Title: | LFI Integration Sessions | |
Owner: | Chris Michael | |
Creator: | Chris Michael | 28 Aug 2024 |
Last Changed by: | Chris Michael | 30 Aug 2024 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://openfinanceuae.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQBFCg | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Children (146)
How do we ensure that event notifications to LFIs are not lost due to circumstances like network error?
How does a TPP know the customer segment for redirect? For example Retail vs Corporate
When subscribing to events, will a separate URL be used?
Are there procedures in place for Disaster Recovery and monitoring in production?
Does the API Hub have responsibility for warehousing or scheduling future-dated or recurring payment initiation requests?
When consent is revoked at the LFI does the Access Token need to be revoked?
What is the LFI Authorization Endpoint?
What is the difference between the interaction-id and the x-fapi-interaction-id?
How long are tokens valid for that are issued by the Authorisation Server?
How does the API Hub Ozone Connect Testing Tool work?
How do we ensure that event notifications to LFIs are not lost due to circumstances like network error?
How does a TPP know the customer segment for redirect? For example Retail vs Corporate
When subscribing to events, will a separate URL be used?
Are there procedures in place for Disaster Recovery and monitoring in production?
Does the API Hub have responsibility for warehousing or scheduling future-dated or recurring payment initiation requests?
When consent is revoked at the LFI does the Access Token need to be revoked?
What is the LFI Authorization Endpoint?
What is the difference between the interaction-id and the x-fapi-interaction-id?
How long are tokens valid for that are issued by the Authorisation Server?
How does the API Hub Ozone Connect Testing Tool work?
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