment request has been initiated by the existing channels of the LFI. LFIs MUST send an appropriate error response to the OFP in case the payment is rejected due to violating any of these limits.

6.4 Reject the payment initiation if the payment account selected for the payment has insufficient funds. The OFP MUST be notified about this rejection with an appropriate error message.

6.5 Subject to successful BAU checking, validation and payment processing, proceed with the execution of the payment by either submitting the payment to the underlying payment rails or executing internally as Intra-bank payment.

6.6 Provide the OFP with all the available information in relation to the initiated payment instruction including the payment’s unique identifier Payment Transaction ID. The format of the Payment Transaction ID can be found in the UAE Open Finance Standard specifications.

6.7 Ensure that the Payment Reference provided in the Bulk or Batch Payment (BBP) Consent is made available to the Beneficiary’s account information in the case of Intra-bank payments within the same LFI.


6.8 Send an appropriate error response to the TPPs in case the payment is rejected due to violating any of the LFIs BAU payment accounts checks or limits.

6.9 Send to the TPP the appropriate error message in case the payment initiation was rejected by the LFI due to insufficient funds in the selected payment account.

6.10 Provide the TPP with all the available information in relation to the initiated Bulk or Batch Payment (BBP) instruction including the payment’s unique identifier Payment Transaction ID.


Payment Status Update

7.1 On submission of the file, the LFI MUST respond with the status of the file submission, whether the file was Received or Rejected.

7.2 On completion of execution of the individual payments within the file, the LFI MUST make available a report which contains the status of each transaction. This report will be in the format currently sent by the LFI for their Bulk/Batch operations on their online channels.

7.3 Provide individual transaction details within bulk or batch payments through the transaction API. The LFI must ensure that individual transactions are fully itemized and visible to the TPP.


Hand-off back to the TPP

As per Common Rules and Guidelines | 14. Hand off back to the TPP


Confirmation to User

As per Common Rules and Guidelines | 16. Confirmation to User


Payment Notifications

As per https://openfinanceuae.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/3fd5ba01d7b34271a09d62a525791c2b/pages/304550424/Common+Rules+and+Guidelines#17.-Payment-Notifications