Error Messages for Payment Initiation
The below table presents the error scenarios that can occur during the various stages of the customer journey and the required error message that MUST be presented to the User by the TPP.
The column headings are defined as follows:
Payment Initiation Stage: The stage in the customer journey where the error can occur. These apply to both Single Payments and Multi Payments unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Scenario: A brief description of the error that could occur.
Scenario Trigger: Entity causing error scenario to occur OR entity detecting a possible error may have or will occur.
Displayed By : Entity that displays the error to the User
Error Message (EN) & Error Message (AR): The error message that must be presented to the User based on the selected language. Note that dynamic elements, e.g. TPP/LFI name, etc. are highlighted within curly brackets/braces “{ }”.
PIS Stage | Scenario | Scenario Trigger | Displayed by | Error Message |
Payment Confirmation & Consent | Debtor LFI rejected the request because of incomplete information in the risk information blockCommon Rules and Guidelines | 9. Risk Information Block | LFI | TPP | We are currently unable to process this request with your {LFI Name}. Please try again later. |
Payment Confirmation & Consent AND Authentication | Endpoint Unavailable (Technical Issue): TPP is unable to redirect to LFI as endpoint is unavailable. | LFI | TPP | We are currently unable to reach your {LFI Name}, please try later. |
Authentication | Authentication Incomplete: User moves away from LFI app. | User | TPP | We have not received a confirmation of your authorization from {LFI Name}. Please try again or contact {LFI Name} if the problem persists. |
Authentication | Authentication Timeout: User fails to complete the authentication process within the time parameter specified by the TPP | User | TPP | The request has timed out. We have not received a confirmation of your authorization from {LFI Name}. Please try again or contact {LFI Name} if the problem persists. |
Authentication | Authentication Retry Reached: User fails to complete authentication process within the defined LFI retry parameter. | User | LFI/TPP | LFI : You have exceeded the number of login attempts. Please contact {customer support details} TPP: |
Select Account & Confirmation | Insufficient Funds: Insufficient funds in User selected account. | LFI | LFI/TPP | LFI: You have insufficient funds in your selected account. TPP: {LFI Name} has rejected this request due to insufficient funds in your selected account. Try using another account. |
Select Account & Confirmation | User Account Limit Exceeded (LFI): User configured payment limits exceeded. | User | TPP | You have exceeded the transaction limit set by you. Update these limits from {CTA to configure control parameters} and try again. |
Select Account & Confirmation | LFI Limit (for User Account Segment): LFI defined payment limits for User exceeded. | User | LFI | LFI : You have exceeded the daily transaction limit for this account. TPP: {LFI Name} has rejected this request as you have exceeded the payment limits on your selected account. Try again using another account. |
Select Account & Confirmation | Account Unavailable: Account is sent as part of consent and is restricted due to any reason as permitted by the Central Bank rules and regulations. | User | LFI/TPP | LFI : Your selected payment account is not permitted for this service/transaction/payment. TPP : The payment could not be completed with your selected account. Try again using another account. |
Payment Consent Authorization | Authorization Cancelled: If the User cancels the payment. | User | TPP | Your request to initiate a payment has been cancelled. |
Payment Submission | LFI (Debtor LFI): Payment Execution Delayed (Delayed Transaction) | LFI (Debtor LFI) | TPP | Your payment is delayed due to technical issues and will be retried, please check the status later on the consent dashboard. |
Payment Submission | Creditor LFI Rejected (Declined Transaction): Creditor LFI responds to the Payment Request with a decline (reject) e.g. when no Account exists or the Account is unable to be credited, i.e. frozen etc. | LFI (Creditor LFI) | TPP | Your payment could not be completed as it was rejected by {Creditor LFI}. |
Payment Submission (Multi Payments Only) | Payment Initiation failed due to consent parameter limit being exceeded (Unable to Initiate Transaction): TPP unable to submit the payment (ad-hoc) request due to the consent parameter limit exceeded. | TPP | TPP | You have exceeded the transaction limits set by you. Update these limits from {CTA to configure control parameters} and try again.
Payment Submission Notification | Failed Redirection (Technical Issue): LFI redirection to TPP is not successful. | LFI | TPP | We are still waiting for the payment confirmation from {LFI Name}. |
Scheduled Payment Submission (Multi Payments Only) | Payment Initiation failed due to consent parameter limit being exceeded (Rejected Transaction): LFI rejects the payment (ad-hoc/scheduled) request due to the consent parameter limit exceeded. | LFI | TPP | {LFI Name} has rejected this request as you have exceeded the payment limits you had set with us. Update these limits from {CTA to configure control parameters} and try again. |
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